Bones of the Legs and Feet Flashcards
Thigh Bone - Head points medial
Head of Femur
Round, dome-like, attaches to coxa
Neck of the Femur
Thin area of bone that connects the Head to the rest of the femur
Greater Trochanter
Ridge at top of of main femur bone above where the necks connects
Lesser trochanter
Small nob on bottom part of the top of the femur most only the posterior side, just below the neck
Linea Aspera
Ridge running down the posterior side of the middle of the femur bone
Lateral Condyle
Nub on the bottom posterior, lateral side, of the femur. Where it attaches to the tibia
Medial Condyle
Nub on the bottom posterior, medial side, of the femur. where it attaches to the tibia
Knee bone, round sits on the bottom of the femur/top of tibia
Shin Bone
Lateral Condyle of tibia
Outside area of the top of the tibia
Medial Condyle of the Tibia
Inside area of the top of the Tibia
Tibial Tuberosity
Small bump on the anterior upper portion of the Tibia
Tibial Crest (Anterior border)
Ridge that runs down the midline of the anterior of the shaft of the tibia
Medial Malleolus
Little toothlike protuberance at the bottom of the tibia
Small Leg bone
Head of the Fibula
Top part of fibula that attaches to tibia
lateral malleolus
bottom of the fibula
7 bones of the heel and ankle
Heel bone - lateral part of the back of the foot
Ankle bone - Medial side of back of foot. connects to tibia/fibula
Most lateral bone between the Calcaneus and the metatarsals
Medial side of the foot between the Talus and the cunieforms
Medial Cunieform
inside most cunieform between the navicular and the big toe metatarsal
Intermediate Cunieform
Middle cunieform bone
Lateral Cunieform
outside most cunieform between intermediate and cuboid
Bones numbered 1-5, big toe is #1, between the tarsals and the phlanges of the foot
Phalanges of the foot
To bones of the foot, 3 bone are proximal, middle and distal. except for big to which only has two proximal and distal.