fall physics Flashcards
force that opposes motion through a fluid
This dimensionless number is the ratio of the inertial drag forces to the viscous drag forces
Reynold’s number
Once the Reynolds number is above about 0.1, the flow changes from laminar to this type of flow
turbulent flow
This flow regime is described by Kolmogorov theory
turbulent flow
namesake law predicts how a magnetic field can produce an electromotive force
Faraday’s Law of Induction
This law relates an induced electric field created by a changing magnetic field
Faraday’s Law of Induction
for wires, this law can be written as the induced electromotive force being equal to the negative time derivative of the magnetic flux multiplied by the number of loops
Faraday’s Law
namesake of SI unit for capacitance
statement of conservation of energy for electromagnetic fields
Poynting’s Theorem
this quantity symbolized with a boldface S
Poynting Vector
represents the flux of electromagnetic energy, and “points” in the direction of propagation
Poynting Vector
when the Reynolds number is extremely low, this type of flow occurs
Stokes flow
This scientist’s namesake number is the ratio of kinematic viscosity to thermal diffusivity
this device has three terminals called the emitter, base, and collector
bipolar junction transistor
this device’s mobile charge carriers include both electrons and holes
bipolar junction transistor
classified as either NPN or PNP
bipolar junction transistor
These devices generally transfer electrical power between circuits
transforms a function in the time domain into a function in the frequency domain
Fourier Transform
A function has this property if the integral of the square of its modulus is finite
square integrable
phenomenon in which a certain type of substance exhibits frictionless flow
Superfluidity was first observed in this element near absolute zero
made by stars from hydrogen in the CNO cycle and the proton–proton chain reaction
prevailing cosmological model that describes the large-scale structure and evolution of the universe
lambda-CDM model
made by stars in the CNO cycle
This force acts opposite the direction of motion on an object moving through a fluid
depends on the density of the fluid and the speed of the object
caused by the shape of the object and the pressure difference between the front and back of the object as it moves through the fluid
form drag (pressue drag)
occurs when an object moves through a fluid at high speeds
wave drag
Barkhausen effect states that this phenomenon is lost or gained in small steps
Ferromagnets lag in responding to changes in an applied field even after being influenced by an external magnetic field, an effect given this name
Ferromagnetism only occurs below a certain temperature known as
Curie point
Ferromagnetism’s phase changes can be modeled by spins by using this model
Ising model
above the Curie point, magnetic moments align only in the presence of an external magnetic field and become this
The area inside the hysteresis loop represents this during magnetization and demagnetization
energy lost as heat
in this phenomenon, magnetic moments of atoms or ions align in opposite directions, resulting in no net magnetization
magnetic moments align in opposite directions but with unequal strength, resulting in a net magnetization
weak, negative magnetic response when exposed to a magnetic field, but they do not retain any magnetization once the external field is removed
all materials exhibit this weak form of magnetism
name for when an external magnetic field is applied and then removed, the material retains some of its magnetization
This quantity measures a fluid’s resistance to flow
Superfluid helium has the highest known value of this material property
thermal conductivity
measured in watts per meter-kelvin
thermal conductivity
describes the conduction of heat through a material
Fourier’s Law
material constant in Fourier’s Law
thermal conductivity
effect in which empty space between two objects generates a small force
Casimir effect
these devices are typically depicted as parallel lines on a circuit diagram
rheometer applies these two quantities to a fluid to study its flow
stress and strain
Young’s Modulus is the ratio of these two quantities in a material
stress and strain
The equations governing the boundary layer can be determined by using order of magnitude analysis on this set of partial differential equations
set of partial differential equations that describe the motion of fluids
region of a fluid close to a solid surface (such as an airplane wing or a pipe wall) where the velocity of the fluid changes from zero at the surface
boundary layer
This method of calculating the potential introduces imaginary charges into the problem that replicate the original problem’s boundary conditions
method of image charges
Using Gauss’s law on this charge distribution gives a uniform electric field of magnitude equal to the charge density over two times the permittivity of free space
plane (or sheet)
these entities, that describe the quantum state of a particle
When one of these is observed, they collapse from a superposition of states
square of this entity’s magnitude gives a probability distribution for a particle’s location
evolution of wavefunction over time is governed by this
Schrodinger’s Equation
