module 16 : stress and health Flashcards
good vs bad stress (who, 2 terms and model)
Hans Selye
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Eustress = good stress, distress = bad stress
The maximal adaptability model MAM (stress levels can be high)
Stressors and the Stress Response + names
Richard Lazarus ans Susan Folkman : stress and coping theory
Hans Selye : Distinguish between internal (psychological and biological) and external aspects of stress
acute stressors
short term, mins-hours
- most cortisol response
chronic stressors
enduring, weeks-years
traumatic stressor
hormonal responses to stressors (2 systems)
- autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis
fight or flight (name)
Walter cannon
autonomic nervous system (ANS) (2 branches)
Hypothalamus promotes its activity (the corticotropin : epinephrine and norepinephrine)
- Sympathetic nervous system, the activator (release of hormones, catecholamines)
- Parasympathetic nervous system, the regulator
Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis
cortisol (from adrenal gland)
primary appraisal
evaluate demands associated with the perceived stressor
secondary appraisal
evaluate resources to deal with potential stressor
resources exceed the demands of the situation
demands exceed the resources available for coping
childhood stressors (risk for what)
seem to carry added weight in terms of risk for psychological disorders (abuse, neglect, family violence). Genetics is also another factor.
acute respiratory illness (4)
- colds (rhinovirus)
- flu (influenza)
- asthma
- latent viruses
what can reduce risk of cold
Personality traits (positive emotional style)
They are more likely to get sick if they experienced high levels of stress
Episodic course
he sickness occurs in intervals
latent viruses are …
physical activity
big 5 factor personality theory
More extraversion, opennes, aggreablness, conciosuness, less off neurotism
Physical activity protects you.
biological aging
- Cells malfunction cause of age
- Stressors may accelerate aging process
“the length of the telomeres in our immune cells predicts our risk for a whole host of diseases of aging and death” They shorten with stress (on immune cells)
stress and chronic illnesses (2 sicknesses)
cardiovascular disease
autoimune disorder
confinding factors
ex. alcohol
white hall study
linked job stress to metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular disease
Expose to persistent chronic stress face effects on our cardiovascular health
Autoimmune disorders
Stressors in childhood is associated with autoimmune disorders in adults