Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 1 Flashcards
His life is slipping away.
La vida se le escapa.
They see each other daily.
Se ven a diario.
They study very hard.
Estudian mucho.
He is not home.
No está en casa.
Peru is located in the Southern Hemisphere.
El Peru está situado en el hemisfero sur.
I am coming at seven.
Vengo a las siete.
I will call you later.
Te llamo más tarde.
He has known her for years.
La conoce desde hace años.
He has known it since last week.
Lo sabe desde la semana pasada.
He has been working there since January.
Trabaja allí desde enero.
I see that he is coming alone.
Veo que llega solo.
I will go later. (present)
Voy mas tarde.
He will arrive tomorrow.
Llega mañana.
He will come today at four. (present)
Viene hoy a las cuatro.
(On the phone) With whom am I talking?
Con quién hablo?
I don’t want to bother him because he is sleeping now.
No quiero molestarlo porque ahora duerme.
I don’t want to bother him when he sleeps.
No quiero molestarlo cuando duerme.
What is happening now, why are you crying?
Que sucede ahora, por qué lloras?
He never cries when something happens to him.
Nunca llora cuando algo le sucede.
I am trying to understand what you are saying, but I cannot.
Trato de entender lo que me dices pero no puedo.
I try to understand when you talk to me, but I cannot.
Trato de entender cuando me hablas, pero no puedo.
He never tires.
No se cansa nunca.
He expresses himself very well.
Se expresa muy bien.
He is sick.
Está enfermo.
Ther earth is surrounded by seas.
La tierra está rodeada de mares.
Man is mortal.
El hombre es mortal.
Poetry, says Aristotle, rests upon two instincts in man: The instict of imitation and the instinct of harmony.
La poesía, dice Aristóteles, se basa en dos instintos del hombre: el instinto de imitación y el instinto de armonía.
According to Freud, a work of art exteriorizes the unconscious inner reality of its author.
De acuerdo a Freud, una obra de arte exterioriza la realidad inconsciente e interna de su autor.
They are leaving next week.
Salen la próxima semana
Are you coming tonight?
Vienes esta noche?
I will see you later. (present)
Te veo más tarde.
They will get married on Saturday. (present)
Se casan el sábado.
We are going to call on (visit) her this afternoon.
Vamos a visitarla esta tarde.
We are going to eat (dine) out.
Vamos a cenar afuera.
Will you have something to eat? (Do you want to drink something)
Quires tomar algo?
Will you come with me? (Do you want to go with me)
Quieres ir conmigo?
He won’t see me. (He doesn’t want to see me)
No quiere verme.
You go there and tell them that you have been deceived; and then you claim your rights.
Vas allá y le dices que te han engañado; y entonces, reclamas tus derechos.
I intend to tell him everything.
Pienso contárselo todo.
I am anxious to meet her.
Anhelo conocerla.
I need to see him.
Necesito verlo.
I expect to get well.
Espero mejorarme.
Shall I tell him to come in?
¿Le digo que pase?
Shall I buy the newspaper or not?
¿Compro el periódico o no?
Where shall I put the flowers?
¿A dónde pongo las flores?
Where shall we meet?
¿A dónde nos encontramos?
If the doctor does not get here on time, he will die.
Si el médico no llega a tiempo, se morirá.
If you leave, he is going to miss you very much.
Si te vas, te va a extrañar mucho.
If you left, he would miss you very much.
Si te fueras, te extrañaría mucho.
We have been living here for four years.
Hace cuatro años que vivimos aquí.
He has been studying music since his childhood.
Estudia música desde la niñez.
I have known her for years.
La conozco desde hace años.
He has just returned.
Acaba de volver.
They have just signed a new contract.
Acaban de firmar un nuevo contrato.
She has just called me.
Acaba de llamarme.
He nearly died.
Por poco se muere.
A car almost hit him. (casi)
Casi lo atropella un auto.
I almost forgot to tell you the most important thing. (casi)
Casi se me olvida decirte lo más importante.
The treaty will be signed next (entrante) month
El tratado se firmará el mes entrante
The lecture will take place in the auditorium.
