Mod 8 - Cranial Nerves and Cranium Part 2 Flashcards
What is the name of CN VII?
facial nerve
What is the CNS origin of CN VII?
the pons
What are the nuclei of CN VII?
- facial motor
- geniculate ganglia (sensory)
- superior salivatory nucleus (parasympathetic)
What are the axon functions of CN VII?
- branchial motor
- preganglionic parasympathetic
- sensory
- taste (special sensory)
What are the target structures of the branchial motor axons of CN VII?
- muscles of facial expression
- stapedius
- posterior digastric
- stylohyoid
(2nd pharyngeal arch derivatives)
What are the branchial motor branches of CN VII?
- temporal
- zygomatic
- buccal
- mandibular
- cervical
- nerve to stapedius
- post digastric
- stylohyoid
What opening of the skull does the branchial motor axons of CN VII exit?
- internal auditory meatus
- stylomastoid fissure
What is the primary branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- main root
What is the function nerve to stylohyoid branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor innervation of the stylohyoid muscle
What is the function of nerve to posterior digastric br of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor innervation of posterior belly of digastric muscle
What is the function of the temporal branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor innervation of the frontal and obicularis oculi muscle
What is the function of the zygomatic branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor innervation of the obicularis oculi, zygomaticus major, and levator labii superioris muscles
What is the function of the buccal branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor function innervation of the buccinator, levator labii superioris, nasalis, obicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, and zygomaticus major muscles
What is the function of the mandibular branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor innervation of depressor anguli oris and zygomaticus major muscles
What is the function of the cervical branch of the branchial motor division of CN VII?
- motor innervation of the platysma muscle
What are the target structures of the parasympathetic division of CN VII?
- lacrimal glands
- mucosa glands of nasal cavity
- submandibular glands
- sublingual glands
What opening of the skull does the parasympathetic division of CN VII exit?
internal auditory meatus
What are the names of the nerves that branch from the parasympathetic division of CN VII?
- chorda tympani nerve
- greater petrosal nerve > n of pterygoid canal
What is the parasympathetic function of chorda tympani nerve branch of the parasympathetic division of CN VII?
- innervation of submandibular ganglion to innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands
What is the function of the greater petrosal branch of the parasympathetic division of CN VII?
- innervation of pterygopalatine ganglion to innervate the lacrimal gland and musosa of nasal cavity
What are the target structures of the sensory division of CN VII?
- palate
- skin posterior of ear
- external auditory meatus
- tympanic membrane
- facial muscle proprioception
What opening of the skull does the sensory division of CN VII exit?
- internal auditory meatus
What are the target structures of the taste (sensory) division of CN VII?
- anterior 2/3 tongue
- palate
What opening of the skull does the taste (sensory) division of CN VII exit?
- internal auditory meatus
What is the function of chorda tympani nerve branch of the taste division of CN VII?
- taste innervation of mucosa anterior 2/3 tongue
What is the function of the greater petrosal nerve branch of the taste division of CN VII?
- taste innervation of palate
What is the facial nerve responsible of making you produce?
- spit
- snot
- cry
What are the ganglia associated with CN VII?
- submandibular
- ptergopalatine
What is the name of CN VIII?
vestibulocochlear nerve
What is the CNS origin of CN VIII?
the pons
What are the nuclei present in CN VIII?
- vestibular ganglion (equilibrium)
- spiral ganglion (hearing)
What is the axon function of CN VIII?
- sensory: equilibrium and hearing
What are the target structures of CN VIII?
- hair cells of spiral organ (hearing)
- hair cells of ampullarf crests in semicircular ducts, maculae of saccule/utricle
What is the name of CN IX?
glossopharyngeal nerve
What are the axon functions of CN IX?
- branchial motor
- parasympathetic
- sensory (touch/proprioception)
- sensory (taste)
- sensory (visceral)
What are the nuclei of CN IX?
- nuclei ambiguus (branchial motor)
- inferior salivatory (parasympathetic)
- inferior ganglion (touch and taste)
- superior ganglion (visceral)
What opening of the skull do all divisions of CN IX exit?
- jugular foramen
What are the target structures of the branchial motor division of CN IX?
