Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 3 Flashcards
I wanted to go, but he couldn’t
Yo queria ir, pero el no podia
It’s necessary that he go
Es necesario que el vaya.
If I could, I would go
Si pudiera, yo iria
I know what I’m telling you.
Yo se lo que te digo
If you could do me the favor I would be very grateful
Si Ud. pudiera hacerme el favor le quedaria muy agradecido
You are so busy I wouldn’t want to impose upon you.
Ud. tiene tanto trabajo que no quisiera molestarlo
Television has facilitaed the international diffusion of the news. It gives us also a graphic vision of events.
La television ha facilitado la difusion internacional de noticias. La television nos da ademas una vision grafica de los eventos.
The administration of the country’s resources is a complicated matter. It requires talent, knowledge, and self-knowledge.
La administracion de los recursos del pais es asunto complicado. Requiere talento, conocimientos y dedicacion.
These antique pieces of furniture are from the eiteenth century. They belonged to his ancestors.
Estos muebles antiguos son del siglo XVIII. Pertenecian a sus antepasados.
Will isn’t everything. It is, however, man’s best ally.
La voluntad no lo es todo. Ella es, sin embargo, la mejor aliada del hombre.
We, the students, oppose this motion.
Nosotros, los estudiantes, nos oponemos a esta mocion.
We, the professional women, constitute a minority.
Nosotras, las mujeres profesionales, constituimos una minoria.
Don’t watch that.
No mires eso.
Don’t watch it.
No lo mires.
Say hi to the professors.
Saluda a los profesores
Without calling him, you can’t go,
Sin llamarlo, no puedes ir.
My brother and my uncle received us kindly.
Mi hermano y mi tio nos acogieron muy bien.
They received my brother and my uncle very kindly.
Acogieron muy bien a mi hermano y a mi tio.
He overcame his enemy.
Vencio a su enemigo.
He sent his secretary.
Envio a su secretaria.
She takes care of the sick.
Cuida a los enfermos.
The dog chases the cat.
El perro persigue al gato.
The cat chases the dog.
El gato persigue al perro.
The helicopter followed the yacht
El helicoptero siguio al yate.
The yacht followed the helicopter.
El yate siguio al helicoptero.
I need to see someone.
Necesito ver a alguien.
She will employ anyone.
Contratara a cualquiera
They didn’t find anyone better
No encontraron a nadie mejor.
greet your relatives for me
Salúdame a tuyos
call as many as you wish
llama a cuántos quieras
She takes care of her dog as if it were a child*
Cuida (a) su perro como si fuera un nino
One has to obey the law*
Hay que obedecer (a) la ley
They overcame their enemies
Vencieron a los enemigos
Their enemies overcame them
Vencieron los enemigos
His son is ill
Tiene a su hijo enfermo
She held her son in her arms
Tuvo a su hijo en brazos
The books were bought by me
Los libros los compre yo
I will dress the children
Vestiré a los ninos
The children will be dressed by me
A los ninos los vestire yo
It is impossible to get a hold of Peter
Es imposible localizar a Pedro
They will pick you up later
Te recogerán luego
They looked for us all morning long
Nos buscaron toda la mañana
I saw you looking very sad in that corner
La vi a Ud. muy triste en ese rincón
I won’t bother you anymore with those things
No los molestaré a Uds. más con esas cosas
What is the matter that they don’t greet one around here?
¿Qué pasa que no lo saludan a uno por aqui?
They don’t appreciate you here
Aquí no lo estiman a uno
Are there many artists in town?
-yes there are
¿Hay muchos artistas en el pueblo?
-Sí, los hay
She seems sixty years old, but she is not
Parece tener sesenta años, pero no los tiene
I believed he would do us the favor but he did not
Creí que nos haría el favor, pero no lo hizo
Who I saw was Maria
A quién vi es a María
No, I am not looking for anything
No busco nada
She brought him a gift
Le trajo el regalo
She brought it to him
Se lo trajo
He explained the issue to them
Les explicó la situación
He explained it (f.) to them
Se la explicó
I’ll write to you soon
Te escribiré pronto
I spoke to her yesterday
Le hablé ayer
He explained the situation to us
Nos explicó la situación
What did they answer to you?
