ABES Flashcards
What action is to be taken by the ATSU following notification of an AC emergency?
- If unknown, ascertain the AC identification, AC type, intentions of flight crew, position and level
- Decide upon most appropriate type of assistance
- Enlist aid from other ATSUs which may be able to provide assistance
- Provide flight crew with any information requested, including additional information such as details of suitable ADs, MSAs and weather info
What additional relevant information is required by the ATSU from an AC in emergency and who is to be notified?
- Obtain information from the operator or flight crew regarding POB, amount of fuel remaining and the possible presence of hazardous materials and the nature thereof
- Notify the appropriate ATSU and authorities as specified in local instructions
Define priority
-In the case of an AC known, or believed to be in a state of emergency, including being subject to unlawful interference, ATSUs shall give the AC maximum assistance and priority over other AC as may be necessitated by the circumstances
What are possible indicators of unlawful interference?
- Unexplainable and unauthorised deviations from the cleared flight path
- Unexplainable loss of radar target
- Unexplainable loss of radio contact
- Other unusual occurrences which give rise of the assumption that an act of unlawful interference in air traffic has occurred
- 7500
- 7700
What procedures shall ATSUs follow if unlawful interference is suspected or following an AC bomb threat?
- Transmit and continue to transmit information pertinent to the safe conduct of flight, without expecting a reply from the AC
- Monitor and plot the progress of the flight with what ever means necessary
- Coordinate transfer of control with adjacent ATSUs without requiring transmissions or other responses from the AC, unless comms with the AC remain normal
- Inform and keep informed appropriate ATSUs including those in adjacent FIRs, which may be concerned with the flight progress
Who is to be notified of unlawful interference or AC bomb threat?
- The operator or designated representative
- The appropriate RCC in accordance with appropriate alerting procedures
- The appropriate authority designated by the State
Between who should appropriate messages relating to the circumstances associated with the unlawful interference of an AC be passed?
-The AC and the designated authorities
What additional procedures are to be followed during an AC bomb threat?
- Advise flight crew of the threat and the circumstances surrounding the threat without delay
- Ascertain the flight crew intentions and report those intentions to other ATSUs which may be concerned with the flight
- Handle the AC in the most expeditious manner, ensuring as much as possible, the safety of other AC and that personnel and ground installations are not put at risk
- AC in flight shall be given re-route to a requested new destination without delay
- Any climb or descent requests by the flight crew for the purpose of reducing or equalising the pressure differential shall be approved ASAP
What additional procedures apply to AC on the ground affected by a bomb threat?
- AC should where possible, be advised to remain as far away as possible from other AC and installations and if appropriate, vacate the RWY
- The AC should be instructed to taxi to a designated or isolated parking area in accordance with local instructions
- Should the flight crew disembark the passengers and crew, other AC, vehicles and personnel should be kept at a safe distance from the threatened AC
What shall ATSUs not provide to flight crew in relation to an explosive device?
-Any advice or suggestions concerning action to be taken by the flight crew
What additional procedures apply to AC on the ground known or believed to be under unlawful interference?
- AC shall be cleared to a designated parking position
- Where no isolated position is designated, or unavailable, the AC shall be cleared to position within an area selected by prior agreement with the AD authority
- The taxi clearance shall specify the route to be followed. The route shall be selected with a view to minimising any security risk to the public, other CA and installations on the AD
What is the definition of a strayed AC?
-AC which have deviated significantly from their intended track or which reports that they are lost
What is the definition of an unidentified AC?
-AC which have been observed or reported to be operating in a given area but whose identity has not been established
On notification of a strayed VFR flight, whose position is unknown, what steps shall be taken as soon as possible by an ATSU to assist the AC and safeguard its flight?
- Establish 2 way comms with the AC
- Use all available means to determine AC position
- Inform other ATSUs as necessary and request assistance if required
What are a controller’s actions following a report from a VFR flight that is uncertain of its position, is lost or encountering adverse met conditions?
- The AC is to be considered in a state of emergency
- Communicate in a clear, concise and calm manner
- Do not question any fault or negligence that the pilot may have committed in preparation or conduct of flight
- If comms are weak or distorted, suggestion to climb to higher level should be suggested, provided met conditions and other circumstances permit.