Loss of Control A01 Flashcards
what section number
s.54(1) Coroners and Justice Act 2009 df will not be convicted of murder if:
what is s.54(1)(a)
(a) acts/omissions resulted from loss of control
when must loss of control occur? (case)
must be at the time of the killing → R v Jewell
what is s.54(1)(b)
(b) qualifying trigger
how many triggers can there be
what cannot be a sole trigger
cannot be sexual infidelity as sole trigger → R v Clinton
fear of serious violence
R v Dawes
df cannot say they feared serious violence if they started the fight
loss of self-control was attributable to things done or said
s.55 (4)
constituted circumstances of an extremely grave character
caused df to have a justifiable sense of being seriously wronged
R v Goodwin
trigger doesn’t need to be at the time, the LoC does
a person of df’s sex, age w/ normal degree of tolerance + self restraint in same circumstances = reacted in a similar way
df cannot act in _________ (s number)
s.54(4)(1) df cannot act in revenge
acting in revenge
R v Jewell defence failed