modern eu Flashcards
1952 agreement that was signed, after five hours of intense rioting outside the Luxembourg City Hall
reperations between West Germany and Israel
authorized the bombing of the Osirak nuclear plant in Iraq
Menachem Begin
sixth PM of Israel
Menachem Begin
led right-wing Irgun faction that aimed to end British rule in Palestine
Menachem Begin
Project Renewal aimed to rehabilitate Mizrahi and Sephardi jews
Menachem Begin
took Israel into Lebanon War
Menachev Begin
first PM of Israel
David Ben-Gurion
France may have decided to occupy this coal-producing region of Germany to ensure that their reparations were paid in goods
Ruhr Valley
This currency replaced the Papiermark in order to curb hyperinflation
site of the Taranaki War
New Zealand
leaders have included Te Wherowhero
ruled by colonial governor George Grey by the terms of an 1840 treaty
New Zealand