module 14 : psychological disorders Flashcards
what is psychological disorders ?
abnormal psychology
the four D’s
- deviance
- distress
- dysfunction
- danger
behaviors, thoughts and feelings that are not social standard (statistical or cultural)
feeling that are upsetting and cause pain, suffering, sorrow
feelings are disruptive to ones routine
feelings may lead to harm or injury to self or others
Labels (4)
- Provides explanation for abnormal behaviors, thoughts and feelings
- Provides a language for specialists
- Manageable and efficient for tracking rates (data)
- Labels can have long term effects on a person.
Created to classify and classify psychiatric and psychological disorders (system)
Major changes to DSM-5 (4)
- use of Arabic numerals
- arranged disorders in chronically order
- change in labels + new categories
- 1 domain instead of 5 (Axis)
DMS use
They inspire to diagnose and develop treatment plans (case formulation, including clinical significance)
neurodevelopemental disorders (+EX)
- Relates to development of the nervous system
- Infancy, early childhood
Impairment : - Social
- Academic
- Behavioral
EX. Autism spectrum disorder (Aspergers)
Autism spectrum disorder (Aspergers)
Second year of life
Difficulty to express emotions, attached to routine, and lack communication skills, can be hypersensitive to touch
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders
Impairment of their function (lost touch with reality)
Serious mental illness (interferes in daily activity)
Many end up homeless
Positive and negative symptoms
(mathematical sens +, - )
+ When it adds something to a person’s behavior or sensory repertoire : Hallucination (or inappropriate emotions)
- When it subtracts from a person’s behavior or sensory repertoire : Lack of emotion
Bipolar and related disorders (+EX)
Bipolar = two opposites extremes
Alternation of mania episodes and depression episodes
EX. Bipolar II disorder
excessive energy interferes with function at significant level
Bipolar II disorder
- Hypomania (less intense) and major depressive episodes
- Debilitating condition : disorder that seriously affects someone’s function
depressive disorders
Long lasting that can affects others surrounding
Major: suicide
Hormonal factors (women 2-3 x more than men)
anxiety disorders
- Most common
- Excessive fear (response to current threats) and anxiety (worrying about future or potential threats)
- Affects the ability to function
Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
- Obsession are uncontrollable thoughts, fears, urges, or images, they are recurring unwanted and intrusive
- Compulsions are recurrent uncontrollable behaviors, compulsive behaviors are obligated (driven by obsession)
EX. hoarding disorder
trauma and stressor-related disorders (+EX)
- Trauma: emotional response to a “shocking, terrifying, dangerous, or life-threatening event”
- Stress: reaction to life demands
- Response may involve social withdrawal (avoids people or activities that were once enjoyable), dissociation (disrupts a person) …
- Effects of vicarious
Effects of vicarious
experienced when listening, watching, or reading about someone else doing it
PTSD (+4 categories)
sets within 3 months of exposure to traumatic event
1. re-experiencing symptoms
2. avoidance symptoms
3. cognitive and mood symptoms
4. arousal and reactivity symptoms
PTSD : re-experiencing symptoms
flashbacks, nightmares, involountaty thoughts
PTSD : avoidance symptoms
stay away from people or places
PTSD : cognitive and mood symptoms
inability to remember important features of the trauma event
PTSD : arousal and reactivity symptoms
being tense and irritable and angry
dissociative disorders (+ and - symptoms and EX.)
Experiences dissociation: like a separation of “myself” from my body or from reality
+ depersonalization, derealisation, fragment of identity
- loss of memory or mental function
- loss of identity or emotion
EX. multiple personality disorders
multiple personality disorder
- Two or more distinct identities (unaware of each other)
- Extensive memory loss
somatic symptom and related disorders (+ EX)
- Somatic: body not mind
- Its an intense focus on symptoms of physical illness or pain
EX. Factitious disorder
Factitious disorder
indure or cause themselves to be sick to seek treatment
feeding and eating disorders (+2 EX.)
Problem of consuming or absorbing nutrients, leads to physical or emotional health problems
- Feeding disorders : tend to be seen in kids (motivation : food preference, intolerance)
- Eating disorder : teens and adults (emotional response)
EX. binge eating + pica
binge eating disorder (4)
- Higher among women
- Among people seeking to lose weight
- Loss of control
- Once per week/3 months
regular eating of non-food objects (my strange addiction)
personality disorders (3 clusters + Ex)
- Drastically different enduring behaviors
- Only diagnosed when harming
1. odd and eccentric
2. dramatic, emotional, erratic
3. anxious and fearful
EX. borderline personality disorder
borderline personality disorder (4)
- Instability in relationships
- Self-image
- Emotion
- black-and -white thinking (all good or all bad) no gray
cluster: odd and eccentric
similar to schizophrenia, social awkwardness, social withdrawal, distorted thinking
cluster: dramatic, emotional and erratic
impulse control, moral reasoning, regulating emotions, irrational
cluster: anxious and fearful
less impairing then others, shy, nervous, overcautious
the biopsychosocial approach
biological makeup + psychological experience + social ennviorment
Etiology : underlying causes and contributing factors