Module 4 Flashcards
What are the principal lymphoid organs?
Thymus, lymph nodes, spleen
What is the first lymphoid organ produced?
What is the purpose of the thymus?
T-lymph maturation
Production of thymic hormones
What protects and supports the thymus?
Fibrous connective tissue (capsule) protects
Septa/trabeculae extend into the matrix, divides into lobules
Main support from underlying network of reticulin fibres
What are the characteristics of the thymic cortex?
Outer layer- deep staining
Large T lymph population
Only have efferent vessels
Epithelial reticular (nurse) cells- produce thymosin
What are the characteristics of the thymic medulla?
Inner layer- pale staining
Mesh work of epithelial cells (Hassall’s corpuscles) represent degenerative phenomenon
What are the functions of lymph nodes?
Filtration of lymph (macrophages)
Storage and proliferation of B and T lymphs
What is the purpose of trabeculae in the lymph nodes?
Provide support and convey large blood vessels
What are the characteristics of the interior lymph nodes?
Network of fine reticular fibres (support the cells)
Afferent lymphatics to subcapsular sinus to medullary sinuses (via cortical sinuses), exit through hilum
What are the characteristics of the lymph node cortex?
Densely packed lymphs
Extensions- medullary cords project into medullary space
Lymphoid follicles- germinal centred, proliferation of B lymphs
What are the characteristics of the cortical zone/paracortex?
Mainly T-lymphs
What happens to a lymph node when cellular or humoral responses are activated?
Cellular- paracortical thickening
Humoral- follicular thickening
What are the characteristics of the lymph node medulla?
Aggregations of B lymphs and plasma cells
Medullary sinuses between cords
What are the vessels involved in the spleen?
Received from splenic artery
Drained from splenic vein
What are the functions of the white and red pulp?
White- aggregations of lymphoid tissue, antibody formation
Red- filters blood and removes damaged red blood cells by macrophages, endothelial/stave cells lines vessels that move blood between venous sinuses