Molecular Regulation of Development Flashcards
Describe the transcription factors with respect to structure and method of interaction with DNA.
– Proteins with domains that bind to promoter regions &
domains that interacts with RNA polymerase II
– Regulates the amount of mRNA that the gene produces
Describe the relationship between homeobox-containing genes and homeodomain proteins
Homeobox containing genes (DNA sequence) codes for–> homeodomain proteins (TF’s)
Homeobox containing genes: HOX genes
Homeodomain proteins: (TF). Has Homeodomain (60 amino acid helix turn helix DNA binding domain) which allows protein to bind directly to DNA as TF, activating other genes and directing formation of embryo
Compare and contrast the function of Hox genes, Pax genes, Lim proteins, Dlx genes and Msx genes, the T-Box gene family and basic Helix-Loop-Helix proteins
HOX genes: “head to tail development”, regulated by retinoic acid (Vit A), HOX genes lay out big pattern and retinoic acid makes boundaries
Pax: Early formation of organs, tissues. CNS/sense organs, pancreas, maintaining normal function of certain cells after birth
Lim proteins: Formation of all body segments, absence can lead to headless mammalian embryos, like HOX-big pattern development
Dlx genes: role in outgrowing appendages in early embryogenesis, shaping of jaws and inner ear
Msx genes: -prenatal- inhibitors of cell differentiation
- Post-natal: help tissues to keep dividing
- Involved w/ bones on skull, face and limbs
- Teachers daughter had this mutation and had surgery as baby
T-Box gene: Mesoderm/germ layer development, specifies which limbs will be upper/lower, helps create symmetry for body
Helix-Loop-Helix proteins: Common in TF’s that are involved in myogenesis (muscle tissue formation)
Describe zinc finger transcription factors
- Regularly placed cystidine and histidine bound by zinc ions-finger structure
- Regulate myogenesis
- Bone, cartilage, teeth development
- Zn deficiency: skeletal growth retardation, risk factor in osteoporosis
Describe signaling molecules and compare TGF-β, FGF, Hedgehog and Wnt families.
TGF-β: (Transforming growth factor) Role in embryogenesis and postnatal life, variety of formation, structure and modification
FGF: (Fibroblast growth factors) Role in angiogenesis, wound healing, embryonic development (limbs/brain), endocrine signaling pathways. Tells limb to grow away from body
Hedgehog: Does a TON. Determining of body/face, organization of brain
Wnt: role in Gastrulation and organogenesis (in cell to cell movement), leads to tons of problems
Explain how a signaling molecule can function as an inhibitor.
Can inhibit other signaling molecules.
- SHH/FGF: positive regulators of growth
- BMP: negative regulator of growth. (BMP4: blocks neural formation, and so other signaling molecules(noggin, chordin) block BMP4 so neural plate can form)
- Normal development requires a balance
Describe the role of receptor molecules in development. Where are they most commonly located?
Bind to signaling molecules
Receptors for lipid soluble molecules (steroids, retinoids, thyroid hormones) are intracellular
Ex. Notch receptor: very basic, preserved unchanged throughout animal kingdom
Describe the role of vitamin A and retinoic acid in embryonic development.
Metabolite of Vit A
Helps determine position along anterior/posterior during development (acts as signaling molecule)
Acts through HOX genes
Too much: turns posterior–>anterior
Describe the relationship between proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes and cancer
Proto-oncogenes: upon activation, become a tumor-inducing agent, an oncogene
Tumor suppressor: normally suppress cell division
Ex. Abnormal PTCH no longer inhibits SMO–>uncontrolled SMO activity–>sends signals and genes are instructed to grow
**PTCH mutation is the basis for basal cell carcinoma.
Role of Sox genes
Subset of Zing Fingers
Bind to minor groove (has HMG-box sequence)
SoxA=SRY-sex determining region of Y chromosome (males didn’t look male)
Mutations=wide variety
Ex. Sox9: campomelic dysplasia (short legs, club feet, bone abnormalities, ambiguous genitalia, can’t keep trachea/larynx open (laryngeotracheal)
HOX genes
HOX genes: “head to tail development”, regulated by retinoic acid (Vit A), HOX genes lay out big pattern and retinoic acid makes boundaries
Pax genes
Pax: Early formation of organs, tissues. CNS/sense organs, pancreas, maintaining normal function of certain cells after birth
Lim proteins
Lim proteins: Formation of all body segments, absence can lead to headless mammalian embryos, like HOX-big pattern development
Dlx genes
Dlx genes: role in outgrowing appendages in early embryogenesis, shaping of jaws and inner ear
Msx genes
Msx genes: -prenatal- inhibitors of cell differentiation
- Post-natal: help tissues to keep dividing
- Involved w/ bones on skull, face and limbs
- Teachers daughter had this mutation and had surgery as baby
T-Box gene
T-Box gene: Mesoderm/germ layer development, specifies which limbs will be upper/lower, helps create symmetry for body
Helix-Loop-Helix proteins
Helix-Loop-Helix proteins: Common in TF’s that are involved in myogenesis (muscle tissue formation)