Module 6 Flashcards
What is the capsule surrounding the liver called?
Glisson’s capsule
What are the characteristics of hepatocytes?
Large, polyhedral
Significant glycogen stores
Arranged in lobules
Central vein = centrilobular/hepatic venules
Portal tracts contain hepatic arterioles, terminal portal vein, bike collecting ductule and lymphatic vessels
How do hepatocytes secrete their products?
Bile into bile canaliculi, merge to canals of Hering, to bile collecting ductule
Glucose, plasma proteins and lipoproteins into bloodstream via sinusoids
What tissue provides support to the liver?
Collagen III/reticulin
What cells are present in the liver?
Kupffer cells- macrophage/monocyte system in sinusoids
Sinusoid lining cells- endothelial lining
Stellate cells- Vit A storage and production of extracellular matrix and collagen
What is the function of the gall bladder?
Storage of bile and secretion of it into the duodenum
What stimulates gall bladder contraction?
Fat in the duodenum stimulates CCK secretion
What is the function of bile?
Emulsification of fats
What are the layers of the gall bladder?
Columnar epithelium with short microvilli
Smooth muscle- discontinuous, all orientations
What are the functions of the pancreas?
Exocrine and endocrine secretion
Alkaline enzyme fluid to neutralize chyme and degrade food residues in the duodenum
What type of exocrine gland is the pancreas?
Compound acinar
What is the appearance of the pancreas?
Triangular cells with protein secreting zymogenic granules
Intralobular ducts with cuboidal epithelium drain into excretory intralobular ducts (stratified cuboidal)
What controls pancreas secretion?
Secretin- production of sodium bicarbonate to neutalize chyme
CCK and gastrin- secretion of enzymes to digest carbs, lipids and proteins
What are the functions of the liver?
Detoxifying products of metabolic waste
Breakdown and recycling of old RBCs
Production and secretion of bike, bike salts, secretory IgA, cholesterol and steroids
Production and secretion of plasma proteins
Production of plasma lipoproteins, cholesterol and phospholipids
Synthesis and storage of glycogen
Detoxifying of toxins and drugs
Storage of vitamins and iron