Muscles of Facial expression-pp1 Flashcards
Muscles of facial expression are situated in the superficial fascia, most arise from where and insert into what?
Originate from skull
Insert into skin largely about facial apertures such as orbit, mouth and nares.
What is the job of the SMAS (Superficial MusculoAponeurotic System)?
Keeps face from sagging due to gravity
What pharyngeal arch did ALL of the muscles of facial expression arise from? What CN are they innervated by?
2nd Pharyngeal arch and are innervated by SVE fibers of the facial nerve (CN VII)
What are the two paired bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle? What joins them?
The occipital and frontalis muscles. Connected by the Epicranial aponeurosis (remember aponeurosis = flat tendon)
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the OCCIPITALIS muscle?
Ori: Lateral 2/3 of the superior nuchal line & mastoid process
Ins: Epicranial aponeurosis
Fun: Draws scalp posteriorly
Inn: Posterior Auricular branch of CNVII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the FRONTALIS muscle?
Ori: Epicranial aponeurosis and coronal suture
Ins: Dermis and superficial fascia of frontal region and eyebrow
Fun: Elevates the eyebrows and skin at nasal root OR depresses the forehead in wrinkles
Inn: Temporal region of CNVII
What are the 5 layers of the scalp?
Skin Connective tissue (dense) Aponeurotic layer Loose connective tissue Pericranium
The scalp receives a blood supply from what two, freely anastomosing arteries? What layer do the external carotid arteries lie within the scalp?
The external and internal carotid arteries. They lie within the dense Connective tissue layer (2nd layer).
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the TEMPOROPARIETALIS muscle?
Ori: Temporalis fascia above auricle
Ins: Lateral border of galea aponeurotica (epicranial neurosis)
Fun: Tenses the galea aponeurotica
Inn: Temporal branches of CNVII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the ANTERIOR AURICULARIS muscle?
Ori: Temporalis fascia and epicranial neurosis
Ins: Anterior portion of medial helix
Fun: Draws auricle forward and upward
Inn: Temporal branch of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the SUPERIOR AURICULAR muscle?
Ori: Temporalis fascia and epicranial aponeurosis
Ins: Upper medial surface of auricle
Fun: Elevates auricle
Inn: Posterior auricular branch of CNVII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the POSTERIOR AURICULAR muscle?
Ori: Base of Mastoid process
Ins: lower anterior surface of auricle/convexity of concha
Fun: Retracts and elevates auricle
Inn: Posterior auricular branch of CNVII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the OCULAR portion of the ORBICULARIS OCULI muscle?
Ori: Nasal portion of frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla, medial palpebral ligament; arranged as a series of ellipsesrunning from supero-medial to infero-medial; blending superiorly with frontalis, inferior blending levator labii superioris alequa nasi, levator labii superioris, and zygomaticus minor; laterally blends with temporoparietalis.
Ins: Dermis and superficial fascia of eyebrow, medial palpebral ligament
Fun: Sphincter which narrows and closes the eyelid, draws eyelids slightly medially.
Inn: Temporal, zygomatic, and superior buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the PALPEBRAL portion of the ORBICULARIS OCULI?
Ori: Superficial and deep surfaces of palpebral ligament
Ins: Lateral palpebral raphe
Fun: Depresses upper lid and elevates lower lid
Inn: Temporal, zygomatic, and superior buccal branches of CN VII.
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the LACRIMAL portion of the ORBICULARIS OCULI muscle?
Ori: Posterior lacrimal crest
Ins: Palpebral portion of muscle
Fun: Draws eyelids and lacrimal papillae medially; assists with expressions of tears from lacrimal glands.
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the CORRUGATOR SUPERCILII muscle?
Ori: Medial superciaiary arch of frontal bone
Ins: Dermis of medial eyebrow
Fun: Draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly
Inn: Zygomatic and temporal branches of CNVII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the PROCERUS muscle?
Ori: Fascia over lower nasal bone and upper nasal cartilage
Ins: Dermis b/t eyebrows
Fun: Draws the medial angles of eyebrows medially towards the bridge of the nose.
Inn: Temporal, zygomatic, and buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the COMPRESSOR NARIS (transverse) portion of the NASALIS muscle?
Ori: Canine eminence of maxilla
Ins: w/ contralateral muscle into aponeurosis on nasal cartilage
Fun: Compresses external nasal aperture
Inn: Superior zygomatic and buccal portions of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the DILATOR NARIS (alar) portion of the NASALIS muscle?
Ori: Notch of maxilla over lateral incisors
Ins: Alar cartilage
Fun: Draws allae downward and laterally to flare nostrils & widen anterior nasal aperture.
Inn: Zygomatic and superior buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the DEPRESSOR SEPTI portion of the NASALIS muscle?
Ori: Incisive fossa of maxilla, deep to orbicularis orus
Ins: Mobile portion of nasal septum and posterior alae
Fun: Widens anterior nasal aperture
Inn: Zygomatic and superior buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS ALAEQUE NASI muscle?
