Module 5: Self, Identity & Biculturism Flashcards
the self
the cognitive representations, ideas, and images a person has about themselves and how/why they behave constitutes the self
is dynamic, contextual, multifaceted, and interrelated
- helps our needs of affiliation and uniqueness, and it mediates the values of our culture
different contexts of the self
- at home with family
- at a restaurant with friends
- in public with strangers
- etc.
different domains of the self
- physical
- moral
- personal
- family
- social
- work
- academic
Matsumoto (1996)
conducted research on Japanese and American students
- one would expect Japanese students to be primarily collectivist, but the opposite appears to be true
- more than 70% reported being individualistic
- self-concept is contextual and multidimensional
twenty-statement test
used to measure independent vs interdependent self-construals in Matsumoto (1996)
- participants wrote down 20 statements beginning with ‘I am …’
- answers coded as idiocentric, large group, small group, or allocentric
- little empirical evidence for the distinction made
the cognitive and affective evaluations of yourself
- individuals from individualistic cultures have more self-esteem than individuals from collectivistic cultures
the psychological processes by which you try to increase your self-esteem
state self-esteem scale
contains 3 types of self-esteem
- performance
- social
- appearance
reasons for differences in self-esteem among individualistic vs collectivistic cultures
- self-efface
- better-than-average effect
to downplay or minimize ones own importance, abilities, or achievements
better-than-average effect
people often overestimate their abilities
- mainly a Western phenomenon
Becker (1971, 1973)
developed the terror management theory about the roots of self-esteem
terror management theory
with humans being an intelligent species, aware of their own mortality and somewhat afraid of it, we have developed psychological phenomena (such as self-esteem) in order to deal with our fear of dying
tactical self-enhancement
the various ways people try to improve their self-image or self-esteem
mutual self-enhancement
the phenomenon where people give someone else a compliment with the intention of receiving one back themselves
personal identity
qualities and attributes that set you apart from other people
- e.g. playing basketball
relational identity
how we see ourselves in relation to others
- e.g. i am someone’s sibling
collective identity
ties to the social categories that we belong to
- e.g I am white
4 sub-components of collective identity
- cultural identity
- racial identity
- ethnic identity
- national identity
Tajfel (1978)
described social identity as part of the self-concept, which stems from conscious membership in a social group and its value
a fluid and dynamic concept that can change over time and is often context-dependent
if one belongs to different cultures
identity denial
when an individual is not recognized as part of a group with which they identify