MTS B Flashcards
Cat 2 SOP
Windshear procedures
Rapid depressurization
“Capt on Oxygen”
DU Failure
Display - Rev
How is predictive Windshear detected?
When is it active and when is it inhibited?
Wx Radar
Inhibited 80kts-50 ft
50 ft - 2400 ft T/O
2300 ft - 50 ft Ldg
What are the indications of predictive WS?
“Monitor radar display” (WS conditions detected ahead)
“Windshear Ahead” X2 (entering warning area)
“Go Around WS ahead”
What modes display after TOGA for WS?
Thrust | TO | AP | WSHR
How is Reactive WS detected?
Uses TAWS Mode 7 (10 ft - 1,500 ft)
Mode 7 provides reactive windshear detection during initial takeoff and final approach phases of flight using flight data inputs.
Reactive windshear warning alerts are given for a decreasing performance windshear, (decreasing head wind (or increasing tail wind) and severe vertical down drafts)
What are indications of Reactive Windshear?
A red WINDSHEAR message displays on the ADI.
Should you reject the T/O for a Windshear warning <80kts?
> 80kts?
What are the three gotchas for WS?
TOGA <400 ft might not give you MAX (thrust remains in HOLD until the aircraft climbs above 400’ AGL). Crews must manually advance thrust levers to MAX position.
TO/WSHR (during take-off) or GA/WSHR (during approach) will remain as
the active mode until another selection is made and will NOT respect the Altitude selected
Might have to press TOGA twice
What is the WS recovery procedure?
Pitch to FD guidence
Maintain Config
“Clear of Warning”
Flap 1,0
Speed 220
What approach statuses can we conduct a CAT II approach in?
Land 3
Land 2
Appr 2 (but must be to a manual landing)
Can we conduct a manual landing from a CAT II approach?
Yes must if Appr2
but must be manual landing
AP off before 80 ft
We are on approach and below 20 ft AGL RETARD mode does not activate. What are the crew’s actions?
“NO RETARD” at 20 ft (FO) - “Rodger” disconnect AT (Capt)
(If no RETARD, Captain disconnects the Autothrottle and reduces thrust to IDLE below 20 ft AGL)
If windshear is reported on departure by ATC, what are some considerations?
Talk to Dispatch
Delay departure
Performance numbers for inversion/WS = TO power
Longest runway into wind with best surface
Eng start
Request 15 sec on runway (WS + Turb)
Brief WS recovery manoeuvre
Discuss SOP for predictive WS and Rejected T/O
High wind T/O procedure
Pilot reports of loss or gain >15 kts T/O or Ldg should be avoided
Higher awareness of A/S on initial climb
(AOM 1 1.04.18 pg2)
When did we have to do the high wind produce?
What is it?
X-Wind >30-32Kts
Tail wind >10kts-15kts
Power to 55 N1 until 20 Kts
PM “20”
Then Full power added
What are some additional considerations if windshear was reported on the approach?
Delay if able (hold)
Request pirep from atc
Brief WS recovery Manoeuvre
Minimize flap
Turn on Auto updates ATIS
Early stable approach (1,000 AAE)
Vapp speed corrected for gusts
If there is a significant reduction or increase in rate of descent, consider a go-around.
(AOM 1 1.04.18 p2)
What clues may indicate the presence of windshear along the intended flight path?
• Thunderstorm activity
• Virga (rain that evaporates before reaching the ground)
• Pilot reports
• Low Level Windshear Alerting (LLWAS) warnings
When are we clear of warning?
Altitude and airspeed increasing rapidly
Flight path under control
How do we re-automate after clear of Warning from WS?
FLAP 1,0
Current DG
Speed 240
Time of usefulness at FL400
7-10 sec
15-30 sec
What indications may the crew see that indicate an explosive decompression? (3)
Loud noise
a heavy fog - may fill the aircraft cabin as the air cools,
Condensation - cooling raises the relative humidity
What indications may the crew see to indicate an impending pressurization problem?
Cabin rate
Cabin altitude caution > 8500
Cabin altitude Warning > 9865
What conditions must be
met for EDM to activate automatically
• Aircraft above 25,000 ft and, -
• CAB ALT has exceeded 14,500 ft.
What is enunciated when Auto EDM?
When EDM is automatically activated what happens?
• Mode selection light illuminates above EDM pushbutton.
• “EMERGENCY DESCENT” aural alert sounds.
• AP & AT engage (if not already engaged).
• Altitude preselect is set to 15,000 ft.
• Heading mode (HDG) is engaged and present heading is maintained.
• Descent speed set to VMO - 10 kt, or MMO -0.02 M.
• Transponder code set to 7700.
• Seat belt sign turned on.
• EDM displays in the left and right sections of the FMA.
• EMERGENCY DESCENT red warning message is displayed.
When can you Manually activate EDM?
EDM can be manually activated if the aircraft altitude is above 25,000 ft by pressing the guarded EDM pushbutton on the FCP.
What are the differences between Auto and Manual EDM?
Manual doesn’t have 7700, seatbelts, oxygen, yellow EDM on EICAS
Where can you find the emergency descent check list if cabin alt is <25,000 ft
PROC Tile -> Unannunciated Procedures
What will happen if EDM button is pressed when the aircraft is already in EDM?
Turns EDM off
So does the AP
You are level at 24,000 ft and a CABIN ALT warning message appears on the EICAS and the cabin is climbing at 800pm, what are your actions?
Where is the DU failure checklist?
PROC tile - Unannunciated Procedures.
What action should you take if you lose 2 DU?
DISPLAY switch is set to the REV position, any full PFD is replaced with a half PFD and either the EICAS page or the MFW
What is the trick for the rapid depressurization?
Make sure you select
Current speed (IAS)
Speed man