Muscle Tissue Flashcards
What does a smooth muscle link with?
Digestive system
Blood vessels
Reproductive systems
How does a smooth muscle work?
It works involuntary
Is controlled by the automic nervous system
Maintains the body’s internal environment
What does the cardiac muscle link with?
The heart
What is the cardiac muscles job?
Pump blood and oxygen
Works continuously
Controlled by the sinotrial node
It’s average rythem is 72 bpm at rest
What does the skeletal muscle work with ?
Hamstrings or triceps
WhAt is the skeletal muscle job?
Works in pairs
Cross over joints work under concious or voluntary control
Contract and pull on bones to make body movements
Name 4 things that muscle tissue links with
What is the anterior muscles
All the front muscles Upper trapezius Deltoids Pectorals major Biceps brachi Internal and external obliques Rectus abdominal Quadriceps lliopsos hip flexors Hip abductors Tribialis anterior
What is the posterior muscles
Muscles from the back Middle trapzius Upper trapezius Lower trapezius Triceps brachi Latimus dorsi Erector spinae Gluteus maximus Hamstrings Hip abductors Gastroniumus Soleus
Purpose or an agonist/prime mover
Contracts and causes desired action
E.g bicep brachi - contracts in bicep curl
Purpose of an antagonist
Is the opposing muscles to agonist relaxes
Eg triceps in bicep curl
Purpose of a synerist
Muscles that contract to assist or modify movement of prime mover!
Eg during hip extension, hamstrings act as synergists for gluteus maximus
What is purpose of fixators
Muscles that contract that stabilise part of the body that remains fixed
Eg a shoulder girdle remains stabilise with the scapula to allow for effiecent movement at the shoulder joint when arms move.
What movement is possible with the hamstrings
They flex the knee and extend the hip
What movement is possible at the internal and external obliques
They rotate the thoratic region of the spine
What muscle extends the elbow
What muscle flexes the ankle
What laterally flex’s the spine
External obliques
What muscle adducts the shoulder
Latimus dorsi
What muscle abducts the hip
Gluteus medius And minus
What is the job of the pelvic floor muscles
Provide support for the pelvic organs such as bladder and intestines
- prevent stress incontience
- facilate birth
- support pelvic organs
- prevent prolapse
- assist excretion and urination
- assist childbirth
List the 6 improvements in motor fitness
Coordination Power Agility Speed Reaction time Balance
What is the antagonist to the bicep
The antagonist to hip flexors
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
The antagonist to the quadriceps
Antagonist to the tibilias anterior
Soleus and gastrocnemius
What is the atangoist of the deltoids
Latimus dorsi
Antagonist of rectus abdominis
Erector spinaeee