Module 2B: The Abdomen II Flashcards
Abdominal esophagus location
-lungs are lateral to thoracic esophagus
-abdominal esophagus is inferior to diaphragm
-thoracic esophagus is posterior to trachea
Lower esophageal sphincter
-at distal end of esophagus
-between abdominal esophagus and stomach
Function of lower esophageal sphincter
-prevents reflux of gastric contents into esophagus
What type of control is lower esophageal sphincter under
-involuntary control
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
-weak or abnormal closure of lower esophageal sphincter which can result in regurgitation of stomach contents into esophagus
GERD symptoms
-chest pain
-vomiting of refluxed contents
Pyloric sphincter
-gateway of pylorus that controls movement of contents from the stomach into the duodenum
What type of control is the pyloric sphincter under
-autonomic control
Pyloric orifice
-at distal end of stomach, where stomach empties into proximal part of small intestines
-the stomach walls narrow to form this
Rugae of the stomach
-gastric folds that allow expansion
Blood supply of the stomach
-celiac trunk
-left gastro-epiploic artery
-left gastric artery
-right gastric artery
-right gastro-epiploic artery
Small intestine location
-extends from the pyloric orifice to ileocecal junction and is divided into 3 parts
3 parts of the small intestine
Small intestines mesentery
-except for proximal part of duodenum which is retroperitoneal
Parts of the duodenum
-superior part
-descending part
-horizontal part
-ascending part
Superior part of the duodenum
-duodenal cap
-the bile duct and gastroduodenal arteries pass posterior to this section
Decending part of the duodenum
-runs vertically
-contains the major duodenal papilla
Major duodenal papilla
-the site where the hepatopancreatic ampulla drains into the duodenum
Horizontal part of the duodenum
-passes transversely across inferior ven acava
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome
-rare condition where duodenum is compressed between aorta and superior mesenteric artery
Ascending part of the duodenum
-passes upward and to the left of aorta
-forms duodenal flexure
Ligament of treitz
-anchors duodenal flexure to the posterior abdominal wall
Foregut section of duodenum blood supply
-gastroduodenal artery and its branch the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
Midgut portion of duodenum blood supply
-inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
Jejunum and ileum blood supply
-jejunal and ileal arteries
Meckels diverticulum
-outpouching of tissue in distal ileum of small intestines
-birth defect
Meckels diverticulum symptoms
-intestinal obstruction resulting in vomiting and constipation
-pain in epigastric and umbilical regions of abdomen
Teniae coli of large intestine
-3 thickened bands of longitudinal muscle
Haustra of large intestine
-segmented pouches or folds
Epiploic appendages of large intestine
-fatty tags enclosed by peritoneum
Hirschsprung disease
-birth defect
-motor nerve cells are absent in the muscles of the colon
-affects motility in the colon, making it difficult to pass stool
The cecum
-where the ileum joins the large intestines
Cecum mesentery
Ileocecal valve
-where opening of the ileum into the cecum is controlled
Intraperitoneal structures of the large intestines
-transverse colon
-sigmoid colon
Retroperitoneal structures of the large intestines
-ascending colon
-descending colon
Midgut portion of large intestine blood supply
-3 branches of SMA
-ileocolic artery
-right colic artery
-middle colic artery
Hindgut portion of large intestine blood supply
-branches of IMA
-left colic artery
-sigmoidal arteries
-superior rectal artery
Mesenteric artery ischemia
-condition resulting in occlusion of mesenteric arteries
Mesenteric artery ischemia symptoms
-abdominal pain and tenderness
Venous drainage of gastrointestinal viscera
-splenic vein
-superior mesenteric vein
-inferior mesenteric vein
-hepatic portal vein
Splenic vein drainage
-drains the spleen, lower esophagus, and part of the stomach and pancreas
Superior mesenteric vein location
-ascends through mesentery of small intestine to join splenic vein
Inferior mesenteric vein location
-ascends on left to join splenic vein
Hepatic portal vein function
-carries nutrient rich, deoxygenated blood from digestive tract to the liver
What is hepatic portal vein formed from
-union of splenic and superior mesenteric veins
What is the hepatic portal vein useful for
-detecting early signs of cirrhosis by testing pulsality
What is the biggest internal organ
What are the lobes of the liver divided by
What are the peritoneal recesses
-subphrenic recess
-hepatorenal recess
Subphrenic recess
-superior extensions of peritoneal cavity between liver and diaphragm
Hepatorenal recess
-deep recess in peritoneal cavity on the right side between liver and kidney
Main blood supply of the liver
-portal vein
-hepatic artery proper
Portal vein thrombosis
-blood clot formed in portal vein, interrupting the flow of nutrient rich blood from intestines to liver
Portal vein thrombosis symptoms
-upper right abdominal pain and swelling
Parts of the gallbladder
Fundus of the gallbladder
-projects anteriorly from inferior border
Body of the gallbladder
-projects posteriorly and narrows to the neck which is continuous with cystic duct
-hardened deposits of bile that can form in gallbladder
Biliary colic
-spasmodic pain caused by an attempt to expel a gallstone
-inflammatory condition of the biliary duct system, commonly caused by gallstones blocking a duct
Cholagitis symptoms
-pain in upper right quadrant of abdomen
Parts of the pancreas
-uncinate process
Head of the pancreas location
-sits in the concavity of duodenum on the right side of the abdominal cavity
Uncinate process location
-medial projection from head
Body of the pancreas location
-extends towards the left
Tail of pancreas location
-abuts medial side of spleen
-inflammation of the pancreas, can be caused by presence of gallstones
Pancreatitis symptoms
-upper abdominal pain
-upper left quadrant pain
Location of the spleen
-under left dome of diaphragm behind stomach and anterior to ribs 9,10,11
Where is the hilum of the spleen located
-on medial side
-condition that occurs when the spleen becomes enlarged, which may affect other abdominal organs close to the spleen
Splenomegalogy symptoms
-pain in upper left abdomen
The kidneys mesentery
Which kidney is slightly lower
-right kidney
-kidney infection typically caused by bacterial infection of bladder
-can travel to kidney through ureters
Pyolonephritis symptoms
-flank pain
The ureters
-each one leaves the hilum of the kidney and descends vertically towards pelvis
Ureter stones
-kidney stone that has moved from kidney into another part of urinary tract obstructing the pathway of urine from kidney into bladder
Urinary stones symptoms
-flank pain
-bood in urine
-pain when urinating
The adrenal (suprarenal glands)
-lie on upper poles of the kidneys
-right adrenal gland
-left adrenal gland
Suprarenal glands blood supply
-suprarenal arteries
-branches from inferior phrenic and renal arteries
Adrenal gland tumour
-usually leads to an imbalance or overproduction of hormones
Adrenal gland tumour symptoms
-excessive hair growth
-unusual acne
Kidneys main blood supply
-right and left renal arteries
Right and left renal arteries
-paired arteries that arise from lateral side of abdominal aorta at level L2
Accessory renal arteries
-may arise from aorta above or below main renal artery and enter kidney above or below hilum
Right and left renal veins
-travel anterior to renal arteries
Nutcracker syndrome
-occurs when left renal vein becomes compressed between abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery
-the resulting pressure increase affects renal vein and therefore urine
Nutcracker syndrome symptoms
-blood and protein in urine
-flank/abdominal pain