Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 2 Flashcards
Last month she did not call me once
El mes pasado no me llamo ni una sola vez
This week all of a sudden she has called me several times
Esta semana de repente me ha llamado varias veces
I found out yesterday that she was sick, but I have not been able to go to see her yet.
Supe ayer que estaba enferma, pero no he podido ir a verla todavia
In this century science has progressed tremendously
En este siglo la ciencia ha progresado muchisimo
However, in previous centuries it also made great advances
Sin embargo, en siglos pasados tambien hizo grandes avances
He has never lacked anything
Nunca le ha faltado nada
He never lacked anything
Nunca le falto nada
He has not spoken to me in a whole week
No me ha hablado en toda una semana
He did not speak to me for a whole week
No me hablo en toda una semana
We have gone to the theater several times during the last few weeks
Hemos ido al teatro varias veces en las ultimas semanas
We went to the theater several times during the winter season
Fuimos al teatro varias veces durante la temporada de invierno
She has been seriously ill during the last few months
Ha estado gravemente enferma en los ultimos meses
He has been a very conscientious worker all along
Ha sido un trabajadr muy consciente en todo momento
He was a very conscientious worker while he was with this company
Fue un trabajador muy consciente mientras estuvo con esta compania.
Fleming has proven that penicillin is an effective agent against certain infections
Fleming ha comprobado que la penicilina es un agente contra ciertas infecciones
It has been proven that the environmental factor is as important as the hereditary factor in human behavior
Se ha demostrado que el factor ambiente es tan importante como el factor hereditario en la conducta humana
His parents died four years ago
Sus padres han muerto hace cuatro anos
Yesterday he worked all day long
Ayer ha trabajado todo el dia
How long have you lived here?
Cuanto tiempo hace que Ud. vive aqui?
He has loved her ever since he saw her.
La quiere desde que la vio.
She has been with them ever since she became a widow
Esta con ellos desde que enviudo
He has worked for them since December
Trabaja con ellos desde diciembre.
He has grasped it
Lo ha entendido
He has known her for years
La conoce desde hace anos
He has understood it for a long time
Lo entiende desde hace tiempo
We have seen each other daily for months
Nos vemos diariamente desde hace meses
When I arrived, they had already left
Cuando yo llegue ellos habian salido ya
That day I found out that he had deceived me.
Aquel dia supe que me habia enganado
I had not heard her speak like that until now
No la habia oido hablar asi hasta ahora
It had been a long time since we had seen each other
Hacia mucho tiempo que no nos habiamos visto
As soon as he finished his work, he left
En cuanto termino su trabajo se fue
As soon as he saw me he recognized me
Ni bien me vio, me reconocio
After he talked to her, he became convinced of her innocence.
Despues que hablo con ella, se convencio de su inocencia
After he finished several poems he sent them to the journal
Luego que termino varios poemas, los envio a la revista
As soon as he had bid them farewell, he left
En cuanto se habia despedido salio.
By the time you return, she will have married already
Cuando regreses, ella se habra casado
By the time you arrive, we will have finished
Cuando llegues, habremos terminado
By Monday, we will have made the decision
Para el lunes habremos hecho la decision
She must have left already
Se habra ido ya
I saw that they were not talking to each other. they must have had a fight.
Vi que no se hablaban. Se habran peleado
He did not understand me. Perhaps I did not make myself clear.
No me entendio. No habre sabido explicarme.
He might have been indiscreet but he meant no harm.
Habra sido indiscreto, pero no fue mal intencionado.
You might have understood that, but that is not what I said.
Ud. habra entendido eso, pero eso no fue lo que yo dije
She told me that by the time I returned she would have married already.
Me dijo que para cuando yo regresara, ella se habria casado ya.
He promised me that by the time I arrived, they would have finished
Me prometio que para cuando yo llegara, habrian terminado.
He said that by Monday they would have made the decision
Me dijo que para el lunes habrian hecho la decision.
Mary was asking herself whether her friend might have left already
Maria se preguntaba si su amiga se habria ido
He did not understand me. Perhaps I did not make myself clear.
No me entendio. No habria sabido explicarme.
She could not stop thinking about what might have become of her friend’s life.
No podia dejar de pensar en lo que habria sido de la vida de su amiga.
If you had been here that would not have happened.
Si tu hubieras estado aqui eso no habria pasado
If you knew English you would have understood what he was saying
Si tu supieras ingles, habrias entendido lo que te decia
I would not have done that.
Yo no habria hecho eso.
I would have liked to speak to you but I did not have time
Me habria gustado hablar contigo, pero no tuve tiempo.