Homeopathy Overview Flashcards
aconitum napellus
a sudden fearful trauma
comes on suddenly
dilated pupils
allium cepa
Onion allergies make u Cry, snot, & sneeze in warm rooms
Profuse watery discharge from the eyes
Acrid Nasal Discharge
Red nose
Worse in a warm room
Sneezing and coughing
Angel and Devil Argue Over Insecurity
Good Cop/Bad Cop/Angel and Demon
Give up their beliefs to be a part of the group
Worse high emotions
Sensation of a plug - keep emotions in and they like it
Better eating/full/
Worse hungry/empty/BM/Urination
Insecurity fear of proving themselves good
Antimonium tartaricum
Weak old lady coughing and rocking in a chair
Coughs, thick and rattling
No expectoration
Better sitting upright
Irritable (worse kids/heat)
Blue lips
Poor circulation
Crave cold water but makes them worse
Better with a fan
Apis mellifica
Bee Stings Bring Swollen Red Pain
Bumble bee sting
Red, hot and swollen
Gouty joint
Joint pain that is hot and swollen
They are warm
Better cold application
Kidney issues (urinary issues)
Arnica montana
I’m Fine After Trauma
Head injury
Trauma, bruising, bleeding - Not sore from working out
Everything feels firm to them
They brush things off like they are fine
Trauma emotionally
Arsenicum album
Chilly, anxious, and sip warm water slowly
Crave warm water that they slowly sip
Adamant about their health
Very anxious about their health
Super compliant patients
Everyone is out to get them
OCD - controlling health, money and others
Desire company
Fastidious, organized
Burning pains, skin conditions
Better heat application (opposite of Sulphur)
Better with heat
Burning diarrhea
Aurum metallicum
The perfectionist king falls into depression.
Going beyond capacity - they can’t quite make it
Better with music
Better at night
Deep pains
Syphilinum - bone cancers, deep seeded pains, depression
The best CEO- something goes wrong they get depressed and suicidal
Duty, worth are very important to them
Baryta carbonica
Shy Mr. Magoo with a big head.
Very large head and atrophied body
Delayed development
Lack confidence
Very shy
Need Strong routine
Slow or late in getting out of the house - shy and lack confidence
Swollen tonsils
Hypertrophy of the prostate
Scarlet fever strikes with hammering pain.
Sudden onset
High fevers
HA’s (pounding like a hammer on R side)
Dilated Pupils
Head and face are hot
Cold extremities
Worse emotions
Scarlet ohara worse
R sided HA and ear infections
Crave lemonade/lemons
Sensation that they are being led to the gallows- reacting
Workaholic dried out and stiff.
Work, Dryness, Better Pressure, Worse Motions
Dreams about work
Very hard workers
Calcarea carbonica
The dutiful shell-builder fears the world.
All about duty with job and family
Work themselves to exhaustion
They live in a shell
Don’t read the newspaper
The world is scary and they always have to patch their shells
Great administrators
Detail oriented
Tend to be chilly
Profuse sweat (mainly on head and feet)
Cradle cap for pediatrics
Bone and joint issues (OA and RA)
Crave indigestible things
Fears resolved with work and having people around
Craves eggs
Fiery UTI barks for relief so they can have sex.
UTI’s - raw burning, stinging pains, need to urinate, scalding burning pain
Increased libido
Better rubbing, Worse touch from others
Mania and crying with burning UTI (1st and Equisetum 2nd for UTI’s)
Like to Bark
Little urine with voiding
Carbo vegetabilis
Collapse, can’t breathe, need air!
Collapsed state, Air-hunger
Have to be sitting up
Apathy and indifference
**Burning pains & slow paralysis; better seattle worse spokane **
Raw burning pains on skin and elsewhere
UTI’s if holding urine on long trips
Slow progressive paralysis
Worse in Spokane and better in Seattle
Better Damp Cold
Worse Dry Cold
Group protection (Family, friends)
Intolerance for social injustices
Can lead to apathy if no change is seen
Desire heat on burning pains
The teething tantrum baby
Want to be held but worse with consolation - arch their back
Throw them out the window - frustrating
Worse being carried
Super irritable child with pinworms.
