Module 1- Med Term Abbreviations Flashcards
What does ā stand for?
Before (ante)
What does AAA stand for?
abdominal aortic aneurysm - AKA “Triple A”
What does abd stand for?
What does ABG stand for?
Arterial blood gas
What does a.c stand for?
before meals (ante cibum)
What does ADL stand for?
Activities of daily living
What does ad lib stand for?
as desired
What does AEB stand for?
as evidenced by
What does AKA stand for?
above the knee amputation
What does AMA stand for?
against medical advice
What does AMI stand for?
Acute myocardial infraction
What does amb. or amb stand for?
Ambulate or ambulatory
What does AP stand for?
anteroposterior - (AP chest Xray)
What does ASAP stand for?
As soon as possible
What does b.i.d, bid, BID stand for?
Twice a day (bis in die)
What does BKA stand for?
below the knee amputation
What does BLE stand for?
Bilateral lower extremities
What does BM stand for?
Bowel movement
What does BMP stand for?
basic metabolic panel
What does BP, B/P stand for?
blood pressure
What does bpm stand for ?
beats per min
What does BS, bs stand for?
bowel sounds; blood sugar, breath sounds
What does BUN stand for?
Blood urea nitrogen
What does Bx, bx stand for
What does c̅ stand for?
What does Ca stand for?
What does CA stand for?
What does cap stand for?
What does cath stand for?
Catheter, catheterize
What does C & S stand for?
culture and sensitivity
what does c/o, C/O stand for?
complaints of
What does CABG stand for?
Coronary artery bypass graft(s)
what does CAD stand for?
coronary artery disease
What does CT scan, CAT scan stand for?
Computed tomography scan, computed axial tomography scan
What does CBC stand
Complete blood count
what does CC or C.C stand for?
chief complaint
What does cc stand for?
cubic centimeter same thing as ML— We do not use cc
What does CHF stand for?
congestive heart failure
What does CMP stand for?
Complete metabolic panel
What does CNS stand for?
Central nervous system
What does COPD stand for?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
What does CPAP stand for?
continuous positive airway pressure
what does CRF stand for?
Chronic renal failure
What does CSF stand for?
Cerebrospinal fluid
What does CTA stand for?
clear to ausculation
What does CTA stand for?
clear to auscultation
What does CV stand for?
What does CVA stand for?
cardiovascular accident
What does CXR stand for?
chest xray
What does d stand for?
What does D/C or d/c stand for?
discontinue or discharge
what does DM stand for?
diabetes mellitus
What does DNR stand for?
Do not resuscitate
What does DOE stand for?
dyspnea on exertion
What does dsg, drsg stand for
what does DTV stand for?
due to void
what does Dx or dx stand fo
What does dx, DX stand for?
What does EBL stand for?
estimated blood loss
What does ECG or EKG stand for?
What does EENT stand for?
eyes, ears, nose and throat
What does ESRD stand for?
end stage renal disease
What does et al. stand for?
and others
What does ETOH, EtOH stand for?
ethanol, alcohol
What does F/U or f/u stand for?
Follow up
What does Fe stand for?
What does FFP stand for
Fresh frozen plasma
what does Fx. or fx stand for?
What does GERD stand for?
Gastroesophageal reflex disease
What doe GI, G.I. stand for?
what does gtt(s) stand for?
What does H/H or hgb/hct stand for?
Hemoglobin and hematocrit (hemoglobin is ALWAYS first)
What does HA stand for?
What does HA stand for?
What does HHN stand for?
hand held nebulizer
What does HOB stand for?
Head of bed
What does H&P stand for?
History and physical
what does HPI stand for?
history of present illness