MIS Ch. 6 Flashcards
The computing resources leased can be increased or decreased in a short span of time, and organizations pay for just the resources that they use.
The elastic leasing of pooled computer resources over the Internet
Why are cloud resources pooled?
Because many different organizations use the same physical hardware and share that hardware through virtualization
A collection of computers that communicate with one another over transmission lines or wirelessly
Local Area Network (LAN)
Connects computers that reside in a single geographic location
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Connects computers at different geographic locations
An internet
A network of networks
• Includes LANs & WANs
The Internet
The collection of networks that you use when you send email or access a website
A private internet that is used exclusively within an organization
A set of rules that programs on two communicating devices follow
• Ex: http://
(SOHO) Small Office or Home Office
A LAN that has fewer than a dozen or so computers & printers
IEEE 802.3 Protocol (Ethernet)
A communications standard that specifies how messages are to be packaged, processed, & transmitted for wired transmissions over a LAN
IEEE 802.11 Protocol
• Used for wireless LAN connections
Wireless protocol that transmits data over short distances, replacing cables
What are the 3 functions of an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
- ) It PROVIDES you with a legitimate Internet access.
- ) It RECEIVES the communications from your computer and passes them on to the Internet, and receives communications from the Internet and passes them onto you.
- ) It PAYS for the Internet.
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
Operates on the same lines as voice telephones, but doesn’t interfere with voice telephone service
Cable Lines
A WAN connection that provides high-speed data transmission using cable television lines
WAN Wireless
A communications system that provides wireless connectivity to a wide area network
IP Address
A number that identifies a particular device
Public IP Address
Identifies a particular device on the public Internet
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers)
Public agency that controls IP addresses’ assignments
Private IP Address
Identifies a particular device on a private network, usually on a LAN
Domain Name
A worldwide-unique name that is affiliated with a public IP address
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
An address on the Internet
Three-Tier Architecture
A design of user computers that consists of three categories, or tiers:
- ) User Tier
- ) Server Tier
- ) Database Tier
Server Tier
Consists of computers that run web servers and process application programs
Database Tier
Consists of computers that run a DBMS that processes requests to retrieve & store data
Web Page
A document that is usually coded in HTML
Web Servers
Programs that run on a server-tier computer and manage traffic by sending & receiving web pages to and from clients
Commerce Server
Application programs that run on a server-tier computer and obtain product data from a database, manage the items in a shopping cart, and coordinate the checkout process
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
All interactions among computing devices are defined as services in a formal, standardized way.
A characteristic of systems design in which the details of a process are hidden from users
TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
Has five layers and one or more protocols defined at each layer; programs are written to implement the rules of a particular protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http)
Used between browsers and Web servers
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (smtp)
Used for email transmissions
File Transfer Protocol (ftp)
Used to move files over the Internet
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Cloud hosting that provides hardware infrastructure, an operating system, & application programs
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Cloud hosting that provides hosted computers, an operating system, & possibly a DBMS
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Cloud hosting that provides a bare server computer or data storage
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A system of hardware and software that stores user data in different geographic locations and makes it available on demand
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Uses the Internet to create the appearance of private, secure connections
A virtual, private pathway over a public or shared network from the VPN client to the VPN server
Private Cloud
A cloud that is owned and operated by an organization for its own benefit
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
A subset of a public cloud that has highly restricted, secure access
Remote Action System
IS that provides computer-based activity or action at a distance
• Ex: Telediagnosis, Telesurgery, & Telelaw Enforcement
A remote action system that healthcare professionals use to diagnose illnesses for rural or remote areas
Uses telecommunications to link surgeons to robotic equipment at distant locations
Telelaw Enforcement
Uses cameras & motion-sensing equipment to issue tickets for red-light & speeding violations
• Ex: RedFlex