Module 10: Central and Peripheral Nervous System (from review) Flashcards
4 main regions of brain
brain stem
4 lobes of cerebrum
frontal (movement)
parietal (sensations)
temporal (hearing and smelling)
occipital (vision)
frontal lobe
movement of voluntary skeletal muscle
concentration, planning, problem solving
parietal lobe
sensations of temp, touch, pressure, pain
understanding speed and using words
temporal lobe
hearing and smelling
occipital lobe
combining images with other sensory experiences (sounds, odours)
spinal cord
transmits impulses to and from brain
CSF where is it found
water, traces of proteins glucose and lymphocytes
Found in subarachnoid space within cavities of brain and spinal cord
CSF how is it formed
separation of fluid from blood in the choroid plexuses (ventricles in brain) and is released by ependymal cells
CSF function
forms a cushion around brain/spinal cords
nourishes brain/SC
removes waste from nervous tissue and brings into venous blood
functional classification of sensory receptors
mechanoreceptors (touch, pressure, vibration, stretch, itch)
Chemoreceptors (chemicals in mouth, nose, body fluids)
Nociceptros (detect pain)
Sensory receptors based on location
exteroceptors (near body surface, external environment)
Interoceptors (internal organs/blood vessels)
Proprioceptors (skeletal muscle, joints, tendons, bones etc)
Nerve structure
bundles of nerve fibres surrounded by epineurium, perineurium, endoneurium
12 cranial nerves
O O O To Touch A Fucking Virgin Girls Vagina Ah Hah Olfactory (smell) Optic (vision) Oculomotor (Eyelid/ball) Trochlear (eyes downward) Trigeminal (chewing) Abducens (turns eye laterally) Facial Vestibulocochlear (hearing) Glossopharyngeal (taste) Vagus (blood pressure, heart rate) Accessory (swallowing) Hypoglossal (tongue)
Autonomic nervous system
part of PNS
proper functions of internal organs
Automatic and operates unconsciously
2 divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic
Sympathetic nervous system (of the ANS)
active in stressful situations
“fight or flight”
Parasympathetic nervous system
active in non stressful situations
“feed and breed”, “rest and digest”
Thoracolumbar outflow
another name for sympathetic nervous system “fight or flight”
autoimmune disease of CNS
loss of transmission of impulses
no cure
form of neuritis
Aging and the nervous system
balance impaired at age 65 muscle coordination deteriorates Low blood pressure Sense of smell and taste declines Reflexes decline