module 2, Anchoring Code Flashcards
Anchoring Code`
Anchoring activate ones core
Getting back into ones body. Moving from idenitifying singularly or dominatingly with ones mind –> to ones true nature is energy.
Anchoring takes one to the body via the sacram (1st chakra)
p 89, 101
root chakra
Subject v Object
centered on Soulful Self and with each experience (physical, mental-emotive, or spiritual) focus is on “this in information for the self” versus “what are they doing/thinking/etc” a focus on somone or something arising from a mistaken perception that things are happening “to” the self rather than “for” the self.
It is useful to focus on bodily sensations when experiencing as a way of landing on the body…which connects w Feeling Code, “Take it to the Body”
p101, 110
Mula bandha
Root Lock
Central Channel Breathing/
In the fontanels and out the perineum –> then in the perineum and out the fontanel
All breath inhales are into the solar plexus “grapefruit - basketball”
Anchor Points on Central Channel
Mula Bandha - sacram
Anahata - heart
Vishuddha - throat
ocular orbits & Ajna - eyes
CCB w anchor points
In the fontanels and out the perineum –> then in the perineum and out the fontanel
WHILE contracting Anchor Points on exhale
anchoring Yoga
Ukatasana, chair pose
Paravoitanasana, pyramid
Vrkasana, tree
Virabhadrasana, warrior 1
Drop-in Drop-through
Using CCB to pull energy into body