Muscles of the butt, thigh, and legs Flashcards
Inner hip muscle, two muscle in the pelvis combine to one in the leg.
Long thing muscle that wraps around the thigh
Rectus Femoris
Part of the quadraceps. Large muscle in the middle of the thigh
Vastus Lateralis
Part of Quadrasceps group. Thigh muscle lateral to the rectus femoris
Vastus Medialis
Quad muscle. Thigh muscle located medial to the Rectus Femoris
Vastus Itnermedius
Muscle deep to the rectus femoris
adductor group. Long thin muscle on the inner thigh. Joins with the Sartorius at the knee
Adductor Magnus
Other side of gracilis than the adductor longus
Adductor Longus
top of thigh between Gracilis and Sartorius
Gluteus Maximus
Big but muscle
Gluteus Medius
Muscle under and toward the front of the body than the Glut Max.
Biceps Femoris
Hamstring, back of thigh. Most lateral of the hamstrings
Medial Hamstring Muscle
Thick muscle deep to the semitendinosus
Tibialis Anterior
Superficial runs down the lateral length of the tibia
Extensor Digitorum
Lateral to the Tibialis anterior
Fibularis Longus & Brevis
lateral to the extensor digitorum. Pair of muscles hard to tell apart
Big Superficial Calf Muscle
Muscle runs deep to the gastrocnemius
Flexor digitorum