Module 11: The Special Senses Flashcards
receptors for taste in the taste buds
Microvilli on taste buds
tastebuds are on these elevations on the tongue
3 parts of taste buds
supporting cells
gustatory receptor cells
Basal cells
5 basic tastes
sour sweet bitter salty umami (beef, aging cheese)
Physiology of taste organs
microvilli are stimulated
impulse from TONGUE travels along cranial nerve VII (facial) and IX (glossopharyngeal)
impulse from epiglottis and lower pharynx travel along cranial X (vagus)
Impulses then go through medulla oblongata to thalamus
Interpreted in insula of the brain
Olfactory receptor cells are found in the
olfactory epithelium
Physiology of Olfactory Organs
olfactory receptors stimulated
Impulse travels along cranial nerve I
Interpreted in temporal lobe
What nerves cause reflex reaction of sneezing
V and I
Accessory structures of the eye
eyebrow eyelid eyelashes conjunctiva lacrimal apparatus extrinsic eye muscles
2 muscles under eyebrow
obicularis oculi
Eyelid is also known as
2 regions of conjunctiva of eye
palpebral conjunctiva (thick, adheres to eyelid) Bulbar conjunctiva (covers surface of eyeball; conjunctival sac forms when eyelid is closed)
Lacrimal apparatus of eye
consists of lacrimal gland and tear ducts (almond shape)
Secretes lacrimal fluid (tears)
Tears drain through lacrimal puncta, lacrimal sal, nasolacrimal duct which empties into nasal cavity
Lacrimal fluid contains
lysozyme to destroy bacteria and prevent infection
Extrinsic eye muscles
Superior rectus (rolls eye upward) Inferior rectus (downward) Lateral rectus (outward) Medial rectus (inward) Superior oblique (medially) Inferior oblique (laterally)
3 cranial nerves that control extrinsic eye muscles
oculomotor (cranial nerve III)
Abducens (cranial nerve VI)
Trochlear (cranial nerve IV)
3 layers of the eye
inner (nervous)
Fibrous layer of eye
Sclera (white of eye)
Cornea (window of eye)
Vascular layer of eye
ciliary body
Inner nervous layer of eye
aka retina
Rods (120mi, dim light)
Cones (6.5mi, bright light, color)
Sight disorder
hyperopia (farsighted - only see far)
Myopia (nearsighted - only see close)
cloudy area in lens causing distorted images
intraocular press when the drainage from aqueous humour is blocked
Outer ear
Pinna (flap)
auditory canal
Cerumen - earwax produced by ceremonies glands
Middle ear
tympanic membrane, ossicles, phyaryngotympanic tube
Inner ear
aka labyrinth
for hearing
shaped like snail
contains hair for hearing int he organ of Corti
in-between semicircular canals and cochlea
for balance
Semi circular canals
oval shaped
detect motion
for balance
Physiology of hearing
sound waves pass through external auditory canal and vibrate tympanic membrane
vibrates 2 ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)
causes perilymph in cochlea to move
endolymph which stimulate hair cells in organ or court
Nerve impulse travel along cochlear branch, cranial nerve VII to temporal lobe
Disorders of ear
impacted cerumen (earwax build up)
Ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Tinnitus (ringing in ear)