Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 9 Flashcards
They are coming tomorrow
Vienen mañana
They are coming next week (the coming week)
Vienen la semana entrante
They are coming next year
Vienen el próximo año
They are coming shortly
Vienen dentro de poco
For how long will he stay here?
¿Hasta cuándo se quedará aquí?
He’ll stay here till late
Se quedará aquí hasta tarde.
They have been here since yesterday
Estaban aquí desde ayer
Since when have they been here?
¿Desde cuándo estaban aquí?
They will arrive by four o’clock
Llegarán para las cuatro
By when will they arrive?
¿Para cuándo llegarán?
I think that it will be ready by tomorrow more or less
Creo que estará listo para mañana mas o menos
By when do you suppose it will be ready more or less?
¿Para cuándo crees que estará listo, mas o menos?
I expect to send it by next week approximately
Espero enviarlo para la semana entrante aproximadamente
I suppose that they will arrive by 8 ‘oclock
Supongo que llegarán para las 8
By when do you suppose they will arrive?
¿Para cuándo supones que llegarán?
It requires two thirds.
Requiere dos tercios
How much does it require?
¿Cuánto requiere?
A lot is needed
Hace falta mucho
How much is needed?
¿Cuánto hace falta?
It is four miles long.
Es cuatro millas de largo
How long is it?
¿Cuánto es de largo?
Today is May 5th
Hoy estamos a cinco de Mayo
What day is it today?
¿A cuánto estamos hoy?
A yard of wire sells for one dollar
La yarda de alambre se vende a un dólar.
How much does a yard of wire sell for?
¿A cuánto se vende la yarda de alambre?
They bought that Picasso for a million dollars
Compraron ese Picasso a un millón de dólares
For how much did they buy that Picasso?
¿A cuánto compraron ese Picasso?
He paid them at 65 cents the dozen
Los pago a 65 centavos la docena.
How much did he pay them for?
¿A cuánto los pagó?
The President is sick
El Presidente esta enfermo
How is the President?
Como esta el Presidente
The President is young.
El Presidente es joven
The maid left angry
La criada salio enojada
How did the maid leave?
Como salio la criada?
The students travelled by airplane
Los estudiantes viajaron por avion
How did the students travel
Como viajaron los estudiantes
He did it with care
Lo hizo con mucho cuidado
How did he do it?
Como lo hizo?
He invited her by mail
La invito por carta
How did he invite her?
Como la invito?
I need you to bring me the other documents
Necesito que me traiga los otros documentos
You are only entitled to two weeks pay
Usted no tiene derecho a mas de dos semanas de pago
How wide is it?
Como es de ancho?
How heavy is it?
Como es de pesado?
How fast did they sell the house?
Con que rapidez vendieron la casa?
How early did he leave?
Cuan temprano salio?
How late is it?
Cuan tarde es?
How is the coffee?
Que tal (esta) el cafe?
What does your cousin look like?
-She is blonde with green eyes
Que tal (es) tu prima -Es rubia y de ojos verdes
How did she do?
-Very well. She got an A.
Que tal lo hizo?
-Muy bien. Obtuvo una A.
How do you like your coffee?
-I like it black without sugar
Como te gusta el café?
-Me gusta negro, sin azúcar
How did they travel?
-They traveled by plane
Como viajaron?
-Viajaron por avion
How did they sew it?
-They sewed it by hand
Como lo cosieron?
-Lo cosieron a mano
How did they travel?
-They traveled without problems
Que tal viajaron?
-Viajaron sin problemas
How does he write?
-He writes fast and without making mistakes
Que tal escribe?
-Escribe rapido y sin cometer errores
What kind of (a) person is she?
Que tal persona es? = que clase de persona es?
What kind of reception did he give you?
-Very cordial
Que tal recibimiento te dio?
-Muy cordial
What kind of stay did you guys have?
Que tal estadia tuvieron?
-A wonderful stay
What kind of instruments are those?
-They are navigating instruments
Que clase de instrumentos son esos?
-Son unos instrumentos de navegacion
He lives nearby
Vive muy cerca de aqui
He lives at his parent’s house
Vive en casa de sus padres
He lives on the other side of the river
Vive al otro lado del rio.
This plane comes from Lima
Este avion viene de Lima
Where does this plane come from
De donde viene este avion
He called you from Paris
Te llamo desde Paris
Where did he call you from?
De donde te llamo?
He is going to the library
Va a (para) la biblioteca
Where is he going to?
Donde va
A donde va
Adonde va
Para donde va?
One gets there through the park
Se llega alli por el parque
How (through where) does one get there?
Por donde se llega alli?
He likes to walk along Fifth Avenue
Le gusta pasearse por la Quinta Avenida
Whereabouts does he like to walk?
Por donde le gusta pasearse?
We are now heading towards the cathedral
Ahora nos dirijimos hacia la catedral
Where are we heading for now?
Hacia donde nos dirijimos ahora?
They managed to go as far as Mexico
Lograron llegar hasta Mexico
How far did they manage to go?
Hasta donde lograron llegar?
Where did you buy it?
Donde lo compraste?
In what place did you buy it?
En donde lo compraste?
