Module 17: The Digestive System Flashcards
enzymes are used to
break down carbs into simple sugars, proteins into amino acids and lipids into glycerol and fatty acids
3 functions of digestive system
Process of digestive system
Ingestion propulsions (swallowing) Digestion (mechanical and chemical) Absorption Elimination (defecation)
Organs of digestive tract
aka alimentary canal or GI tracts
mouth pharynx esophagus stomach small and large intestine
accessory organs of digestive system
teeth tongue salivary glands liver gallbladder pancreas
serous Peritoneum
simple squamous epithelium that covers connective tissue
found in abdominopelvic cavity below the diaphragm
Above diaphragm = adventitia
Visceral peritoneum
covers external surfaces of digestive organs
Parietal peritoneum
lines walls of abdominal cavity
Extensions (folds) of peritoneum
mesentery (small intestine) mesocolon (colon) falciform ligament (Liver) greater omentum (fatty apron that hangs over stomach and covers colon and small intestine) lesser omentum (suspends the stomach and duodenum from liver)
Functions of peritoneum
holds organs in place
conducts nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels
some fatty parts protect organs
Location of peritoneal cavity
space between the visceral peritoneum and the parietal peritoneum
Function of peritoneal cavity
serous fluid provides lubrication for 2 layers
preventing friction
Layers of the alimentary canal
walls of alimentary canal from the esophagus to the anus
inner to outer layer: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa
Function of mucosa
direct contact with contents of tract protection secretion of enzymes, mucus and hormones absorption of nutrients pulls mucous membrane of small intestine into folds (plicae circularis)
function of Submucosa
connective tissue that binds the mucosa to the muscularis
contains blood and lymphatic vessels, lymph nodules and nerve fibers
Function of muscularis
consists of inner circular smooth muscle and outer longitudinal smooth muscle
Exception: stomach has extra layer of smooth muscle (oblique)
Mixes (segmentation) and propels (peristalsis) food and water through digestive tract
Circular layer of smooth muscle forms valves/sphincters
Function of serosa
visceral periotneum
Consists of areolar connective tissue covered with simple squamous epis