Module 4: The Focus and Differences of Organization Theories Flashcards
Classical Org Theory
+ views an organization as a machine with centralized authority, labor specialization, and incentives to optimize productivity in an organization, and in turn, drive profits
+ more mechanical and impersonal
How must each employee behave in classical organizational theory?
each employee must be efficient to increase efficiency
What kind of views on an organization does classical organizational theory have?
rigid and static view of organization
Does the organization have an interaction with the environment according to the classical organizational theory?
no interaction with the environment
What aspects of an organization is the classical organizational theory more focused on?
more on structural and technical aspects of organizations
What kind of assumptions does the classical organizational theory have when it comes to an organization?
oversimplified and mechanistic assumptions
What aspects on the employees is the classical organizational theory focused on?
work as well as the economic needs of the workers
What does the classical organizational theory result in?
results to work alienation and dissatisfaction
What kind of leadership is practiced in the classical organizational theory?
authoritarian and bureaucratic
Neo-Classical Org Theory
+ humans are the focus of the theory and social relationships and interactions are instrumental to organizational efficiency
+ small groups and human behavior
What does the Neo-Classical Org Theory emphasize?
emphasized human relations
What did the Neo-Classical Org Theory introduce?
introduced an informal organization structure
What is the most irrational behavior for employees according to the Neo-Classical Org Theory?
the most irrational behavior is when they seek rewards from work
How are humans described according to the Neo-Classical Org Theory?
human beings are interdependent, one can predict their behavior by looking at the social and psychological factors
What does the Neo-Classical Org Theory integrate?
integrates the classical model with behavioral science and even considers the environment it’s in