I bought it in the new store
Lo compre en el nuevo almacen
She wants the blue dress
Quiere el traje azul
Which dress does she want?
Cual traje quiere
She wants the red ones
Quiere los rojos
Which ones does she want?
Cuales quiere?
What/which instrument do you play?
Que/cual instrumento tocas?
What/which purses do you prefer?
Que/cuales carteras prefieres?
What are you going to paint?
Que vas a pintar?
Which one are you going to paint?
Cual vas a pintar?
What did you take
Que llevaste tu?
Which ones did you take?
Cuales llevaste tu?
What is linguistics?
-It is the scientific study of language
Que es linguistica?
-Es el estudio cientifico del lenguaje
What is a hurricane?
-It is a tropical storm
Que es un huracan?
-Es una tormenta tropical
What is a mathematical problem
-It is a numerical calculation
Que es un problema matematico?
-Es un calculo numerico
Which is the branch of linguistics that studies sounds?
Cual es la rama de linguistica que estudia los sonidos?
-La fonetica
Which was the last hurricane to hit the coast?
-It was hurricane Celia
Cual fue el ultimo huracan que azoto la costa
-Fue el huracan Celia
Which are the mathematical problems that you don’t understand?
-The ones on page 50?
Cuales son los problemas matematicos que no comprendes?
-Los de la pagina 50
Here I have several tools. Which ones of these do you need?
Aqui tengo varias herramientas.Cuales de estas necesitas?
Here are all my history books. Which ones do you need?
Aqui estan todos mis libros de historia. Cuales necesitas?
Who is more capable, he or she?
Quien es mas capaz, el o ella?
Which ones (who) are the most responsible?
Quienes (cuales) son los mas responsables?
I am referring to the Dreyfus case.
Me refiero al caso Dreyfus
To what case are you referring?
A que (cual) caso te refieres?
They opened the door with a knife
Abrieron la puerta con un cuchillo
With what did they open the door?
Con que abrieron la puerta?
That woman believes in ghosts
Esa mujer cree en los espiritus
In what does that woman believe?
En que cree esa mujer?
Of her children she prefers the youngest.
De sus hijos prefiere al menor
Which one of her children does she prefer?
A cual de sus hijos prefiere?
She decided for the cheaper one
Se decidio por el mas barato
Which one did she decide on?
Por cual se decidio?
This pill is for headaches
Esta pastilla es para el dolor de cabeza
What is this pill for
Para que es esta pastilla?
He forgave her because she was not guilty
Le perdono porque no tenia la culpa
Why did he forgive her?
Por que le perdono?
Why did she leave?
-In order to get something to eat
Para que salio?
-Para buscar algo de comer
Why did she leave?
-Because she was furious
Por que salio?
-Porque estaba furiosa
Three policemen arrived
Llegaron tres policias
How many policemen arrived?
Cuantos policias llegaron
Several persons have confirmed it
Lo han confirmado varias personas
How many persons have confirmed it?
Cuantas personas lo han confirmado?
Some of them were missing
Algunos de ellos faltaban
How many of them were missing?
Cuantos de ellos faltaban?
He needs a lot of money
Necesita mucho dinero
How much money does he need?
Cuanto dinero necesita?
There is little water
Hay poca agua
How much is there? (water)
Cuanta hay? (agua)
He invited several persons
Invito a varias personas
How many persons did he invite?
A cuantas personas invito?
I got an answer from five people
Recibi respuesta de cinco
From how many persons did you get an answer?
De cuantos recibiste respuesta?
She did it in a short time
lo hizo en poco tiempo
How long did it take her to do it?
En cuanto tiempo lo hizo?
She prepared food for a hundred guests
Preparo comida para cien invitados
For how many guests did she prepare food?
Para cuantos invitados preparo comida?
He inconveniences himself for very few people
Se sacrifica por muy pocos
For how many does he inconvenience himself?
Por cuantos se sacrifica?
Roberto called his cousin
Roberto llamo a su primo
Whom did Roberto call?
A quien llamo Roberto?
This gift is for them
Este regalo es para ellos
For whom is this gift?
Para quienes es este regalo?
She used to spend a lot of time with her mother
Pasaba mucho tiempo con su madre
With whom did she spend a lot time?
Con quien pasaba mucho tiempo?
She believed in God
Creia en Dios
In whom did she believe?
En quien creia?
Whose pen is this?
De quien es esta pluma?
Whose papers are these?
De quien son estos papeles?
Whose books are these?
De quienes son estos libros?
Whose was the house in which you stayed?
De quien era la casa en que te quedaste?
With whose (with what) money did you buy it? with mine?
Con que dinero lo compraste, con el mio?
To whose office have they sent you, to hers?
A que oficina te han mandado, a la de ella?
In whose house did you stay, in theirs?
En que casa te quedaste, en la de ellos?
I asked her how much time she would need
Le pregunte cuanto tiempo necesitaria
he asked me if I went yesterday
Me preguntaba si fui ayer (habia ido ayer)
You haven’t told me which one you want
No me has dicho cual quieres
Tell me where it comes from
Dime de donde viene
i don’t know who he is nor what he wantsw
No se quien es ni que quiere