ENT Flashcards
Causes of tympanosclerosis
Secondary to repeat trauma, infxn, perforations, and age
How does serous effusion present?
Bubbles/fluid line
Often associated with poor drainage of auditory tubes and middle ear and can allow bacteria to grow
What is an infectious process with bacterial overgrowth in middle ear?
Otitis media with prurulent effusion (OME)
What is bullous myringitis?
Vesicular infxn ON the TM
Viral in most cases, can be mycoplasma
Generally an indication to NOT rx abx
What do serous effusions, OME, and bullous myringitis have in common?
All have sequele of TM rupture
Conductive vs sensorineural hearing loss
conductive - can’t transmit sound waves;
kids/younger adults may seem better in noisy places, own voice is soft, visible abnormality (except in otosclerosis)
Weber - lateralizes to bad ear, Rinne BC > AC, AC=BC
SN - can’t neurologically process sound waves;
middle/later years, upper tones often lost, hearing worse in loud environment, own voice may be loud (they can’t hear it), problem not visible
Weber - Lateralizes to good ear, Rinne- AC > BC
Three tonsillar tissues
Pharyngeal (adenoid)
Ddx sore throat
Tonsillitis - inflammation of lymphatic tissue; usually self limited, rarely can cause airway issues
Pharyngitis - inflammation of pharynx and sometimes tonsillar tissues
Abscess - dangerous infxn in deeper tissues; can be deadly
Tonsillar swelling grades
Based on 25% each of oropharyngeal opening to midline
0 - none
4- tonsils touch in center
What are the major dangers of abscesses in the throat?
Airway obstruction
Different types of pharyngitis ***
Tx abscesses in throat
If not better > ENT drains
Centor criteria
Group A BH strep; should you test for strep
Exudates, tender ant cervical LA, fever, absence of cough, <15 (extra), 15-25
What is a thyroglossal duct cyst? How is it treated?
Midline swelling; goes all the way back to pre-vertebral area needs surgery
What is the most common congenital cyst formation in the neck?
Branchial cleft cysts (benign)
How do brachial cleft cysts present?
Large swellings on side of neck, pops out between scalenes when turns head
Benign, need to be removed
Etiologies of facial paralysis
Idiopathic (Bell’s palsy) - acute onset, viral prodrome
Trauma - sudden/acute
Herpes zoster - Ramsay hunt
Tumor - slow progression
Infxn/inflammation - mastoiditis, OM, Lyme, CN
Brain/CNS lesion
How is Bell’s palsy dx?
Only CN 7 involvement, hemiplegic paralysis
Otherwise, get imaging
Etiologies of epistaxis
Tumors (bleeding wont stop)
Trauma/surgery, barometric changes, structural deformities, inflammatory, tumor, HTN, hepatic/renal failure, coagulation disorders, drugs, valvular disorders
Epiglottitis presentation, dx, tx
H flu, BH strep
Sudden onset fever, drooling, toxic appearing
Lateral cervical radiograph (thumbprint sign)
Retropharyngeal abscess presentation, dx, and tx
Child/adult (trauma); fever, sore throat, stiff neck, no trismus (jaw spasm)
Lateral cervical radiograph or CT
Stabilize airway, surgical drainage, abx
Ludwig angina presentation, dx, and tx
Submaxillary, sublingual, or submental mass with elevation of tongue, jaw, swelling, fever, chills, trismus
Lateral cervical radiograph or CT
Stabilize airway, drain abscess, abx (penicillin, metronidazole)
Peritonsillar abscess presentation, dx, and tx
Swelling in peritonsillar region with uvula pushed aside, fever, sore throat, dysphagia, trismus
Cervical radiograph or CT
Aspiration of region with pus
Abscess drainage, abx
Presentation + etiology of laryngeal cancer
Tobacco smoke
30-50% has Mets at sx
Presentation + etiology of upper respiratory polyps
Reactive nodes that rarely become cancerous
Vocal cords of heavy smokers or singers, men
Presentation + etiology of Leukoplakia of larynx
Any hyperkeratotic lesion
Benign or malignant, depends how much atypia present
Strongly correlated with tobacco and alcohol
What is ear retraction?
TM retraction = pressure in external versus internal ear is imbalanced > dizziness, esp if uneven R to L
Abx generally used for ear complaints
Penicillins, macrolides
Sometimes fluouroquinolones
Macrolides and tetracyclines for mycoplasma