Mobutu Sese Seko Flashcards
How did he rule?
A president who was in favour of democracy but rude as a dictator
What did he do to all of the political parties?
Got rid of all
What was his party?
Popular Movement of Revolution (MPR)
How long did he rule for?
Won 1970 election - seven year term
What happened during his rule?
They were many human rights violations and he cruelly suppressed his enemies
What did he use many intelligence agencies for?
To keep him and advised about anyone who posed a threat
What did the aim and promoting?
Sense of national unity and pride in Zairean identity and culture
When did he change the name of Congo?
27 October 1971
What did he change the name of Congo to?
Republic of Zaire
What did the name become a series of?
Steps to listen European influence on the nations society and economy
What name did he adopt?
Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku wa za Banga
What did he is name mean?
Or conquering warrior who goes from triumph to triumph
What Civil War did Zaire become involved in?
Angolan Civil War
Who does he support in the Angolan Civil War?
The losing faction
Did the lives of the citizens improve during his rule?
Did not improve
What did he is Ruben coming associated with?
Mismanagement of funds and corruption
What was his personal fortune at the time of his death?
Five billion US dollars
What did Zaire became refer to?
What does Kleptocracy mean?
Rude by thieves
What did he do to Patrice Lumumba?
Unseated him from power and was instrumental in the decision to hand over the member to the Katanga regime
What type of personality did he developed?
A cult of his own personality
How did you have a cold of his own personality?
Pictures of him we place an every government building
What did Mobutism refer to?
The end result of his political and social reforms
During the Cold War who did he supports?
The USA and its allies
Why did he support the USA?
He was anti-Communist and would guarantee that they’re rich resources would be exported to them
Who did he bring back as president?
Joseph Kasavubu
How did he build up his own army and position himself as a dictator?
Use the security provided by the United Nations
Who did he invite to become a prime minister?
Moise Tshombe
How did he end the political power struggle?
Second Coup d’ état
When was the second Coup d’ etat?
October 1965
What campaign did he have in the 1970s?
Authenticité campaign
What did he do in this campaign?
Changed name to Zaire
How was the name of Leopoldville Africanise?
What was Katanga renamed to?
Shaba - discourage further if it’s at secession
When did Zairianisation occur?
What was Zairianisation?
Nationalising many businesses
What did Zairianisation represent?
A move to return assets to the Zairian people
What did he actually do to the assets?
Confiscated them and allocated them to himself and MPR leaders
What were the new owners of the Zairianised businesses?
No experience of running a business
Why was there a drop in production and sales?
Businesses were sold assets all goods. They took the money and in Bandan business and replace staff with an experience appointees
What was in a decline?
Unemployment increased and there was food shortages. Infrastructure was in decline
What increase the countries economic problems?
Drop in copper price in 1974
By the end of 1974 what did he decide to do?
Return a portion of each of these businesses to foreigners
What was the process called at the end of 1974?
For the rest of the 1970s what did the country supper?
Gross mismanagement
What occurred in Western Zaire in 1977/78?
Drought and famine
When was the first Shaba war and the second Shaba War?
1977 and 1978 when Congolese rebels invaded Shaba
Who supported the rebels?
Soviet support
What did Zaire receive in the first Shaba war?
Weapons from Belgium, France and China
What did Zaire receive in the second Shaba war?
Military support from Belgium, France and the USA
What was the effect on stage finances when suppressing these uprisings?
Increased strain on stage finances
Why did Western bank stop learning money?
Fear they would never pay it back
Who did they tried to get loans from?
IMF and world bank
How much money was Zaire granted from IMF?
1billion dollars in 1981
In between 1979 and 1985 how much money did the World Bank loan?
More than US$650 million
In the 1980s what happened to them?
Became bankrupt
What did they do an effort to make more funds available?
Printed more money causing inflation
What happened to the money as inflation increased?
No it had to be printed in bigger denominations
What reduce the buying power of people salaries and wages?
The value of zaire decrease significantly
What happened to people as the buying power became less affective?
People became more desperate