Module 6- Module 6 - Stimuli, both internal and external, are detected and lead to a response Flashcards
What is a tropism?
A response to a plant of a directional stimulus
What are 2 examples of tropism?
- phototropism is the growth of a plant in response to light and gravitropism is the growth of a plant in response to gravity
What are growth factors and where are they produced?
They stimulate growth of a plant by cell elongation and are produced in growth regions of the plant and then move to were they are needed in a plant.
E.G of a growth factor is an auxin
What is the distribution of IAA in a plant?
Phototropism = IAA may be concentrated in the shaded regions of the plant to stimulate cell elongation so that the shaded areas reach sunlight
Gravitropism = Increased concentration on the lower side which increases cell elongation moving it upwards
Explain phototropism shoot
- IAA produced in the tip of the shoot
- IAA diffuses evenly
- IAA moves to the shaded side
- IAA stimulates elongation of cells in a shoot
- The shoot bends towards light
- Positive phototropism
Explain gravitropism shoot
- IAA produced in the tip of the shoot
- IAA diffuses evenly
- IAA moves to the lower side
- IAA stimulates elongation of cells in a shoot
- The shoot will bend against gravity
- Negative gravitropism
Explain phototropism root
- IAA produced in the tip of the root
- IAA diffuses evenly
- IAA moves to the shaded side
- IAA inhibits elongation of the cells in the shoot
- The shoot will bend away from the light
- Negative phototropism
Explain gravitropism root
- IAA produced in the tip of the root
- IAA diffuses evenly
- IAA moved to the lower side
- IAA inhibits elongation of cells in a hoot
- The shoot will bend in the direction of gravity
- Postive gravitropism
Explain why the student removed the shoot tip from each seedling?
The shoot tip of the seedlings is where IAA is produced and so it affects the shoot length elongation
How can choice chambers be used to investigate animal responses - light?
- A petri dish is divided in half and has a lid placed on top
- Place damp filter paper on both sides and then cover one half of the lid with black paper including the sides
- Place a thin piece of mesh over the petri dish and then place woodlice over this mesh
- After 10 minutes, record the number of lice on each side of the chamber
Investigating humidity using choice chambers?
Add damp filter paper to one side of the dish and then a desiccating drying agent to the other side.
What are tactic responses (taxes)?
This is when an organism moves towards or away from a directional stimulus
What are kinetic responses (kinesis)
Movement is affected by a non-directional stimulus
Suggest why the student added glucose solution to each petri dish
- This allows the plant to respire so that it can produced ATP which provides energy for growth
2 marks
When a young shoot is illuminated from one side, IAA stimulates growth on the shaded
side. Explain why growth on the shaded side helps to maintain the leaves in a favourable
- The shoot will bend towards the light
- Light required for photosynthesis;