module 10 : intelligence Flashcards
ability to discern true or important information from false or unimportant information
- difficult to measure and understand
Aristotle : two dimensions of behavioural flexibility
- practical wisdom : application of knowledge (reasoning)
- theoretical wisdom : extention of ideas across conteste, science, abstract
The Flynn effect
we are getting smarter due to the environment factors
- nutrition and health
- better education
- increasing complexity of environment and technologie
measuring intelligence : Galton
physiological measures predicts intelligence
- eugenics : Darwinism
- conclusion : intelligence is normally distributed
binet and simons inteligence tests
evaluates mental age with 3 basic abilities
1) direction
2) adaptation
3) criticism
stanford-binet test
- invented IQ
- mental age divided by chronically age x 100
(doesn’t work for adults)
Wechsler test
- developed deviated IQ comparing how an individual compares to the average on standardized test
- bias
eugenics (good genes)
- survival of the fittest
stereotype threats
Refers to the risk of confirming negative expectations about one’s own social group
mental structure of representation, attitude, interpretations …
we have one general intelligence (g)
-factor analysis (statistical technique)
several abilities
7 clusters …
content validity
The extent to which a test samples the behaviour that is of interest
predictive validity
The success with which a test predicts the behaviour it is designed to predict
hierarchical structure
- general intelligence
- fluid general intelligence
- crystallized general intelligence
- cognitive flexibility
wisdom paradox
- Goldberg
- people get wiser as they grow up, while the intelligence goes down
emotional intelligence (4 components)
- ablilty to perceive
- use
- undersand
- manage
ability to perceive
ability to use
facility thoughts, creative thinking
ability to understand
ability to manage
how to express
other forms of intelligence : triarchic theory
- stenberg
1) analytic intelligence
2) creative intelligence
3) practical intelligence
All together is successful intelligence
analytic intelligence
creative intelligence
practical intelligence
multiple intelligence : gardner
8 types
- bodily-kinesthetic
- interpersonal
- verbal-linguistic
- logical-mathematical
- naturalistic
- intra-personal
- visual-spacial
- musical
twins and adoptions studies
1) identical twins raised together are similar score
2) identical twins raised apart
3) fraternal twins raised together
4) siblings raised together
5) unrelated individuals raised together