Motivating Operations Flashcards
Establishing Operations (EO)
relationship between environmental variables (drive concept)
- keller & schoenfeld (1950)
Establishing Operations (EO) - reintroduced
any environmental variable that:
1. alters the effectiveness of some object or event as a reinforcer
- alters the current frequency of all behavior that has been reinforced by that stimulus, objective, or event
- michael (1982)
EO –> MO
replaced term EO with:
1. value altering
- behavior altering
*describes the defining effects in the original definition of EO
Value-altering Effects
- motivating operation
- abolishing operation
Motivating Operation (MO)
an increase in the reinforcing effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event
Abolishing Operation (AO)
a decrease in reinforcing effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event
Evocative Effect
increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event
(behavior-altering effect)
Abative Effect
decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event
(behavior-altering effect)
Behavior-altering Effects
frequency of behavior result of :
- direct evocative or abative effect of the MO on response frequency
- indirect effect on the evocative or abative strength of relative SD’s
Dimensions of Behavior-altering Effects
- not limited to frequency
- response magnitude
- response latency
- relative frequency
Behavior-altering Effects (facts)
- operate on the current frequency of the behavior
- antecedent variables (MO’s or SD’s)
- can evoke or abate responses but not alter them
Function-altering Effects (facts)
- operates on the future frequency of the behavior
- consequence variables (reinforcers, punishers, extinction, recovery from punishment)
- change repertoire of functional relations
Antecedent Variables
- MO’s + SD’s
- alter the current frequency of the behavior
- operant variables
- control response frequency due to their relation to reinforcing or punishing consequences
related to the differential availability of a currently effective form of reinforcement for a particular type of behavior
related to the differential reinforcing effectiveness of a particular type of environment event