In this interpretation of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation always holds
many-worlds interpretation
Developed by Hugh Everett
many-worlds interpretation
posits that wave functions do not collapse and instead the system is continually split
many-worlds hypothesis
states that the volume and temperature of a gas under constant pressure are directly related
Charles’ Law
describes the inverse relationship between volume and pressure under constant temperature
Boyle’s Law
In this region, Hooke’s law doesn’t hold
plastic region
deformation that occurs here is permanent
plastic region
lies between the yield strength and rupture on a stress-strain curve
plastic region
this form of drag can be reduced by streamlining
parasitic drag
sum of all drag forces not associated with the lift
parasitic drag
phenomenon in which a wave passing through a slit will spread out on the other side of the slit
This formula is used to model angular resolution
Rayleigh criterion
sets sine theta equal to 1.22 times lambda over D
Rayleigh criterion (lambda is light wavelength, D is aperture diameter)
Inverse-square laws can be derived from variants of this physical law
Gauss’s Law
relates the electric field produced by a charge distribution to the charge enclosed by a closed surface
Gauss’s Law
materials with this property exhibit attraction only when an external field is applied
namesake equation can be used to describe trajectory of something in Brownian motion
Paul Langevin
had an affair with Marie Curie
Paul Langevin
namesake dynamics uses stochastic differential equations to describe the motion of particles
Paul Langevin
type of product used to find the volume of a parallelepiped
triple product
This product combines a cross product and dot product
triple product
gravitational constant was determined by this man using a torsion balance
Henry Cavendish
He was the first to recognize hydrogen gas as a unique substance
Henry Cavendish
property of a light wave defined as the direction in which its electric field oscillates
The Poincaré sphere can be used to visualize this property
at this angle, reflected light can be completely polarized in the plane perpendicular to the plane of incidence
Brewster’s Angle
Materials with this property split unpolarized light into polarized components and refract them differently
birefringent materials create these two rays of light
ordinary and extraordinary
Calcite and Quartz have this property, as images appear to be doubled after passing through it
This theorem gives the total magnetic flux through any surface as proportional to the current penetrating the surface
Ampere’s Law
the magnetic flux through a closed surface is always zero
Gauss’s Law for Magnetism
Far away from a loop of current, the magnetic field is a dipole field where the dipole moment is equal to the current times
area of the loop
the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius
specific heat capacity (Q)
heat given off during a phase change
latent heat
this equation states specific heat can be calculated by multiplying three times the gas constant over molar mass
Dulong-Petit Law
The wave-particle duality nature of matter is a fundamental part of this interpretation of quantum mechanics
Copenhagen interpretation
states that everything is probabilistic and that large systems can be modeled classically
Copenhagen interpretation
describes evolution of probability density function over time of Brownian Motion
Fokker-Planck Equation
Students of Ernest Rutherford asserted a relationship between this quantity and the distance traveled by an alpha particle
George Gamov was the first to derive the relationship now known as the Geiger-Nuttall law describing this
This quantity is either undefined or much greater than the age of the Earth for all primordial nuclei
developed S-matrix theory to describe a system undergoing scattering
Werner Heisenberg
proposed the concept of isospin from the similarities between protons and neutrons
Werner Heisenberg
transverse and relativistic forms occur due to time dilation when an object approaches the speed of light
doppeler effect
proposed nuclear reaction that would occur at or near room temperature
cold fusion
gained significant attention after electrochemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced in March 1989 they had achieved this process
Cold Fusion
occurs when deuterium is absorbed into a palladium lattice, and the deuterium nuclei come close enough to overcome Coulumb barrier
Cold Fusion
modern name for cold fusion
low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
Values of this quantity for an orbital are determined by the azimuthal quantum number
angular momentum
Poinsot’s Constrution restricts rigid body motion by kinetic energy and three components of this quantity
angular momentum
The three-dimensional generalization of this law contains Green’s Tensor and was postulated by Cauchy
Hooke’s Law
isotropic form of this law can be written using Poisson’s ratio
Hooke’s Law
namesake of ideal rocket equation
defines velocity of a specific body as proportional to the natural log of two masses
Tsiolkovsky’s rocket equation
creation of the virtual type of these items gives rise to the Casimir effect
One of these escapes in the thought experiment of Einstein’s box
This quantity is always evenly distribution in an incompressible fluid, according to Pascal’s principle