Minor Surgery/Derm Flashcards
Describe a needle driver
Shorter/wider than forceps/hemostats
Toothed or smooth (toothed = better grip but can damage sutures)
Tungsten carbide (better grip than smooth, less damage than toothed)
Describe the difference between the types of scissors:
Iris - fine dissection, suture removal IF no suture scissors
Metzenbaum - blunt dissection, gauze cutting
Bandage - curved tip; cuts bandage without damaging tissue underneath
Differentiate adsons forceps with and without teeth
Adsons with teeth - handling tissue
Adsons without teeth - grasping sutures, foreign bodies, picking things up steriley (do NOT use on tissue; compression injury risk)
Describe the difference between curved and straight hemostats
Curved - undermining
Straight - clamping (usually BVs)
Describe the function of the following scalpel blades
#3, #11, #15, #10
3 - disposable scalpel blade attaching to reusable handle
#11 - puncture abscesses, incisions, stabbing
#15 - blunt dissection, excision, trimming, elliptical biopsy
#10 - blunt dissection + excision on thick skin
With sutures, more zeros = ____ thread
Smaller size = less tensile strength
Explain the differences between braided and monofilament sutures
Monofilament - single thread; passes through tissue easily, less tensile strength
Braided - three threads braided, secure, easier to tie, but more likely to lead to infection
What are absorbable sutures used for? What are the different types?
Deep tissue layers
Natural - digested by body enzymes - MORE likely to cause a reaction than synthetic
Synthetic - hydrolyzed
What are the types of natural absorbable sutures?
Both are monofilament
Plain catgut - more tissue reactivity, half life 7-10 days
Chromic catgut - less tissue reactivity (chromic = salt that delays absorption), half life 2-3 weeks
What are the types of synthetic absorbable sutures?
Polyglactin (vicryl) - monofilament and braided, half life 2-3 weeks
Poly glycolic acid (dexon) - monofilament, half life 2-3 weeks
Polydioxanone (PDS) - monofilament, half life 4-6 weeks
Natural sutures are ____ likely to cause a reaction than synthetic
What are the types of natural non-absorbable sutures?
Silk: braided, high tissue reactivity
Polyester/polybutester: high tissue reactivity
What are the types of synthetic non-absorbable sutures?
Nylon/ethilon: monofilament, low tissue reactivity
Polypropylene/protene: monofilament
For the following area of the body, list the skin suture size and time of removal
5-0, 6-0
Removal in 3-5 days
For the following area of the body, list the skin suture size and time of removal
4-0, 5-0
Removal in 7-10 days
For the following area of the body, list the skin suture size and time of removal
Trunk, legs, feet, scalp
3-0, 4-0
Removal in 7-14 days
High tension areas would have ____ removal times
Longer; 10-14 days
Risks of leaving sutures in too long AND taking them out too soon
Taking out too soon - dehiscence (splitting)
Leaving too long - inc risk scarring
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Simple interrupted
Can cause “railroad track” scar
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Vertical mattress
Better for everting skin edges
Good for wounds under tension
“Far far near near”
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Horizontal mattress
Used for high tension wound support
Holds fragile skin together
Distributes tension
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Deep or buried
Decreases tension in larger, deeper wounds
Knots are inverted below skin margins
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Intradermal/subcuticular running
In dermis, not visible
Better cosmetic appearance
Best in wounds with less tension
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Continuous running stitch
Not cosmetic
Less secure
Difficult to remove
Describe the following stitch type, including what it may be used for or risks
Three point/half buried mattress
V shaped wounds so not to impair blood flow to tip
Describe the following needle types:
Conventional cutting
Reverse tying
Conventional - cosmetic surgery
Reverse - most common; skin, tendon sheath, oral mucosa
Tapered: pierces tissue without cutting; fascia, muscle, myocardium, bowel
Explain the following methods of skin closure including indications, advantages/disadvantages
Steri strips
-small wounds, thin flaps, in kids
-with sutures with difficulty everting edges/high tension areas
-sticker with benzoin
-cant be used around digits (tourniquet effect)
-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive
-sterile, nontoxic
-50 sec to set, wound heals 5-10 days
-cant be used in areas of excessive motion/moisture (knees, elbows, hands/feet, mouth, groin)
Staples: low risk of infection
What is the MOA of local anesthetics?
Block Na reputable to prevent depolarization of pain stimuli
List the order in which sensation is lost AND the order in which it returns with use of local anesthetics
Deep pressure
Returns in reverse order
Describe the type of administration and uses of anesthetics:
Field block
Regional/nerve block
Local - subQ injection (lacerations, small lesions)
Field block - circle around operative site (I&D, complex lacerations)
Regional/nerve block - directly into/near group of nerves
Describe the angles for IM and SQ injections
IM = 90 deg
SQ = 30-45 deg
What are amides use in minor surgery? How are they metabolized? Allergies to them are ____
Anesthetics; metabolized in liver by microsomes enzymes
True allergies are rare
What are the topical amides?
