Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 6 Flashcards
I cured myself
Yo me cure
Mary dressed the child
Maria vistio al nino
Mary dressed herself
Maria se vistio
I can’t explain it to him
No se lo puedo explicar
I can’t explain it to myself
No me lo puedo explicar
She bathed (herself) before dressing
Ella se bano antes de vestirse
He cut himself while shaving
Se corto al afeitarse
Maria defended herself
Maria se defendio
You judge yourself inaccurately
Te juzgas mal
I bought the books for myself
Me compre los libros
He bought the books for me
Me compro los libros
I broke my leg
Me rompi la pierna
He broke my leg when he collided with me
Me rompio la pierna al chocarme
She kept the letter for herself
Se guardo la carta
He kept the letter for her
Le guardo la carta
He cannot allow himself that luxury
No se puede permitir ese lujo
I told myself: this has to come to an end
Yo me dije a mi misma: esto tiene que acabar
I bought myself several things
Me compre varias cosas
She made herself a dress
Se hizo un vestido
He found himself a job
Se consiguio un trabajo
He removed the bandage (from himself)
Se quito la venda
Take those clothes off (yourself)
Sacate esa ropa
John washed his hands
Juan se lavo las manos
He broke his arm
El se rompio el brazo
Take your coat off
Quitate el saco
Put your gloves on
Ponte los guantes
She ruined her nails
Se estropeo las unas
She does not make up her eyes
No se pinta los ojos
She kept the letter (for herself)
Se guardo la carta
I’ll take the medicine (for my benefit) since you insist
Me tomare la medicina, ya que insistes
He took the liberty of entering without announcing himself
Se tomo la libertad de entrar sin anunciarse
He ate it all up
Se lo comio todo
I had a dress made (for myself)
Me hice un vestido
He had his hair cut
Se corto el pelo
They praise themselves
Ellos se alaban a si mismos
We know ourselves well
Nosotros nos conocemos bien a nosotros mismos
They praise one another
Ellos se alaban el uno al otro
We know each other well
Nosotros nos conocemos bien la una a la otra
We met every Saturday
Nos encontrabamos todos los sabados
They kissed each other and parted
Se besaron unos a los otros y partieron
They cannot live without each other
No pueden vivir el uno sin el otro
*intransitive verb
They were born for each other
Nacieron el uno para el otro
*intransitive verb
They exist only for each other
Existen el uno para el otro
*intransitive verb
to dare
atreverse a
to ascertain
cerciorarse de
Your words astonish me
Tus palabras me asombran
She was astonished by his words
Ella se asombro al oir sus palabras
Adjust the air-conditioner
Ajusta el aire-acondicionado
You have to adjust to that change
Tienes que ajustarte a ese cambio
The manager has improved working conditions
El gerente ha mejorado las condiciones de trabajo
She has improved
Ella se ha mejorado
You offended her
La ofendiste
She got offended
Ella se ofendio
She was offended by his lack of courtesy
Ella se ofendio por su falta de cortesia
You made her angry
La hiciste enojar
She was angered by your flirting with other women
Ella se enojo por tus flirteos con otras mujeres.
His health worries me
Me preocupa su salud
I worry on the account of his health
Me preocupo por su salud
She felt the cold marble under her feet
Sintio el marmol frio bajo sus pies
She felt ill
Se sintio mal (enferma)
Later she lied down to rest
Luego se acosto ella a descansar
Don’t lift the suitcase, it is too heavy for you
No levantes la maleta, es demasiado pesada para ti
When the ladies come in, you have to stand up
Cuando entren las senoras, tienes que levantarte
Don’t move that
No muevas eso
That child does not stop moving about
Ese nino no deja de moverse
to compromise
Don’t meddle in someone else’s affairs
No te metas en asuntos ajenos
I left it at home (deliberately)
Lo deje en casa
He let out a scream (deliberately)
Lanzo un grito
His fever rose
Use “Se le”
Se le subio la fiebre
His blood pressure dropped
Use “Se le”
Se le bajo la presion
His eyes filled with tears
Use “Se le”
Se le llenaron los ojos de lagrimas
His knees were shaky
Use “Se le”
Se le doblaban las rodillas
His son became ill
Use “Se le”
Se le enfermo el hijo
emotional involvement of a second person
His wife left him
Use “Se le”
Se le fue la mujer
emotional involvement of a second person
Her daughter got married
Use “Se le”
Se le caso la hija
emotional involvement of a second person
My vase got broken
Use “Se me”
Se me rompio el jarron
emotional involvement of a second person
Our car broke down
Use “Se nos”
Se nos descompuso el coche
emotional involvement of a second person
His food got spoiled
