Module 4.2 Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Pectoral Girdle
- Composed of 2 clavicles & 2 scapulae
- each clavicle (collarbone) connects w/sternum anteriorly & scapula (shoulder) posteriorly
Scapula (shoulder blade)
Only attached to rib cage via muscles
- allows motion in arms
- many muscles & ligaments attach to it
Rounded head that fits into socket of the scapula
- lot of muscles needed to hold humerus in place
- lots of movement at shoulder
- easily dislocated
Thumb side of forearm
Other bone in forearm
-OLCERANON PROCESS most prominent bone of ulna, can be palpated posteriorly
Radius & ulna
-allows for supination & pronation (turn palm up & palm down)
Scapula (posterior side)
Susprasinatus fossa
Infraspinatus fossa
Scapular spine
Acromion process (scapula)
- Projects from scapular spine which can be seen from both posterior & anterior views
- connects to clavicle anteriorly
Glenoid cavity (scapula)
-located in neck of scapula where head of humerus articulates w/scap
Coracoid process
Projects anteriorly from scapula allowing for muscles movement
- Single long bone in upper arm
- fits into socket of scap. at glenoid cavity *held by rotator cuff muscles & other ligaments
- glenoid cavity smaller than head of humerus
- structure provides little stability
(Of joint)
-bone is removed from it socket
Head Neck Shaft Capitulum Trochlea
Capitulum (humerus)
Articulates small portion of radius
Trochlea (humerus)
Articulates w/ulna
Medical Epicondyle (humerus)
-humerus can be palpated on medial side of the arm at elbow
Lateral epicondyle (humerus)
Humerus can be palpated on the lateral side of arm at elbow
Carpal bones
- wrist has 8
- look like small pebbles
Carpal bones (Proximal row)
(Lateral to medial)
Carpel Bones (Distal row)
(Lateral to medial) Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate
Fan out to form framework of palm
-1sr metacarpal the a thumb & 5th is the pinky
Bones of fingers & thumb
- long slender & lightweight
- thumb (1st digit) has 2 phalanges others have 3
Pelvic girdle
Consist of 2 heavy, large coxal bones
-has many important bone landmarks for attachment of muscles for lower limbs
Coxal bones (ossa coxae/innominate bones)
Anchored to the sacrum posteriorly via network of ligaments
-formed by fusion if 3 bones ilium, ischium, & pubis