Murder A01 Flashcards
Sir Coke’s definition
unlawfully killeth any creature in rerum natura’
simple definition
unlawfully cause the death of a human being with intention to kill or intention to cause GBH
some defences make killing lawful e.g: self defence
‘death’ (case)
R v Malcherek - brain stem death = death, a doctor turning of a life support machine = death
‘when death occurs’
more than 3 year time gap the AG must give permission to prosecute/change charge to murder
‘human being’ (case)
victim must be born and capable of living, foetus is not a human being - AG Reference No.3 1994
mens rea
Malice Aforethought
what are express malice and implied malice (case)
Intention to kill (express malice)
Intention to cause GBH (implied malice)→ R v Vickers
Direct intention (case)
df’s aim, purpose and desire to bring about a specific result → R v Mohan
Oblique Intention
direct intent to do something over than kill or cause GBH → R v Woolin, death or serious injury was a virtually certain result of df’s actions
specific intent crime
prosecution must prove the MR of intention
Transferred Malice
R v Mitchell