Muscles of HNS function Flashcards
occipitofrontalis muscle function
frontal belly: elevates eyebrows + wrinkles skin of forehead
occioital belly: retracts scalp (head backwards)
temporoparietalis muscle function (oblique to superior auricular muscle)
-tenses fascia of temproal region
-assists with movement of auricle
function of auricularis muscles
anterior: draws auricular anteriorly
orbital part of orbicularis oculi function
closes eyelids tightly
palpebral part of orbicularis oculi function
closes eyelids gently
lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi function
compresses lacrimal sac
function of corrugator supercilli
creates vertical wrinkles over glabella
function of depressor supercilli
-depresses medial portion of eyebrow
-moves skin of glabella
what is the function of the procerus
-depresses medial end of eyebrow
-wrinkles skin of eyebrow
alar part of nasalis
-depresses ala laterally
-dilates nostrils
transverse part of nasalis
wrinkls skin of dorsum of nose
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
elevates and everts upper lip and nasal ala
orbicularis oris
-closes mouth
-compresses and protrudes lips
compresses cheeks against molar teeth
zygomaticus major
elevates and everts angle of mouth
zygomaticus minor
-elevates upper lip
-exposes maxillary teeth
levator labii superioris
-elevates and everts upper lip
-exposes maxillary teeth
extends angle of mouth laterally
levator anguli oris
elevatese angle of mouth
depressor anguli oris
depresses angle of mouth
depressor labii inferioris
depresses lower lip inferolaterally
-elevates, everts and protrudes lower lip
-wrinkle skin of chin
small muscle of ear that dampens vibrations passed to cochlea via oval window
tensor tympani
-pulls handle of malleus (mall bone in the middle ear which transmits vibrations of the eardrum to the incus) medially
-tenses tympanic membrane
anterior part of temporalis
anterior fibres elevates mandibles
posterior part of temporalis
posterior part retracts mandible
elevates (forced closure of mouth) and protrudes mandible
levator palpebrae superioris
elevates superior eyelid (look up/shock)
lateral rectus
abducts eyeball
medial rectus
adducts eyeball
superior rectus
-internally rotates
the eyeball
inferior tectus
-externall rotates eyeball
inferior oblique
-externally rotates eyeballs
superior oblique
-internally rotates eyeballs (make diagram)
superior longitunial muscle
-retracts and broadns tongue
-elevates apex of tongue
inferior longituinal muscle
-retracts and broadens tongue
-lowers apex of tongue
transverse muscle
narrows and elongates tongue
vertical muscle
broadens and elongates tongue
intrinsic muscles of tongue
-superior + inferior longitudinal
extrinsic tongue muscles
-bilateral contraction (depressing and protruding tongue)
-unilateral contraction (deviate tongue contralaterally)
depresses and retracts tongue
retracts and elevates lateral aspects of tongue
-elevates root of tongue
-constricts isthmus of fauces
-elevates pharynx superiorly, anteriorly and medially (shortening it to swallow)
-elevates pharynx
-opens auditory tube during swallowing
elevates pharynx and larync
levator veli palatini
elevates soft palate (during swallowing)
tensor veli palatini
-tenses palatine aponeurorsis
-opens pharyngeal opening of auditory tube (during swallowing)
-draws thyroid cartilage anetoinferiorly
-lengthens and tenses vocal ligament to change pitch
posterior cricoarytenoid
-abducts and lengthens vocal folds
-open glottis
lateral cricoarytenouds
adducts and shortens vocal folds
vocalis muscle
-relaxes posterior vocal ligament
-maintains tension or anterior vocal ligament
transverse and oblique arytenoid + aryepiglottic muscle
-adducts arytenoid cartilages
-acts as a sphincter on laryngeal inlet
-draws arytenoid cartilages anteriorly
-relaxes vocal ligament for low pitch sound
-forms floor of oral cavity
-elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth
-depresses mandible
elevates and draws hyoid bone anteriorly
elevates and draws hyoid bone posteriorly
-depresses madible
-elevates hyoid bone during swallowing and speaking
depresses larynx
depresses hyoid bone from elevated position
depresses and draws hyoid boen posteriorly
-depresses hyoid bone
-elevates larynx
scalenus anterior
-bilateral contraction: next flexion
-unilateral contraction: neck lateral flexion (ipsilateral), neck rotation (contralateral)
-elevates ribs 1 (w/ scalenus medius)
scalenus medius
-neck lateral flexion
-elevates rib 1
scalenus posterior
-neck lateral flexion
-elevates ribs 2
rectus capitis anterior
-antlantooccipital joint: head flexion
-depresses mandible and angle of mouth
-tenses skin of lower face and anterior neck
bilateral contraction-atlantoocipital joint/superior cervical spine: head/neck extension
-inferior cervical vertebrae: neck flexion
-sternoclavicular joint: elevation of clavicle and manubrium of sternum
-unilateral contraction-cervical spine: neck ipsilateral flexion
-neck controlateral rotation