Use “Se le”
Se le echo a perder la comida
emotional involvement of a second person
Don’t leave for my sake
Use “Te me”
No te me vayas
emotional involvement of a second person
Don’t get sick on me now
Use “Te me”
No te me enfermes ahora
emotional involvement of a second person
Don’t get scared please
Use “Te me”
No te asustes, por favor
emotional involvement of a second person
One works a lot here
Aqui se trabaja mucho
In the United States one lives well
En los Estados Unidos se vive bien
Smoking is forbidden
Se prohibe fumar
It is expected that he will resign soon
Se espera que renuncie pronto
Either one is honest or dishonest but not both
O se es honesto o deshonesto, pero no las dos cosas
One is what one is meant to be
Se es lo que se debe ser
The poor are helped
Se ayuda a los pobres
Delinquents are persecuted
Se persigue a los delincuentes
The defendant was sentenced to five years in prison
Se condeno al acusado a cinco anos de prision
His proposal was rejected
Se rechazo su propuesta
Nothing bad is said about him
No se dice nada malo de el
Not many bad things are said about him
No se dicen muchas cosas malas de el
One adjusts to everything
Uno se acostumbra a todo
One is bored in this town
Uno se aburre en este pueblo
She adjusts to everything
Se acostumbra a todo
Many difficult questions were asked on the exam
Se hicieron muchas preguntas dificiles en el examen
He was asked many difficult questions on the exam
Se le hicieron muchas preguntas dificles en el examen
Explicit instructions were given
Se dieron instrucciones explicitas
He was given explicit instructions
Se le dieron instrucciones explicitas
The money was delivered
Se entrego el dinero
He was given the money
Se le entrego el dinero
The ambassador was received
Se recibio al embajador
They received the ambassador
Recibieron al embajador
The poor were helped
Se ayudo a los pobres
They helped the poor
Ayudaron a los pobres
He was given many instructions
Se le dieron muchas instrucciones
They gave him many instructions
Le dieron muchas instrucciones
I can’t even explain it to myself
No me lo puedo explicar ni a mi misma
I bought myself a watch, and her a bracelet
A mi me compre un reloj, y a ella una pulsera
Artists praise themselves
Los artistas se alaban a s mismos
Artists praise each other
Los artistas se alaban entre si
She seated the guest of honor at the right of her husband
Sento a la invitada de honor a la derecha de su marido
She sat down next to Fernando
Se sento junto a Fernando
Put the envelope in my desk
Mete el sobre en mi escritorio
Get into bed
Metete en la cama
The wall got dirty
Se ensucio la pared
The air became polluted
Se contamino el aire
The streets were flooded due to rains
Se inundaron las calles con las lluvias
The building caved in
Se derrumbo el edificio
The roof of the house fell in
Se hundio el techo de la casa
The motor of the car broke down
Se fundio el motor del coche
The clock stopped
Se paro el reloj
The light grew dimmer and dimmer
La luz se iba haciendo mas tenua
During the summer the sun goes down later
En verano el sol se pone mas trade
The days are becoming longer
Los dias se van haciendo mas largos
The flowers have wilted
Las flores se han marchitado
History repeats itself
La historia se repite
Life goes by quickly
La vida se pasa rapido
The United States will not be intimidated by communist threats
Los Estados Unidos no se veran cohibidos por las amenazas del comunismo
I broke the vase
Use “Se me”
Se me rompio el jarron
I broke the cups
Use “Se me”
Se me rompieron los vasos
I have exhausted all means
Use “Se me”
Se me agotaron los recursos
I forgot the book
Use “Se me”
Se me olvido el libro
He let out a scream
Use “Se me”
Se le escapo un grito
I broke the vase (deliberately)
Rompi el jarron
I exhausted all means (deliberately)
Agote todos los recursos
Your egotism prevented you from thinking about anything but yourself
El egoismo te impedia pensar en otra cosa que en ti mismo
She had her whole family surrounding her
Tenia a toda su familia alrededor de ella
The child dressed herself
El nino se vistio a si mismo
She bought herself a dress
Se compro un traje a si misma
The child himself put his clothes on
El nino mismo se vistio
You are deceiving yourselves
Ustedes se enganan a si mismos
You are deceiving each other
Ustedes se enganan entre si
Seeing myself in that predicament, I could better understand my friend
Viendome a mi misma en ese estado comprendia mejor a mi amiga
Inside himself there was only hatred
Dentro de el solo habia odio
He is self-educated
Se educo el mismo
He himself does not know what he wants
El mismo no sabe lo que quiere