EMLA cream
What are the infiltrative amides?
Describe the time of onset, duration, dosing, and adverse reactions of the following infiltrative amide:
1-10 min onset
30-60 min duration
10 cc of 1% > 100 mg (add a zero to cc for dose)
AE: drowsiness, caution in elderly, may cause heart block and arrythmias
Max dosing (for 90 min to 2 hour intervals)
-Child: 3.3-4.5 mg/kg, dont exceed 75-110 mg
-Adult: 4.5 mg/kg, don’t exceed 300 mg
Describe the time of onset, duration, dosing, and adverse reactions of the following infiltrative amide:
8-12 min onset
3-4 hr duration
AE: cardiac complications; NO IV due to heart block of long duration!!
Max adult: 4 mg/kg of 0.25%, not to exceed 200 mg
Describe the time of onset, duration, dosing, and adverse reactions of the following infiltrative amide:
8-12 min onset
2-2.5 hr duration
Max adult: 5 mg/kg of 1%, not to exceed 400 mg
What is an ester in minor surgery? How is it metabolized? Allergies are ___
Anesthetic; metabolized in peripheral plasma by psuedocholinesterase
More allergic reactions than amides
What are the topical esters?
Benzocaine - poorly observed, need at least 10%
Proparacaine - opth; <1 min onset, 15 min duration
Cocaine: ENT; <1 min onset, 1 hr duration
Tetracaine (TAC), epi, cocaine - FAST
What are the infiltrative esters?
Procaine/novocaine: slower onset but same duration as lidocaine
Allergic reactions common
What are types of adverse reactions that can occur with anesthetics?
Toxic if injected IV or excessively > hypotension, bradycardia, cardiac arrest (tx with O2)
Allergic - anaphylaxis rare, tx with Benadryl and epi/o2, more common with esters
Autonomic: tachycardia, sweating, dizziness, syncope (tx generally not needed) ** most common adverse reaction, have pt lying down prior to injection to prevent**
Guidelines to reduce pain of administration of anesthetics
Inject slowly
Administer with 27-30 g needle
Keep at room temp
Rinse wound with anesthetic first
Combine with sodium bicarb (10 cc 1% lidocaine: 1 cc 8.4% Na bicarb)
Role of epinephrine in minor surgery including benefits, adverse effects, max dose, and CI
Advantages: dec bleeding, prolongs duration of anesthetic, dec toxic reaction via vasoconstriction
AE: anxiety, tremors, palpitations, tachycardia
Max dose 0.2 mg
Avoid in MAOis, TCAs, thyrotoxicosis, severe CVD
Avoid in end areas (ear, nose, fingers, toes)
What is the difference between sterilization, disinfection, disinfectant, and antiseptic?
Sterilization - desctruction of all living microorganisms, including bacterial spores
Disinfection - reduction of a population of pathogenic microorganisms without achieving sterility
Disinfectant - germicidal substance used on INANIMATE objects to kills pathogenic microorganisms, but not necessarily all other
Antiseptic - chemical agent applied TO THE BODY that kills or inhibits growth of pathogenic microorganisms
What b vitamin is good for acne?
Niacinamide (B3)
Which of the following is CI for shave biopsy?
Hyperpigmented moles > 1 cm
Molluscum contagiosum
Seb keratoses
Benign superficial lesion
Hyperpigmented moles; BM unlikely to be visualized, so def dx unavailable (also most likely to be cancerous)
Avoid shave biopsy as dx; its more cosmetic
Which of the following is metabolized in the liver?
Which is primary metabolized by plasma enzymes?
Procaine > metabolized to PABA in peripheral tissues and plasma
10 cc of a 1% solution of lidocaine contains ____ mg
100 mg
1 cc of a 1% lidocaine solution contains ___ mg
10 mg
How to go from __cc of 1% solution > __ mg
Add a zero to cc (% > mg/mL)
Ex: 10 cc of 1% = 100 mg
Indications for adding epi to local anesthetics include all of the following EXCEPT
Decrease oozing
Prolong duration of anesthetic
Reduced risk in pts with severe CVD
Decreased risk of toxic rxn by reducing circulating levels of local
Reduced risk in severe CVD
Which of the following is a sign of local anesthesia CV toxicity?
Which of the following is the best tx for a toxic reaction/systemic toxicity?
which of the following is an indication for a NON-absorbable DEEP suture?
Tendon repair
Ophthalmic surgery
Deep skin wounds
Tendon repair
Which of the following suture types has the highest liklihood of tissue reaction?