Worse than chamomila
Super irritable - arch their back
Otitis media
Might hit the person trying to console them
Desire attention and will act out to receive it
Cinchona officinalis (china)
malaria cycles through painless symptoms.
First used for Malaria
Cyclical nature
Painless diarrhea, fevers, ideas
All cyclical
Slow digestion
All cyclical
Can be paired with Nat mur - has periodicity
Angry kidney stone needs pressure, giving me sciatica.
Kidney stones
Better bending forward
Better firm pressure - pressing into abdomen
Come on with anger, humiliation, or big emotions
Sciatic pain
Want to be held, sweet, and better with consolation
Stony, paralyzed, and suppressed.
slow progressive ascending paralysis
Prostate cancers
Hard stony glands or lymph nodes
Closed off or fixed people
Worse with suppressed sexuality
High libido
bending over backwards for everyone has me coughing and suffocating, not fair.
Venus fly trap
Feeling suffocated, trapped, suppressed
Act out violently because you feel cheated
Better bending backwards
UTI with lots of pee but no relief
UTI’s has a dull pain
Right sided kidney pain
Fullness of bladder and not better with urination
A lot of urine when voiding
Burning/cutting at the end of urination
Eupatorium perfoliatum
The flu gives me Bone pain and makes me crave cold drinks.
Influenza - late stage flu
Deep bone and muscle pain
Crave cold drinks
Chilly with the fever
Opposite of allium cepa; burning eyes, bland nose
Burning, acrid eye discharge
Bland nasal discharge
Cheeks or eyes are red and irritated
Cough, day time
Ferrum phosphoricum
First fever, fast nosebleeds.
First sign of onset of fever
No other Sx’s besides a fever
Epistaxis - Bloody nose, quickly and often
droopy, drowsy, dull stage fright.
Dull, drowsy, and droopy
Drooping eyelids
Everything feels heavy and will lean over in chair
Walk around slowly and get things done slowly
Everything comes on and recovers slowly
Stage freight because they lack confidence
Seem calm on the outside but are anxious on the inside
Common for the flu
Gunpowder headache bursts in heat.
Gun powder
HA - Bursting, pulsating
Heat stroke/sun stroke
Irritable with HA
Worse sun exposure
Thick-skinned but thin body & timid.
Skin conditions
Thick skin
Skin eruptions
Can look dirty
Skinny people
Timid and lack confidence
Poor concentration and slow thinking
Excitement from small things
Laughing or crying
Better weeping
Like music cause it makes them cry
Hepar sulphuris
Cold abscess with fish bone throat.
Coldest remedy we have
Calc carb that has been burned
Feels like they have icicle in their veins
Icy cold pain
Abscesses, boils, otitis media
Teeth - jaw and dental abscesses
Sensation of fish bone stuck in their throat
Shockingly crude and loquacious.
Hyper sexual
Crude talking/joking
Loquacious - looking for shock to see if you push them away
Fear of being abandoned or being unloved
pain from nerves won’t heal.
Highly nervous ending tissue
Concussions - similar to Arnica
Injuries that aren’t healing
Strong pain with falling on tail bone
Shock after injury - similar to Aconite
ignatia amara
Grief brings sighs and muscle spasms
Nux, Nat mur all in the same plant family
Quick ups and downs
Over sensative
Sighing and deep breaths
Lump sensation in their throat
Grief - Romantic idealist, things go bad and there’s lots of grief
Muscle spacity
HA’s like a nail driven into head
Nausea never relieved by vomiting.
Worse vomiting
Bleeding or hemorrhaging issues with N/V
Motion sickness and worse with vomiting
No relief by vomiting
Tobaccum is better vomiting
Diarrhea tends to be fermented, fowl, slimy - makes you nauseaous