Mod 8 IQ 15 Flashcards
What is prevention
actions undertaken to reduce or eliminate the onset causes complications or recurrence of disease
What is primordial intervention
Primordial intervention prevents the emergence of social and environmental conditions that can lead to the cause of disease
what is Primary intervention
The primary intervention aims to limit the incidence of diseases through eliminating or reducing specific risk factors and promoting factors that are protective of health ;
what is secondary prevention
Secondary prevention involves reducing the progression of chronic diseases through early detection (usually by screening at an asymptotic stage) and early intervention
What is tertiary prevention
Tertiary prevention involves improving function preventing complications and minimizing the impact of established disease
What are the (World Health Organisation’s ) strategies for reducing risk factors
Reducing the affordability of tobacco
Limiting exposure to second0hand tobacco smoke
Implementing plain packaging and / or large graphic health warnings on all tobacco packages
campaigns that educate the public about the harms linked to certain behavioral change
Adopting national policies to reduce salt consumption
Adopting national policies that limit saturated fatty acids
What is another prevention method
Another prevention technique is the use of screening programs. Australia has national screening programs for, breast, cervical and bowel cancers,
Breast cancer screening
For every 1000 women screened for cervical cancer about eight have high-grade abnormality detected? Detection provides an opportunity for treatment before possible progression to cervical cancer
Bowel cancer prevention
Bowel cancer is screened using fecal occult blood test (FOBT) From 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014, 1,4% FOBT invitation kits were issued to eligible Australians
Evaluate some educational campaigns and their effectiveness
Slip slop, slap’ now extended to ‘slip, slop, slap, seek, slide’
Community-wide sun protection education program and campaigns to encourage people to slip on a shirt, slop 30+ sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade and slide on sunglasses
To prevent skin cancer e.g. melanoma
What is genetic engineering
technologies, along with progress in studying gene-environment interactions, provide researchers with methods and strategies that potentially help prevent non-infectious diseases. For example, proteomics provides potential biomarkers to profile disease risk more accurately while pharmacogenetics help researchers develop more effective medications and a better understanding of why certain drugs appear to be more effective in some people
What are some examples of genetic engineering
Researchers have identified five diseases that could someday be eliminated with gene-editing technology e.g. CRISPR-Cas9. These diseases are HIV, some types of inherited retinitis pigmentosa (cause of progressive blindness), sickle-cell anemia familial hypercholesteremia(extremely high levels of cholesterol that can cause heart attacks a young age) and hemophilia
Organisms such as bacteria and viruses can be modified to produce substances such as insulin that can prevent diseases
Genetically modifying genes in human embryos can potentially eliminate the risk of genetic diseases