GI Visceral reflexes Flashcards
Stomach - Efferent
Muscular rigidity
- upper left anterior rectus abdominus
- superficial and deep periaxial spinal muscles - T6-T9
Tension most pronounced on left side - T6-T8
Stomach - Afferent
- Anteriorly in skin and superficial structures over left epigastrium
- Posteriorly centrally in area over T6-T9
Stomach - Craniosacral
Most motor in nature
- Spasm in the muscular wall
- Increased or decreased HCl, Bile, or pancreatin
- Bradycardia via cardiac branches
- Increase salivation
Small Intestine - Efferent
Muscular spasms
- Int/Ext obliques
- Transversus abdominis
- Intercostal spaces T7-T12
- Superficial and deep periaxial spinal muscles T8-T11 (particularly T9-T11)
Small Intestine - Afferent
Usually found
- over entire anterior abdominal wall, from xiphoid to pubis
- predominantly midline near the umbilicus
Small Intestine - Craniosacral
May be slight or absent if SNS predominates
Effects include
- Diarrhea
- Colic
- Spastic Constipation
- Headaches (due to irritation of the trigeminal nucleus)
- Bradycardia
Colon, Sigmoid, Rectum - Efferent
Rigidity in some or all
- Rectus abdominis
- Int/Ext Obliques
- Transverse abdominals
- Psoas muscles (usually in appendicitis)
- Lower Intercostals T10-T12
- Periaxial spinal muscles T11-L2
Colon, Sigmoid, Rectum - Afferent
Umbilicus to pubis
In appendicitis pain will be found over lower right quadrant of abdo
Increased pain or sensitivity to skin of
- upper medial thigh close to scrotum
- posterior and lateral aspect of the thigh
- the penis, clitoris, scrotum, labium majus and buttock
- over perineum and anal orifice
Colon, Sigmoid, Rectum - Craniosacral
May be slight or absent if SNS predominates
Effects include
- Diarrhea
- Colic
- Spastic Constipation
- Headaches (due to irritation of the trigeminal nucleus)
- Bradycardia
Liver and Gallbladder - Efferent
- upper right rectus abdominis just below the costal arch
- Intercostal muscles supplied by T8-10 (liver) and T6-T9 Gallbladder
- Periaxial muscles T8-10 (liver) and T6-T9 Gallbladder
Liver and Gallbladder - Afferent
With sufficient liver involvement, impulses may be carried by afferent phrenic fibers
- Right shoulder and upper chest
- Right epigastrium
- Vertebral column T5-T9
Liver and Gallbladder - Craniosacral
May be slight or absent if SNS predominates
Effects include
- Diarrhea
- Colic
- Spastic Constipation
- Headaches (due to irritation of the trigeminal nucleus)
- Bradycardia
Stomach - Roots
Small Intestine- Roots
Colon, Sigmoid and Rectum- Roots
Liver and Gallbladder- Roots