Bones and Classification of Bones Flashcards
What is a long bone?
Supporting bones which act as levers. Comprised of an epiphysis, metaphysis and diphysis. Contains a medullary cavity as well as both spongy and compact bone.
What is a flat bone?
Main function is to protect internal organs and provide an area of attachment for muscles.
What is an irregular bone?
Bones that don’t fit into the categories of long, flat or sesamoid bones.
What is a sesamoid bone?
Developed in a tendon where it passes over an angular structure, works as a pulley
What is a short bone?
Generally cube-shaped, provides stability, not involved in much movement.
What is the periosteum?
Vascular connective tissue enveloping bones.
What are the lamellae?
Individual sheets that make up osteons; bony matrix that grows in concentric circles.
What is an osteon?
Long cylindrical unit comprised of lamellae.
What is the lacuna?
Small spaces in lamellae
What are osteocytes?
Bone cells which reside in lacunae and form bone.
What are osteoblasts?
Bone cells which break down bone tissue.
What is the central canal?
Contains blood vessels and nerves; located in the centre of an osteon.
What is the canaliculi?
Tiny canals which run between lacunae.
What is the perforating canal?
Contains blood vessels, cut across bone structure.
What are the three main bones in the arm?
Humerus, ulna, radius
What are the three main bones in the leg?
Femur, fibula, tibia
What are the three parts of the sternum?
Manubrium, body, xiphoid structure