¿Qué te contestaron?
He did not admit it to me
No me lo admitió
He designed the house for us
Nos diseño la casa
She wrote the letter for me
Me escribió la carta
He decorated the house for her
Le decoró la casa
She made the curtains for her
Le hizo las cortinas
She made me a dress
Me hizo un vestido
He bought the house from him
Le compró la casa
They took their license away from them
Les quitaron la licencia
He took the keys from him
Le sacó las llaves
They took his permit away from him
Le suspendieron el permiso
He won the bet from us
Nos ganó la apuesta
He cut my hair
Me cortó el pelo
He cured his wounds
Le curó las heridas
He put his hand on her shoulder
Le puso la mano en el hombro
They expropriated his lands
Le expropiaron las tierras
He lost my keys
Me perdió las llaves
They revoked his license
Le suspendieron la licencia
He seemed to an attentive person to me
Me pareció una persona atenta
His health worries us
Nos preocupa su estado de salud
What he thinks does not concern me too much
No me importa tanto lo que piensa
She is interested in modern art
Le interesa el arte moderno
She lacks experience
Le falta experiencia
I am missing several pages
Me faltan varias páginas
Today is your turn to cook
Hoy te toca cocinar
It is impossible for her to go
Le es imposible ir
It is difficult for me to attend the meeting
Me es difícil asistir a la reunión
It will be a great pleasure for us to see him again
Nos será muy grato volver a verlo
She gave the man the book
Le dio al hombre el libro
She bought him a car
Le comprá un auto
She did it to him
Se lo hizo
I did it for her
Se lo hice
I took it from her
Se lo quité
I took it off her
Se lo quité
She ironed his shirt
Le planchó la camisa
He pulled her tooth out
Le sacó la muela
He painted her house
Le pintó la casa
He could not refuse his wife anything
No podía negarle nada a su mujer
He explained the situation to Peter and to me
Nos explicó el asunto a Pedro y a mí
They showed the city to the tourists
Les enseñaron la ciudad a los turistas
They took away from the Perez’ all they owned
Les quitaron a los Perez todo lo que tenían
He does not allow his son to smoke
No le permite fumar a su hijo
It is Maria whom you should hide it from
Es a María a quien se lo debes ocultar
It is your boss whom you should ask for permission
Es a tu jefe a quien le debes pedir permiso
To Luz I did not say anything
A Luz no le dije nada
To John I did tell everything
A Juan sí se lo conté todo
The one you should ask for help is your father
A quien le debes pedir ayuda es a tu padre
You will perform a service to the civilized world.