- stylopharynegeus
- superior pharyngeal constrictor
- 3rd pharyngeal arch derivative
What is the CNS origin of CN IX?
the medulla
What is the function of the nerve to stylopharyngeus branch of the branchial motor division of CN IX?
- motor innervation of stylopharynegues muscle
What is the target structure of the parasympathetic branch of CN IX?
- parotid gland
What is the axon function of the tympanic nerve of the parasympathetic division of CN IX?
- parasympathetic innervation of the otic ganglion»_space;> parotid gland
What are the nerve branches of the sensory (touch) division of CN IX?
- lingual br
- tonsilar br
- pharyngeal br
- n. to stylopharyngeus
- tympanic nerve br
What are the target structures of the sensory (touch/proprioception) division of CN IX?
- sensory of 1/3 posterior tongue
- tonsil bed
- stylopharyngeus (proprioception)
- oropharynx (upper pharynx; gag reflex)
- mid ear
What is the sensory (touch) axon function of the tympanic nerve branch of CN IX?
- sensory innervation of middle ear
What is the sensory (touch) function of the pharyngeal br of CN IX?
- sensory innervation of mucosa of upper pharynx
What is the sensory (touch) function of the tonsillar br of CN IX?
- sensory innervation of tonsillar mucosa
What is the sensory (touch) function of the lingual br of CN IX?
- sensory innervation of mucosa posterior 1/3 tongue
What is the sensory (proprioception) function of nerve to stylopharyngeus br of CN IX?
- sensory innervation of stylopharyngeus muscle
What is the target structure of the sensory (taste) division of CN IX?
- posterior 1/3 tongue taste
What is the sensory (taste) br of CN IX?
- lingual branch
What are the sensory (visceral) target structures of CN IX?
- chemoreceptors at carotid body
- baroreceptors at carotid sinus
What is the sensory (visceral) br of CN IX?
- carotid nerve
What is the sensory (visceral) function of the carotid br of CN IX?
sensory innervation of the carotid sinus and body
What is the ganglion associated with CN IX?
- otic ganglion
What are the sensory ganglion associated with CN IX?
- superior and inferior ganglion
What is the name of CN X?
- vagus nerve
What are the nuclei of CN X?
- nucleus ambiguus (branchial motor)
- dorsal motor nucleus
- superior and inferior ganglion
What is the CNS origin of CN X?
- the medulla
What is the opening of the skull which CN X exits?
- jugular foramen
What are the target structures of the branchial motor division of CN X?
- muscles of pharynx (6th arch)
- palate
- upper 2/3 esophagus (4th arch)
- cricothryoid
- inferior pharynx
What are the branches of the branchial motor division of CN X?
- recurrent laryngeal
- superior laryngeal n > external laryngeal
- pharyngeal n
What is the branchial motor function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve of CN X?
- motor innervation of all but two muscles of the larynx
What is the branchial motor function of the superior laryngeal n > external laryngeal nerve of CN X?
- motor innervation of cricothyroid, and inferior constrictor muscles
What is the branchial motor function of the pharyngeal nerve branch of CN X?
- motor innervation of all the muscles of pharynx (except stylopharyngeus) and the palate (except tensor palatini)
What are the target structures the parasympathetic division of CN X?
- smooth muscle viscera up to splenic flexure
What are the branches of the parasympathetic division of CN X?
- vagal trunk
- recurrent laryngeal
- internal laryngeal
- pharyngeal nerve
What is the parasympathetic function of the vagal trunk br of CN X?
- autonomic motor innervation of viscera of the thorax and abdomen
What is the parasympathetic function of recurrent laryngeal br of CN X?
- innervation of vocal cords and trachea musosa
What is the parasympathetic function of internal laryngeal br of CN X?
- innervation of epiglottis and vocal cords
What is the parasympathetic function of the pharyngeal nerve branch of CN X?
- innervation of palate and pharynx mucosa
What are the sensory (touch/proprioception) target structures of CN X?
- skin of ear
- external auditory meatus
- dura posterior cranial fossa
What are the branches of the sensory (touch/proprioception) division of CN X?
- recurrent laryngeal nerve br
- superior laryngeal > ext and int laryngeal
- pharyngeal n
- auricular br
What is the sensory function of recurrent laryngeal nerve br of CN X?