Chromic gut
Chromic gut
Which of the following sutures is the finest (has smallest diameter)?
Nylon is what type of suture
Absorbable, natural
Absorbable, synthetic
Non-absorbable, natural
Non-absorbable, synthetic
Non-absorbable, synthetic
Four cardinal signs of slight finger flexion, fuse form swelling of finger, pain on passive/active extension of the finger, and tenderness along the tendon sheath into the palm indicate:
Purulent tenosynovitis (can lead to nec fasc; refer to ortho surgeon)
CI to I&D include which of the following:
Fluctuant abscesses
Recurrent abscesses
Infected puncture wounds
Foreign bodies
Recurrent abscesses
All of the following may increase the amount of time it takes a wound to heal EXCEPT:
Accurate wound approximation
High tension
Dead space
Accurate wound approximation
This surgical tool is best for larger, thick, and tough skin on the back:
Iris scissors
#10 blade
#11 blade
#15 blade
10 blade
Which of the following scalpel blades has a straight and pointed cutting edge and is used to stabbing and incising the skin in I&D?
Which type of suture has less resistance as it passes through tissue and is less likely to harbor microorganisms? It also ties easily but knots may slip and break easily.
Braided vicryl
Nylon (like fishing line, strong but slippery, goes through nice but likely to have ties slip out)
What is hemostasis?
disruption of BVs, extravasation of blood consistent, initiation of the coagulation cascade, and formation of a fibrin clot
Wounds that are too contaminated to close initially but may be closed after 3-4 days post tx:
Primary Intention
Secondary intention
Tertiary intention
Quartiary intention
Tertiary intention
This stitch is great for everting skin edges and precise approximation of wound edges with little tension:
Simple interrupted
Vertical mattress
Subcuticular running
Continuous running/baseball
Vertical mattress
This easy and most versatile stitch can cause “railroad track” scarring
Simple interrupted
Vertical mattress
Subcuticular running
Half buried mattress
Simple interrupted
Urea paste dissolution and anti fungal oral meds are appropriate tx for
Plantar warts
Onychomycosis (terbinafine)
Simple rupture by pressure, simple aspiration, and surgical excision are all potential tx for:
Ganglion cyst
Epidermis cyst
Trichlemmal cyst
Ganglion cyst
All of the following are variables that demonstrate amount of time to leave sutures in EXCEPT:
Universal precautions
Type of suture
Tensile strength
Potential for scarring
Universal precautions
Which of the following is a nutrient known to promote wound healing?
Vit K
The most common organism causing wound infections is
Which of the following is a non-absorbable monofilament?
in order to remove stitches, cut ____ (under/over) the know as ___ (close to/far from) skin as possible and pull the stitch out, drawing wound edges ___ (together/apart)
Under the knot, as close to skin as possible, pull stitch out pulling wound edges together
Causes of hematomas include:
Poor hemostasis
Elimination of dead space
Poor hemastasis
This regional nerve block is injected into the anatomical snuff box to provide anesthesia to the lateral aspect of the proximal thumb
This regional nerve block is useful for providing anesthesia to the tip of the little finger
Indications for hyfrecation include:
Bloody fields
Basal cell carcinoma
Actinic keratoses
Recent changing nevi > 1 cm
Actinic keratoses
Elliptical excision should have a length to width ratio of _____ with corners at ___angles
3:1, 30 deg
Elliptical excisions should ideally be made with a #____ blade, initially cutting ____ to the skin
15, perpendicular
Most dangerous of the malignant skin tumors
Malignant melanoma
Cellulitis involves what layers of skin? What is the most common bug to cause cellulitis? How is diagnosis done?
Dermis and subcutaneous tissue
Group A BH strep or staph A
Clinical dx, culture
What is a dangerous complication of cellulitis?
Necrotizing fasciitis
What is erysipelas? What is the common bug and how does it present/
Superficial cellulitis involving lymphatics
Group A BH strep pyogenes
Painful, raised, and sharply demarcated “orange peel” lesion with fever, malaise, local lymphadenopathy, and possible streaking
May present similar to impetigo but impetigo has NO systemic sx associated
What is lymphangitis?
Red streaking along lymph tract (from infected area to armpit/groin)
Throbbing pain
Loss of appetite
- sign a bacterial infxn is worsening
What HPV strains most commonly cause genital warts? What is the name for this pathology?
6 and 11
Condylomata acuminata
What HPV strains cause flat warts and are more likely to lead to cervical dysplasia?
16, 18, 31, 33
What is impetigo? How does it present, and how is it dx
Skin infxn caused by bacteria (strep pyogenes and/or staph a)
Pruritic pustules, vesicles, bullae, with “honey colored” crust
Dx: clinical, culture, or gram stain
Molluscum contagiosum etiology
Children, Immunocompromised