Module 4 Review Questions Flashcards
What is the most appropriate transducer for mapping of the upper extremity superficial venous system?
10-18 MHz straight linear array
During an upper extremity venous examination, the technologist has made the patient take in a quick deep breath through pursed lips while viewing the subclavian vein. What is the purpose of this action?
collapse/coapt the subclavian vein
What is the primary method used to determine the presence of thrombus in the extremity veins?
transducer compression of the veins
At the confluence with which vein does the brachian vein become the axillary vein?
basilic vein
Which vessel connects the basilic and cephalic veins?
median cubital vein
To maximize venous pressure and distension in what position should the patients limb be placed when mapping the superficial venous system?
Which forearm vessels are NOT routinely evaluated during upper extremity venous duplex testing?
a. basilic and cephalic veins
b. basilic and ulnar veins
c. cephalic and radial veins
d. radial and ulnar veins
A patient presents to the vascular lab for upper extremity venous evaluation with face swelling and prominent veins on the chest and neck. What do these findings suggest?
superior vena cava thrombosis
Why will using a reverse Trendelenburg position to examine the lower extremity venous system make the exam more difficult?
veins without thrombus will be harder to compress
For routine operation of a vascular lab the use of a high frequency linear transducer (10 to 18 MHz) is recommended for the evaluation of which of the following?
a. superficial vein reflux
b. perforators
c. distal femoral vein
d. iliac veins
In what case will indirect assessment of the iliac veins and IVC using Doppler at the common femoral veins suggest evidence of obstruction?
The Doppler spectrum exhibits continuity
When can a false-negative D dimer be seen in the presence of DVT?
Assay cannot detect low levels of fibrin
During a lower extremity venous duplex examination, a thin, white structure is noticed moving freely in the lumen of the vein. What does this most likely represent?
valve leaflet
Which veins are one of the major blood reservoirs located in the calf?
a. the tibial veins
b. the small saphenous vein
c. soleal sinus vein
d. popliteal vein
How many common configurations does the thigh portion of the great saphenous vein have?
Which of the following is a kidney-shaped structure sometimes imaged in the groin region?
a. abscess
b. synovial cyst
c. hernia
d. lymph node
Into which of the following vessels does the small saphenous vein terminate?
a. popliteal vein
b. gastrocnemius vein
c. distal femoral vein
d. any of the above
Within which of the following positions can a true saphenous vein be determined?
a. deep muscular fascia
b. subdural lipid layer
c. saphenous fascia
d. anterior vascular compartment
Why is Doppler angle correction not necessary in venous imaging?
velocity calculation is not necessary
Compression of the subclavian veins that results in thrombosis is called:
Paget-Schroetter Syndrome