Muscles of the Hip Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus
Origin - Posterior gluteal line, posterior surface of sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion - Upper fibers: iliotibial tract
Lowermost fibers: gluteal tuberosity of the femur
Action - Extends & laterally rotates femur
Innervation - Inferior gluteal nerve
Artery - Superior & inferior gluteal aa.
Gluteus Medius
Origin - External surface of the ilium between the posterior and anterior gluteal lines
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur
Action - Abducts and medially rotates femur
Innervation - Superior gluteal nerve
Artery - Superior gluteal a.
Gluteus Minimus
Origin - External surface of the ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur
Action - Abducts and medially rotates femur
Innervation -Superior gluteal nerve
Artery - Superior gluteal a.
Inferior Gemellus
Origin - lschial tuberosity
Insertion - Obturator internus tendon
Action - Laterally rotates femur
Innervation - Nerve to quadratus femoris m.
Artery - Inferior gluteal a.
Superior Gemellus
Origin - lschial spine
Insertion - Obturator internus tendon
Action - Laterally rotates femur
Innervation - Nerve to obturator internus m.
Artery - Inferior gluteal a.
Obturator Externus
Origin - External surface of obturator membrane and the superior & inferior
pubic rami
Insertion - Trochanteric fossa of the femur
Action - Laterally rotates femur
Innervation - Obturator nerve
Artery - Obturator a.
Obturator lnternus
Origin - Internal surface of obturator membrane and margin of the obturator
Insertion - Greater trochanter on medial surface above trochanteric fossa
Action - Laterally rotates & abducts the femur
Innervation - Nerve to obturator internus m.
Artery - Obturator a.
Origin - Anterior surface of sacrum
Insertion - Upper border of greater trochanter of femur
Action - Laterally rotates & abducts the femur
Innervation - Ventral rami of S 1-S2
Artery - Inferior gluteal a., lateral sacral and superior gluteal aa.
Quadratus Femoris
Origin - Lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Insertion Quadrate line of the femur below the intertrochanteric crest
Action Laterally rotates femur
Innervation Nerve to quadratus femoris m.
Artery - Inferior gluteal a.
Tensor Fasciae Latae
Origin - Anterior part of iliac crest, ASIS
Insertion - Iliotibial tract
Action - Flexes, abducts and medially rotates the femur
Innervation - Superior gluteal nerve
Artery - Superior gluteal a.
Origin - Iliac fossa and iliac crest; ala of sacrum
Insertion - Lesser trochanter of femur
Action - Flexes thigh; if the thigh is fixed flexes the pelvis on the thigh
Innervation - Femoral nerve
Artery - Iliolumbar a.
Psoas Major
Origin - Bodies and TVPs of lumbar vertebrae
Insertion - Lesser trochanter of femur (with iliacus) via iliopsoas tendon
Action - Flexes thigh; flexes & laterally bends the lumbar vertebral column
Innervation - Branches of the ventral primary rami of L2-L4 spinal nerves
Artery - Subcostal a., lumbar aa.
Psoas Minor
Origin - Bodies of the T12 & L1 vertebrae
Insertion - lliopubic eminence at the line of junction of the ilium and the superior
pubic ramus
Action - Flexes & laterally bends the lumbar vertebral column
Innervation - Branches of the ventral primary rami of L 1-L2 spinal nerves
Artery - Lumbar aa.