Misc. Flashcards
What is the classification for normal adult blood pressure?
S<120, D<80
What is the classification for elevated blood pressure?
S = 120-129. D = <80
What is the classification for stage 1 hypertension? (2017)
S = 130-139. D = 80-89
What is the classification for stage 2 hypertension?
S = 140-179, D = 90 - 119
What type of excursive movements would be interfered with if a mesial marginal ridge of a maxillary second molar was built up too high during a restoration?
Protrusive and retrusive
Failure to achieve an optimum proximal contact can lead to…
Pocket formation
Overhanging restorations that result in the failure of restorations
True or false… with age, there are morphological changes within the salivary glands. As a person ages, acini are replaced by fibrous and fatty tissue. With a decreased amount of acini present, salivary flow is decreased.
GV Black’s four-number formula is designed for instruments that have a primary cutting edge or working end that is not at right angle to the long axis of the blade. Describe the 4 numbers.
First number: width of the blade in tenths of a millimeter
Second number: cutting edge angle in gradians
Third number: length of the blade in millimeters
Fourth number: blade angle in gradians
The illusion of increased length can be achieved with ___ highlights. An increased width can be achieved with __ highlights.
True or false.. whenever restorations are finished with unusually smooth surfaces, they give the impression of being larger than they really are.
True or false… an increased value make teeth appear larger.
When utilizing four-handed dentistry, the assistant should be positioned ___ than the dentist in order to facilitate ____.
What is the lethal dose of fluoride?
20-50 mg/kg
High doses of fluoride can produce serious abnormalities in teeth, bones, kidney, thyroid, and brain
Define furcation grades 1 - 4
Class 1 - evidence of early bone loss in the fur cal area. And a nabers prob enters the depression but bone remains between the roots
Class 2 - evidence of moderate bone loss in the furcal area, and a nabers probe can enter the furcal are but cannot pass between the roots
Class 3 - evidence of severe bone loss in the furcal area, and a nabers probe can pass between the roots though the entire furca it gingiva is still covering the opening
Class 4 - evidence of severe bone and soft tissue loss in the furcal area, where there is through and through involvement with complete loss of bone, and a nabers probe can pass between the roots through the entire furcation with the entrance clearly visible
What is perimylolysis?
Decalcification of the teeth from exposure to gastric acid in patients with chronic vomiting.
What are common oral manifestations of HIV+ pts?
Hairy leukoplakia Herpetic lesions Oral and esophageal candidiasis Kaposi’s sarcoma Linear gingival erythema Necrotizing ulcerative perio/gingivitis Human papillomavirus Lymphoma Recurrent apthous ulcers
____ is contraindicated for a patient with asthma, why? What is a better alternative?
It may precipitate an asthma attack.
Acetaminophen is the best choice for asthmatic patients with mild pain.
True or false… dental offices that exclusively use cold sterilization for surgical instruments are legally liable for any cross-contamination that may occur in the dental clinic
What type of fluoride administration has the highest documented efficacy?
Acidulated phosphate fluoride 1.23%
What is the causative factor of bleeding upon probing?
Ulceration of the gingival tissues
Histological changes of the gingival epithelium during gingivitis (4-7 days following plaque accumulation) include: infiltration dominated by ___ (75% of the cells). Destruction of ____ fibers. Migration of leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes into the ___ and ___. Gingival crevicular fluid level [peaks/lowers]. Ulceration of _____ (which allows for BOP)
Junctional epithelium and gingival sulcus
Sulcular lining
What is the ideal angle insertion of a Colombia 13/14 universal curette on the mesial of tooth surface #19?
0-40 degrees
____ is a neoplasia which account for 90-95% of oral cancers. It typically presents itself as an indurated, ulcerated, firm lesion in soft tissue that does NOT heal.
Squamous cell carcinoma
What is the difference between DEFT and DMFT?
DEFT is used for primary teeth
DMFT is used for permanent teeth.
What is the function of the following?
Gracey 1/2
Gracey 7/8
Gracey 11/12
Gracey 13/14
Gracey 1/2 - SRP of all anterior surfaces
Gracey 7/8 - SRP on direct facial and lingual of posterior teeth
Gracey 11/12 - SRP on mesial surfaces of posterior teeth
Gracey 13/14 - SRP on distal surfaces of posterior teeth
Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection caused by ___ and ___. It most often affects the skin of the face or extremities and is usually seen in young children.
Streptococcus pyogenes
Staphylococcus aureus
Urticaria is also known as ___ and is a ___ hypersensitivity with localized vascular permeability in superficial connective tissue.
Type 1
Define the ASA statuses 1-4
ASA 1 - normal, healthy patient, without systemic disease
ASA 2 - patient has a mild systemic disease. Examples included well-controlled asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid disease, hypertension
ASA 3 - severe systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating. Examples include stable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction more than 6 months earlier, poorly controlled insulin-depended diabetes, uncontrolled epilepsy, thyroid disorders, non controlled hypertension
ASA 4 - pt has incapacitating systemic disease that is a constant threat to life. Unstable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction less than 6 months ago, severe congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, uncontrolled epilepsy, diabetes, thyroid disease, and BP of 220+/115+
Describe the orthodontic problems thumb sucking causes
Protrusion of maxillary incisors
Anterior open bite
Cross bite
High palatal vault
_____ is common in children due to immature oral behavior, narrow dental arches, prolonged upper respiratory tract infections, spaces between the teeth, muscle weakness, malocclusion, abnormal sucking habits, and open mouth posture due to structural abnormalities of genetic origin. Large tonsils and adenoids also contribute to ___ swallowing. It may exacerbate maxillary tooth protrusion and anterior open bite seen in thumb-sucking patients but has NOT been implicated in causing a high palatal vault
Tongue thrusting
Tongue thrusting