Hará Ud. un servicio al mundo civilizado
no indirect object pronoun because inanimate object
These details do not belong to history
Esos detalles no pertenecen a la historia
no indirect object pronoun because inanimate object
He handed the materials over to the police
Entregó los materiales a la policía
no indirect object pronoun because inanimate object
He sent the documents to the lawyers
Envió los documentos a los abogados
no indirect object pronoun because inanimate object
You do not belong to yourself, you belong to your people
Usted no se pertenece, pertenece a su pueblo
I won’t give it to just anyone
No se lo voy a dar a cualquiera
I will give it to someone who knows how to appreciate it
Se lo regalaré a alguien que lo sepa apreciar
I won’t explain to anyone the reasons behind my decision
No le explicaré a nadie los motivos de mi decisión
I teach her
Le enseño
He showed the man the books
Le enseñó los libros al hombre
Give my regards to Mary
Dale recuerdos a María
He told the girls all kinds of lies
Les contó toda clase de mentiras a las muchachas
They promised it to her
Se lo prometieron
Sell it to me
Don’t give it to him
No se lo des
I took it (f.) off (me)
Me la quite
He put it on (himself)
Se lo puso
We cannot explain it to ourselves
No nos lo podemos explicar
His house burnt down
Se le quemó la casa
My key got lost
Se me perdió la llave
He was informed
Se le informó
I didn’t see her yesterday
No la vi ayer
Don’t sell it
No lo venda
Sell it to her
By taking care of himself, he will improve
Cuidándose mejorará
By speaking to him you will convince him
Hablándole lo convencerá
I’ll buy you something
Voy a comprarte algo
Te voy a comprar algo
He has just called me
Acaba de llamarme
Me acaba de llamar
She is looking at herself in the mirror
Se está viendo en el espejo
Está viéndose en el espejo
I ordered you to do it
Te mandé hacerlo
I had it done for you
Te lo mandé hacer
It is useless to try it
Es inútil intentarlo
It is useless for him to try
Le es inútil intentar
He made her work
Le hizo trabajar
He made him return
Le obligó volver
He advised us to continue with the project
Nos aconsejó seguir con el proyecto
She started to cry
Se puso a llorar
He began to study
Se puso a estudiar
He stayed (home) to rest
Se quedó a descansar
He will stay for dinner
Se quedará a cenar
He wanted to leave early
Quiso irse temprano
Se quiso ir temprano
You should not get angry
No debes enfadarte
No te debes enfadar
I hope not to be bored
Espero no aburrirme
He expects to become rich
Aspira enriquecerse
The book is for her
El libro es para ella
He did it for you
Lo hizo por ti
Between her and me there are no secrets
Entre ella y yo no hay secretos
She is going with them
Va con ellos
Whom did you see?
A quien viste?
-A ella
Did you tell them?
-Her, yes, but not him.
Se lo contaste a ellos?
-A ella sí, pero él no
I bought something for him, but not for her
Le compré algo a él, pero no a ella
I have told you and I will tell her also
Te lo dije a ti, y a ella también se lo diré
She came to me crying
Llegó a mí llorando
I’ll go to him since he is ill
Acudiré a él, ya que estsa enfermo
We resort to you in the hope that someone might assist us
Recurrimos a Ud. esperanzados de que alguien nos asista
He came to me in a deplorable condition
Vino a mi en un estado deplorable
I introduced myself to her
Me presenté a ella
You addressed him in an arrogant tone of voice
Te dirigiste a él en tono altivo
We approached him
Nos acercamos a él
I commended myself to God
Me encomendé a Dios
He gave the car to me
Me regalé el auto a mí
I will give it to her
Se lo voy a dar a ella
Him I won’t tell anything
A él no le diré nada
I’ll deliver the books to you personally
Le entregaré el libro a Ud. personalmente
They accused you of having doublecrossed him. And that is not true.
Te acusaron de haberlo traicionado. Y ello no es cierto.
Some claim that history repeats itself. If it were true, there wouldn’t be any progress
Mantienen algunos que la historia se repite. Si ello fuera así no habría progreso alguno.
What became of it?
¿Qué fue de ello?
All my hopes hinge upon it
En ello tengo puestas todas mis esperanzas
Everything depends upon it
De ello depende todo
Count on it
Cuenta con ello
Nothing will draw us apart. I promise it to you.
Nada nos alejará. Te lo prometo
Do you believe he will ever amount to anything?
-I doubt it
Crees que algún dia hará algo
-Lo dudo
We don’t have a phone. I’m sorry about it.
No tenemos teléfono. Lo siento
Understand it. Nothing keeps you here but her.
Comprendalo. Nada te detiene aquí más que ella
Get it straight: I don’t want you (f.) to go alone
Óyelo bien: no quiero que te vayas sola.
Are you married?
Yes I am
Esta Ud. casado?
-Si lo estoy
He is sixty but he doesn’t look it
Tiene sesenta años pero no lo parece.
He thinks he knows everything.
Él cree saberlo todo
He has lost everything
Todo lo ha perdido
Why do I have to decide on everything now?
¿Por qué tengo que deidirlo todo ahora?