Mod 1 - LAW Flashcards
What are the ICAO regulations commonly known as?
Standards and Recommended Procedures - SARPs
Decode EASA
European Aviation Safety Agency
Decode ECAC
European Civil Aviation Conference
Decode ICAO
International Civil Aviation Organisation
What is the main purpose of the Convention of International Civil Aviation?
To promote civil aviation safety and effectiveness
The ICAO Council ensures the SARPs are adopted and incorporated as what documents?
How many ICAO Annexes are currently published?
In which Annex will you find Air Traffic Services?
Annex 11
In what languages where the ICAO Annexes written?
English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese
In which Annex will you find Rules of the Air?
Annex 2
In which Annex will you fine Personnel Licensing?
Annex 1
What is the ICAO Doc 4444 called?
Air Traffic Management, Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
According to International Legislation, which words are used to denote a Standard?
According to International Legislation, which words are used to denote a Recommendation?
Who shall States notify of any differences to International Standards?
In what document are the State differences published?
Aeronautical Information Publication (ICAO)
Which Organisation implemented SERA?
What is SES?
Single European Sky
Who carries out the Air Traffic Flow Management Function?
Network Manager (NM)
Who approves the ATCO license?
Decode ANSP
Air Navigation Service Provider
What are the following abbreviations? ACC FIC APP TWR
Area Control Centre
Flight Information Centre
Approach Control Unit
Aerodrome Control Tower`
In what publication do States publish their national rules for pilots, operators and ATCOs?
Name the 3 parts of an AIP
General (GEN)
Enroute (ENR)
Aerodrome (AD)
How are the operationally significant changes to an AIP informed?
AIRAC cycle
In which of the 3 sections of an AIP would you find information on Navigation Warnings?
Enroute (ENR)
In which of the 3 sections of an AIP would you find information on National Regulations and Requirements?
General (GEN)
In which of the 3 sections of an AIP would you find the RWY direction of an Airport?
Aerodrome (AD)
List the 4 types of Air Traffic Services
Flight Information Service (FIS)
Alerting Service (ALRS)
Advisory Service (ADVS)
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Service
Name the 3 types of Air Traffic Control Service
Area Control Service (ACC)
Approach Control Service (APP)
Aerodrome Control Service (TWR)
What are the objectives of the Air Traffic Control Services?
Prevent collisions between AC
Prevent collisions between AC on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area
Expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic
Provide advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights
Notify appropriate organisations regarding AC in need of search and rescue aid and assist such organisations as required.
Define Level
A generic term relating to the vertical position of an AC in flight, meaning variously height, altitude or flight level.
Height is the vertical position of a level, a point or object considered as a point, measured from?
A specific datum
Altitude - fill in the blanks
Altitude is the vertical distance of a level, a point or an object, considered as a point measured from MSL.
Define Elevation
The vertical distance of a level, or point on or affixed to the surface of the earth, measured from MSL.
What pressure should a pilot set on the altimeter to indicate Height?
What pressure should a pilot set on the altimeter to indicate Altitude?
What pressure value in hPa is used by pilots flying on a FL?
VFR and SCCL - fill in blank
Above 3000’ from the ground or water or a higher datum specified by the appropriate ATS authority, VFR flights shall be conducted at a cruising level appropriate to the track as specified in the SCCL table.
Decode SCCL
Semi Circular Cruising Level
According to SERA, above what FL shall VFR flights not operate?
QFE 997hPa, elevation 420’. QNH?
QNH 1021 hPa, elevation 330’. QFE?
Define Transition Altitude
The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an AC is controlled by reference to altitudes.
Define Transition Level
The lowest FL available for use above the Transition Altitude
Define Transition Layer
The airspace between the Transition Altitude and Transition Level
Using 30’/hPa, QNH 993hPa, Transition Altitude 3000’. Transition Level?
How many hours before EOBT can a flight plan be submitted?
How many minutes before departure of a flight crossing international borders can a flight plan be submitted?
60 mins
What abbreviation is used for a departure message?
Which of the following is a delay message?
What are the wake turbulence categories?
In which item of a flight plan will you find the number of persons on a flight?
Item 19
Aerodrome - fill in the blanks
An aerodrome is a defined area (including any buildings, installations and equipment) on land or water or an affixed offshore or floating structure intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of AC.
Define Runway
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take off of AC
What is the maximum tailwind component of a runway in use?
List considerations when selecting the runway in use
Wind Traffic pattern Length of runways Approach aids Met conditions Noise abatement Runway capacity Traffic conditions Traffic circuits Adjacent ADs
What are the positions of the AD traffic circuit? Graphic shown
Upwind Crosswind Downwind Late downwind Base (leg) Long final Final
In which direction are standard aerodrome circuits flown?
Left hand
Who is responsible for the operation of the AC in accordance with the rules of the air?
Pilot in command
List 3 items the Pilot in Command shall become familiar with pre-flight
Weather reports
Fuel requirements
Alternate course of action if flight cannot be completed as planned
Apart from in an emergency, under what circumstances may an AC fly in a prohibited or restricted area?
In accordance with the conditions of the restrictions or by permission of the State over whose territory the areas are established
When 2 AC are approaching each other head on or approximately so and there is a danger of collision, each shall alter its heading…
To the right
When 2 AC are converging at the same level, which AC has right of way?
The AC on the right