Movements of the Wrist and Hand Flashcards
What type of joint is the intercarpal joint?
plane, synovial, provide stability at the base of the hand
What type of joint is the interphalangeal joint?
hinge, synovial, flexion and extension
What type of joint is the metacarpophalangeal joint?
condyloid, synovial
Radio-carpal (wrist) joint
- synovial, condyloid
- palmar radiocarpal, dorsal radiocarpal, ulnar collateral, radial collateral
- biaxial: flex/ext, radio, ulnar deviation
What are the muscles of the posterior forearm?
brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis, longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensory carpi ulnaris
P: prox 2/3 supracondylar ridge of humerus
D: lat dist surface of radius
A: weak elbow flexor (drinkers muscle) (doesn’t cross wrist joint)
I: radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis longus
P: lat supracondylar ridge of humerus
D: dorsal aspect base off 2nd metacarpal
A: wrist ext, radial deviation (abd)
I: radial
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
P: lat epicondyle humerus
D: dorsal aspect base 3rd metacarpal
A: wrist ext and radial deviation
I: deep branch radial
Extensor digitorum
P: lat epicondyle humerus
D: extensor expansions of digits 2-4
A: wrist, metacarpalphalangeal and interphalangeal joint extension
I: deep branch radial nerve
Extensor digiti minimi
P: lat epicondyle of humerus
D: extensor expansion of 5th digit
A: metacarpalphalangeal and interphalangeal joints extension
I: deep branch radial
Extensor carpi ulnaris
P: lat epicondyle humerus and post border of ulna
D: dorsal aspect base of 5th metavarpal
A: wrist ext and ulnar deviation (add)
I: deep branch radial
What are the posterior forearm muscles?
supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor indicis
P: lat epicondyle humerus, radial collateral and anular ligaments, crest of ulna
D: lat surface proc 1/3 radius
A: supination of forearm
I: deep branch radial
Abductor pollicis longus
P: post surface prox 1/2 ulna, radius, IOM
D: base of 1st metacarpal
A: carpalmetacarpal joint abduction and ext of 1st digit
I: post interosseous (radial)
Extensor pollicis brevis
P: post surface distal 1/3 radius and IOM
D: dorsal aspect base of prox phalanx 1st digit
A: thumb extension
I: post interosseous (radial)
Extensor pollicis longus
P: post surface middle 1/3 ulna and IOM
D: dorsal aspect base of distal phalanx of 1st digit
A: extension of 1st digit
I: post interosseous (radial)
Extensor indicis
P: post surface distal 1/3 ulna and IOM
D: extensor expansion 2nd digit
A: extension of second digit
I: post interosseous (radial)
What are the three regions of the hand?
hypothenar, thenar and central
What are the superficial muscles of the hand?
abductor digiti minimi, palmaris brevis, flexor pollicis previs, abductor pollicis brevis
What are the middle muscles of the hand?
Flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis
What are the deep muscles of the hand?
opponens digiti minimi, adductor pollicis
Carpal tunnel syndrome
median nerve
Ulnar canal syndrome
ulnar nerve
Handlebar neuropathy
ulnar nerve