Monitoring ECG And BP Flashcards
Intra-operatively you should monitor and record your anesthesia parameters how often?
Every 5 mins
What are the most important functions to monitor during anesthesia?
How is pulse pressure determined?
Systolic-diastolic pressure
What should you assess when you palpate the pulse?
Rate, rhythm, quality
Why should you use a distal artery to palpate a pulse?
Affected earlier by hypotension and low CO
-> if it feels strong, likely indicates a good CO
What are common sites of pulse palpation in small animals??
Lingual Labial Articular Digital Femoral Dorsal pedal Metatarsal Coccygeal
What are common sites of pulse palpation in large animals?
Auricular Transverse facial Palatine Metatarsal Digital Coccygeal
T/F: an esophageal stethoscope can be used to asses heart rate/rhythm, and respiratory rate
T/F: Regular ECG readings indicate the heart is contracting appropriately?
-indicate electrical activity, not contractility
What are clinical uses of ECG?
Determine HR and rhythm
Aid in diagnosis of electrolyte disturbances (hyperkalemia)
Aid in chamber enlargement
Provide clues about myocardial oxygenation and perfusion
Pwave = ?
Atrial depolarization
QRS complex =?
Ventricular depolarization
T wave = ?
Ventricular repolarization
What is type A cardiac innervation?
Perkinje fibers excite the endocardium and excitation spread via muscle fibers
Flow is base-> apex (result in a positive R wave)
What is type B cardiac innervation?
Purkinje fibers deeply penetrate myocardium and most fibers are excited simultaneously
Apex to base current flow (negative S wave)
What type of animals have a type B cardiac innervation?
Horse, ruminant, pig
Using Eintheovens limb leads, in a healthy small animals which lead yields the tallest R wave
Lead 2
Using Eintheovens limb leads, in a healthy horses/ruminants which lead yields the tallest R wave
Lead 1
What things are you evaluating on an ECG?
Complexes and intervals
Mean electrical axis
T/F: normal HR and BP likely indicates adequate CO
The best way to determine HR is to use the ECG and pulse oximeter
False Can be erroneous due to -bad signal quality -double counting -uneven HR
Best to count yourself
What are the most common arrhythmias under anesthesia?
Sinus bradycardia and tachycardia
AV block (1st and 2nd degree)
Moving central to peripheral arteries, systolic BP becomes ________, diastolic becomes _______, and mean is _________
Higher ; lower; same
_________ BP represents afterload for the left ventricle