La conferencia tendrá lugar en el auditorio
Very distinguished professors will speak
Hablarán profesores muy distinguidos
I will arrive tomorrow afternoon
Vendré mañana por la tarde
We will try to get tickets (entradas)
Trataremos de conseguir entradas
I will explain to you the importance of the issue
Te explicaré la imortancia del asunto
I will do it, come what may
Lo haré, venga lo que venga
We will get married despite any opposition
Nos casaremos a pesar de toda oposición
You shall have the money, I promise
Tendrás el dinero, te lo prometo.
You shall do what I tell you without protesting
Harás lo que te digo sin protestar
You shall go to (see) him and inform him of our decision
Irás a verlo y le comunicaras nuestra decisión
What time do you suppose it is?
¿Qué hora será?
It must be eight o’clock
Serán las ocho
What do you suppose he will do now?
¿Qué hará ahora?
Will this be the clue?
¿Será esta la clave?
What interest can he have in hiding the truth from you?
Que interés tendrá en ocultarte la verdad?
He might be indiscreet, but he never means any harm
Será indiscreto, pero nunca es mal intencionado
He might not be very personable, but he is very efficient
Él será muy antipático, pero es muy eficiente.
I will speak and you will listen.
Yo hablaré y tú escucharás
You will study and work as everybody else does.
Estudiarás y trabajarás como hacen todos.
While I speak, you will listen
Mientras yo hable, tú me escucharás.
I will get up when the clock strikes twelve.
Me levantaré cuando den las doce.
You will work while you study as everybody else does.
Trabajarás mientras estudies como hacen todos.
I want to do it, come what may.
Quiero hacerlo, venga lo que venga.
I intend to get married as soon as I graduate.
Pienso casarme tan pronto me gradúe.
You must go to see her.
Debes ir a verla.
You have to inform her right now (ya).
Tienes que informarle ya.
One should leave early.
Hay que salir temprano.
Turn into indirect discourse:
Tendrás el dinero
afirmar (pret.)
Afirmó que tendria el dinero
He forced me to resign then and there
Me obligó a que renunciara en ese mismo momento
He told me I had to do what I was told
Me dijo que hiciera lo que me decían
He answered I could not go anywhere
Me contestó que no podía ir a ningún lado
He did not allow me to go anywhere
No me permitió que fuera a ningún lado
What time could it have been when her husband returned?
Que hora seria cuando regreso su marido?
Could what he was saying be true?
Seria verdad lo que el decia?
What interest could he possibly have in hiding the truth from her?
Que interes tendria en ocultarle la verdad?
She must have been twenty when she got married
Ella tendria unos veinte anos cuando se caso
If you go I will go
Si tu vas, yo iré
If you go I would go
Si tu vas, yo iría
If he goes, I would go
Si él fuera, yo iría
If he resigns, all of us would resign
Si él renunciara, renciaríamos todos
If I had time, I would go
Si tuviera tiempo, iría
As I have no time, I am not going
Como no tengo tiempo no voy
He assured me he would come today
Me aseguró que vendría hoy
He assured me he would come yesterday
Me aseguró que vendría ayer
He assured me he would come tomorrow
Me aseguró que vendría mañana
He has assured me he would come today
Me ha asegurado que vendría hoy
He had assured me he would come today
Me había asegurado que vendría hoy
He assured me he would come today
Me aseguraba que vendría hoy
He would never listen to me (he never wanted to)
Nunca quiso escucharme
They would not do it then.
No querían hacerlo entonces
On Sundays we would spend the day with our family.
Los domingos solíamos pasar el día con la familia
She would read for hours without stopping
Solía leer horas seguidas sin parar
During the winter we would eat early
En el invierno solíamos cenar temprano
We should leave now
Deberíamos irnos ahora
She should not be working so hard
No debería trabajar tanto
There is no reason why the signature should have been omitted
No hay razón por la cual habrían de omitir la firma
Why should she stay home all the time?
¿Por qué habría de quedarse en casa todo el tiempo?
Why should he lie to you?
¿Por qué habría de mentirte?
If he should arrive earlier, tell him to wait for me
Si llega más temprano dile que me espere
Should you run into him, please ask him to call me.
Si llegaras a encontrarte con él dile que me llame por favor
I wish he would not come
Ojalá no vinera
I wish he would not come
Espero que no venga
I wish it would stop raining
Ojalá parara de llover