Bulletins Flashcards
Crew inadvertently engaged the autopilot while attempting to either engage the auto-throttle late into the takeoff phase or when re-engaging the autothrottle.
Autopilot engagement during takeoff roll can result in premature rotation possibly leading to tail strike, inability to climb or loss of control.
During takeoff, the autothrottle must not be selected or re-selected after the thrust levers are advanced to the takeoff setting until the aircraft is at or above 400 feet AGL.
AP on the grd gives you:
• Two master WARNING/CAUTION switches flashing red.
• A triple chime.
• The display of the CONFIG AP (Warning) EICAS message.
• The CONFIG AUTOPILOT aural warning.
Unexpected AT mode change in flight due to erroneous radio altimeter values.
in flight:
Disconnect autothrottle Operate thrust levers manually
If RAD ALT indications reliable:
Autothrottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As required
T/O - RETARD mode may activate (green RETARD on the FMA). As a result, the engine thrust levers move to the IDLE position, hand the engines thrust reduce.
Climb - The thrust mode may change from CLB to GA. As a result, the rate of climb increases while the autothrottle THRUST mode remains active (green THRUST on the FMA)
Approach - During approach above 1000 feet AGL, the autothrottle RETARD mode may arm (white RETARD indication on the FMA).
• During approach above 400 feet AGL, the autothrottle RETARD mode may activate (green RETARD on the FMA). As a result, the engine thrust levers move to the IDLE position and the engines thrust reduce.
What is OEB 3 LANDING ON CONTAMINATED RUNWAY (RWYCC 2 or below) with Thrust reverser INOP
When landing on a contaminated runway, the anti-skid performance may be degraded and may induce a
locked wheel condition.
</= RWYCC 3 - Auto Brk LOW, MAX Rev until Auto Cut Back (to minimize Anit Skid)
Consider landing on a runway where the reported condition is RWYCC 3 or above.
• If the operations require landing on a runway with RWYCC 2 or below, select the widest runway with minimal crosswind and best runway condition.
(CP info 120)
What is OEB 4 Go Around after Main Landing gear touchdown
go-around initiated after touchdown of the main landing gear, if the flight crew engages the autothrottle during the climb, the autothrottle may engage in RETARD mode.
2 seconds after touchdown avionics prevents AT to engage when crew press TOGA
AT keeps the Retard mode memorized and reverts to it when reengaged
Must set FLC before re-engaging AT
@MAX rotate 10*
Expect Config CL
FD off
@ 400 ft FLC
AP AT on
CP Info 120 - APU use in flight
What can we expect when APU on in flight?
APU door open causes Vibration and out of trim
Ok to adjust trim but must be centred on approach
CP Info 120 Lateral Errors
Leg doesnt auto sequence and leaves dotted line
Select SEQ AUTO on top of Route Legs page
CP Info 119 Windshear Revovery
What is the appropriate selection when making a vertical mode change
Select TOGA or a vert mode from FCP
(SOP changed back)
CP 18 Soft ware Update
What changed?
Bigger text area
ARR gate listed on FLT Proile
What is the risk here?
Cause Bearing in fan due to loss of lubercation
Issue between 80Kts and 50 ft no new CL only Warning lights, so first indication is Emerg Pwr
If Before V1 “REJECT”
If after, Airborne RAT will deploy - ensure to transfer control to CA and follow CL with RAT BEFORE APU to ensure power is maintained
CP INFO 109 Eng Vib
What are our actions?
Retard the Throttle to reduce Eng Vibes
DO NOT shutdown unless sever Eng Abnormality
Message goes away - AT ON
Message stays - AT OFF
(Software update to supress minor Vibs notification, just to Maint)
CP INFO 106 Thermal Eng Liner Wear
What is this about?
TLC Honeycomb - Wearing and pitting are safe and normal
CP Info 101 High Power Seat Box Smoke Smell
What is this about?
IFE system burning smell in cabin
A software update has been completed to add a “watchdog” that sends an alert whenever there is “A POWER FAILURE” error message by the Panasonic IFE system