Ori: Upper frontal process of maxilla
-Medial Slip: Into greater alar cartilage of nose and overlying dermis
-Lateral Slip: into portion of upper lip, blending with levator labii superioris and orbicular oris
-Medial Slip: dilates nare and modifies circummalar sulcus
-Lateral Slip: Raises and everts upper lip; raises and deepens nasolabial sulcus
Inn: Zygomatic and Buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS muscle?
Ori: Lower rim of orbit just above infraorbital foramen on maxilla and zygomatic
Ins: Dermis of lateral 1/2 of upper lip b/t zygomaticus minor and #7
Fun: Raises and everts upper lip & modifies nasolabial furrow
Inn: Zygomatic and buccal portions of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the LEVATOR ANGULI ORIS (caninus) muscle?
Ori: Canine fossa of maxilla below the infraorbital foramen
Ins: modiolus lateral to the angle of the mouth; intermingles with orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, and zygomaticus major
Fun: Raises angle of mouth and deepens nasolabial furrow.
Ori: Zygomatic and buccal portions of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR muscle?
Ori: Zygomatic bone
Ins: modiolus, lateral to angle of the mouth; dermis and mucosa of angle of mouth; intermingles with orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, and levator anguli oris
Fun: Draws angle of mouth upward and laterally
Inn: Zygomatic and buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the ORBICULARIS ORIS muscle?
Ori: Modiolus
Ins: Blends with numerous muscles; upper peripheral with buccinator & depressor anguli oris; lower periph w/ buccinator, levator anguli oris & superficial part of zygomaticus major; marginal fibers interlace in midline with contralateral muscle.
Fun: Sphinctor of mouth; draws lips together draws corners of lips inwards & either purses lips or draws them against teeth
Inn: Lower Zygomatic, buccal, & the mandibular marginal branches of CN VII.
How is the ORBICULARIS ORIS muscle organized?
Orbicularis oris encircles the mouth; it is organized into 4 largely independent quadrants: Upper left, upper right, lower left, & lower right. Each of these quadrants is comprised of a large pars peripheralis and a smaller pars marginalis. Making 8 segments total.
The MODIOLUS is a fibromuscular mass that is made up of what muscles?
Orbicularis oris (pars peripheralis), buccinator, and the elevators and depressors of the lips.
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the ZYGOMATICUS MINOR muscles?
Ori: Malar eminence just posterior to zygomaticomaxillary suture.
Ins: Upper lip b/t zygomaticus major and levator labii superioris.
Fun: Elevates the upper lip to show maxillary teeth (sneer); also deepens nasolabial furrow
Inn Zygomatic and buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the RISORIUS muscle?
Ori: Fascia over masseter and parotid gland (superficial to platysma)
Ins: Skin and Mucosa at angle of mouth
Fun: Weak elevator of the angle of the mouth
Inn: Zygomatic and buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS muscle?
Ori: Oblique line of mandible, deep to depressor anguli oris
Ins: Dermis and mucosa of lower lip, blending with contralateral muscle & w/ orbicularis oris
Fun: depresses lower lip and slightly laterally
Inn: Mandibular marginal and lower buccal branch of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the DEPRESSOR ANGULI ORIS muscle?
Ori: Linear origin from mental tubercle, along line of mandible, continuous inferiorly w/ platysma
Ins: Modiolus, blending with orbicularis oris and risorius
Fun: Depresses angle of mouth by depressing modiolus and buccal angles while also pulling them Laterally.
Inn: Mandibular marginal and lower buccal branches of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the MENTALIS muscle?
Ori: Incisive fossa of mandible
Ins: Dermis of the chin
Fun: Protrudes and everts lower lip
Inn: Man Marginal branch of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the BUCCINATOR muscle?
Ori: Pterygomandibular raphe
Ins: Modiolus; dermis & mucosa of lips
Fun: Flattens cheecks against teeth to resist lodging of food/pooling of liquid b/t cheeck and gum or to expel air (“trumpeter’s muscle). Also retracts buccolabial mucosa from teeth during mastication.
Inn: Buccal branch of CN VII
What are the origin, insertion, function, & innervation of the PLATYSMA muscle?
Ori: Superficial fascia of antero-lateral neck
Ins: 3 portions
-Mandibular Portion: lower border of mandibular corpus
-Labial portion: tissue of lateral 1/2 of lower lip b/t #13 &14
-Modiolar portion: Modiolus
Fun: Tenses the superficial cervical fascia; also weak depressor of the lower lip and mandible
Inn: Cervical Branch of CN VII
What role does the buccinator muscle play in increasing salivary excretions into the mouth?
Contraction of the buccinator milks the ducts of the Parotid Gland. Parotid duct runs through the buccinator.
CN VII, facial nerve exits the skull through what foramen, after which the facial nerve trunk enter what gland, within which it brabches extensively?
Stylomastoid Foramen
Parotid Gland