Comprehension Flashcards
3 marks
Black bears can hibernate for up to 7 months without food or water
Suggest and explain how.
Fat stores in their body
- Fat store used in respiration/metabolism
- Less energy store is required due to low respiration
- Gluconeogenesis
- Low surface area to volume reduces heat loss
- Long loop of Henle so less water lost
- Water provided from respiration;
- Reduced/no urination
- Less evaporation
4 marks
During hibernation, the heart rate and the metabolic rate of black bears decrease
Use your knowledge of the nervous control of heart rate to describe how these are linked.
- Low metabolism so less Co2 in blood
- Detected by chemoreceptors
- Located in carotid and aorta
- Fewer impulses to medulla oblongata
- More impulses along parasympathetic pathway
Fewer impulses along sympathetic pathway - To SAN
2 marks
Suggest two reasons why people had the drug injected into the cerebrospinal fluid rather than taking a pill containing the drug.
- Drug will directly/quickly reach brain
2.Drug not destroyed by acid/ Drug not digested by enzymes
3 marks
People with red-green colour blindness are unable to distinguish between red and green, and also between other colours. They have green-sensitive cones but the photoreceptive pigment they contain does not function. Explain why.
- Green sensitive cones non functional
- 3 different types of cone cells= blue/green/red light sensitive cone cells
- Other colours seens due to stimulation o fmore than 1 cone cell
2 marks
Suggest and explain two reasons why a poor supply of phosphate ions results in poor growth of plants
- Required to make ATP, so less respiration / less energy for growth
- Required to make nucleotides, so less DNA for cell division
- Required to make RuBP / NADP, so less CO2 fixed / reduced into sugar
- Required to make phospholipids for membranes
2 marks
Suggest how defensive enzymes produced by plants destroy bacteria
- Hydrolyse
- Murein in cell wall
2 marks
Suggest and explain the advantage to tomato plants of transmitting signal proteins through mycorrhizal networks, rather than releasing them into the air
- Direct plant-to-plant transmission
- So localised/ faster response