- sensory innervation of all but two muscles of larynx
- sensory innervation of mucosa of the trachea and larynx
What is the sensory function of the internal laryngeal n of CN X?
- sensory innervation to the mucosa of the oral and laryngeal pharynx, epiglottis and larynx
What is the sensory innervation of the external laryngeal nerve branch of CN X?
- proprioception of cricothyroid
What is the sensory function of the pharyngeal nerve of CN X?
- sensory innervation of all the muscles of pharynx (except stylopharyngeus) and the palate (except tensor palatini)
What is the sensory function of the auricular nerve br of CN X?
- sensory innervation of skin of the external auditory meatus and ear
What is the target structure of sensory ( taste) division of CN X?
- internal laryngeal nerve innervates taste of epiglottis
What is the sensory (visceral) function of CN X?
- thoracic cardiac nerve does sensory innervation of the aortic arch
What is the name of CN XI?
- accessory nerve
What is the CNS origin of CN XI?
- spinal cord (C1-5)
What are the nuclei of CN XI?
- ventral horn (C1-5)
What is the opening of the skull which CN XI exits?
- jugular foramen
What is the axon function of CN XI?
What are the target structures of CN XI?
- sternocleidomastoid
- trapezius
What is the name of CN XII?
- hypoglossal nerve
What is the CNS origin of CN XII?
- the medulla
What is the nuclei of CN XII?
- hypoglossal nucleus
What is the opening which CN XII exits?
hypoglossal canal
What is the axon function of CN XII?
What are the target structures of CN XII?
- styloglossus
- hyoglossus
- genioglossus
- intrinsic muscles of tongue
What is the artery that runs through the cavernous sinus?
- internal carotid artery
What cranial nerves run through the cavernous sinus?
- IV
- V1
- V2
- VI
What is the location of the cavernous sinus?
- sellar diaphragm above sphenoid bone
- with pituitary gland
What are the 4 parasympathetic ganglion of the cranium?
- ciliary
- pterygopalatine
- submandibular
- otic
What CN is associated with the ciliary ganglion and what CN is it suspended from?
- suspended from V1; short ciliary nerve
What CN is associated with the pterygopalatine ganglion and which CN is it suspended from?
- suspended from V2; zygomatic br»> V1; lacrimal br
What CN is associated with the submandibular ganglion and which CN is it suspended from?
- suspended from V3; lingual
What CN is associated with the otic ganglion and which CN is it suspended from?
- IX
- suspended from V3; auriculotemporal
What are the targets of the ciliary ganglion?
- ciliary body (lens accommodation
- iris smooth muscle (constriction)
What is the target of the pterygopalatine ganglion?
- lacrimal gland (cry)
What are the targets of the submandibular ganglion?
- submandibular gland
- sublingual gland
What is the target of the otic ganglion?
- parotid gland (spit)
What is unique about the parasympathetic innervation of CN X?
- no ganglion
- target cell is at the organ wall
- innervates viscera of thorax and abdomen
What is are the borders and contents of the anterior cranial fossa?
anterior: frontal bone
posterior: lesser wing of sphenoid
- orbital plate
-cribriform plate - ethmoid bone
What are the boundaries and contents of the middle cranial fossa?
anterior: greater wing of
posterior: petrous crest
- dorsum sellae
- foramens
What are the boundaries and contents of the posterior cranial fossa?
anterior: cloves of occipital
posterior: squamous portion of occipital bone
- foramen magnum
What are the general functions of CN VII?
- motor innervation of muscles of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, and posterior digastric
- taste of anterior 2/3 tongue
- parasympathetic innervation of sublingual, submandibular, and lacrimal glands
What are the general functions of CN IX?
- motor to one pharyngeal muscle (stylopharyngeus)
- general sensory from mucosa in posterior tongue and superior parts of pharynx
- taste from posterior 1/3 tongue
- sensory from carotid body and sinus
- parasympathetic of otic ganglion
What are the general functions of CN X?
- motor innervation of pharyngeal, soft palate, and intrinsic laryngeal muscles
- sensory of the inferior pharynx and larynx
- taste and sensory of the root of the tongue and epiglottis
- somatic sensory of outer ear
- parasympathetic innervation to neck, thoracic, and adominal viscera